Ruler of Obamanation, AKA, The USSA
Hey folks,
I will no longer call Barack Hussein Obama President. I no longer recognize him as President of the United States of America, land of the free, and home of the brave. America, the greatest country on the face of the planet. A country that has been bought and paid for with the blood of it's children. The country where our Fathers plowed the way. The country where our Forefathers were wise enough to create an unwavering Constitution to restrict ANY one person from gaining to much power. To avoid and protect against, the very thing, that Obama is attempting to do.
No folks, I will no longer see Obama as the 44th President of this great country. Why? Because I am convinced that HE does not see himself as that. He thinks he is God, but that aside, I am fully convinced that he actually sees himself as King.
It is not the America that we know and love that he thinks he is King of. No. He HATES that America. He denounces THAT America every time he get's a chance. He apologized for America's Greatness, works AGAINST America's Allies, and openly embraces those that want to destroy it.
No. It is not the America that was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Laws of God, and the Judeo / Christian Faith, that Obama thinks he is King of, HE wants that destroyed as well. He wants to bring about a NEW Country. A NEW America. One that has the exact OPPOSITE of the original intent of the Founding Fathers. One that possesses a centralized controlling Government. One with HIM in total and complete control. One that resembles those of the other leaders at the UN. A Tyranny.
Yes. He wants to be King of the new USSA. Obamanation. He is working at BREAKNECK SPEED to achieve this. To bring this new Obamanation into being. Seriously folks. He is attacking ALL the things that MAKES this country great. He has and is:
Taken over Private Businesses. Taken over the Financial Structure. Housing. He wants total control of Healthcare. In which case would give him TOTAL control over EVERYONE'S Daily Life. He wants to control ALL Businesses and Private Lives in the name of Saving the Planet. GWBS. By the way, did you notice all of a sudden, we are all going to die again because of Global Warming? I guess that has been taken off hold. He wants total control of Information be it from Radio, print, and even the Internet. He WANTS oppressive Taxation to make most reliant solely on Government for EVERYTHING.
These are not conspiracies. These are not the ramblings of someone with a tin foil hat and blacked out windows. These are FACTS of what he is, and is trying, to do. He is coming right out and TELLING you he is attempting to do all this. He has Czars and others in place to bring this all about. There are people in Washington working on these very things as we speak.
He would LOVE for Moammar Gadhafi's wish to become REALITY. Did you catch this yesterday? Gadhafi said he wants Obama as President for life. During his UN speech, Gadhafi said this.
"Now, the American people, the Black African Kenyan, young — voted for him and made him a President. This is a great thing, and we are proud of that.
You are the beginning of a change. He did go for a change. But as far as I’m concerned, Obama is a glimpse in the dark for the four years or the next eight years, and I’m afraid that we may go back to square one. How can you guarantee America after Obama? Can you guarantee after Obama how America will be Governed?
No one can guarantee America. We are content and happy if Obama can stay forever as the President of the United States of America."
All the Dictators applauded and spoke highly of Obama. They LOVE him. He loves THEM. It was a big love feast over there yesterday. The biggest applauds that Obama got was when HE said this.
"We continue to call on Palestinians to end incitement against Israel. And we continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.
The time...
The time has come -- the time has come to relaunch negotiations without preconditions that address the permanent status issues, security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees and Jerusalem. The goal is clear: Two states living side by side in peace and security; a Jewish state of Israel with true security for all Israelis and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967 and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people."
Let me translate that for you folks. He just said that Israel is nothing more than occupiers. That they invaded the poor innocent Palestinians and STOLE their land. He just said that HIS Country, Obamanation, does not recognize Israel's settlements. America still does. He just said that we must recognize the right for the TERRORISTS that ARE the Palestinians, to exist and take Israel's land away from them. America does NOT. We already KNOW King Hussein Obama is an anti-Semite. We already know that King Husein Obama thinks of the Palestinians as comparable to poor African American Slaves. He SAID so. He has said ALL this in the past. Just like in his view, America is the cause for all the problems in the world, just like the rest of the Dictators do, he thinks Israel is the cause of all the problems in the Middle East. Just like all the other Dictators do. No wonder that was what got him the biggest applauds.
There is one little problem with Moammar Gadhafi's wish. In the REAL America, we still have Freedom. We the PEOPLE are STILL in charge. Obama can only be our embarrassment for four to eight years, then we take a shot at a new President. Now in the Obamanation, or the new USSA, Obama MAY very well become the President for life. This is why we MUST PREVENT THAT from happening. 2010 is coming fast folks. Time to make sure that the REAL Red, White, and Blue, flies high in the sky, when the smoke clears, and the America we know and love is still here.
Hey folks,

No folks, I will no longer see Obama as the 44th President of this great country. Why? Because I am convinced that HE does not see himself as that. He thinks he is God, but that aside, I am fully convinced that he actually sees himself as King.
It is not the America that we know and love that he thinks he is King of. No. He HATES that America. He denounces THAT America every time he get's a chance. He apologized for America's Greatness, works AGAINST America's Allies, and openly embraces those that want to destroy it.
No. It is not the America that was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Laws of God, and the Judeo / Christian Faith, that Obama thinks he is King of, HE wants that destroyed as well. He wants to bring about a NEW Country. A NEW America. One that has the exact OPPOSITE of the original intent of the Founding Fathers. One that possesses a centralized controlling Government. One with HIM in total and complete control. One that resembles those of the other leaders at the UN. A Tyranny.

Taken over Private Businesses. Taken over the Financial Structure. Housing. He wants total control of Healthcare. In which case would give him TOTAL control over EVERYONE'S Daily Life. He wants to control ALL Businesses and Private Lives in the name of Saving the Planet. GWBS. By the way, did you notice all of a sudden, we are all going to die again because of Global Warming? I guess that has been taken off hold. He wants total control of Information be it from Radio, print, and even the Internet. He WANTS oppressive Taxation to make most reliant solely on Government for EVERYTHING.
These are not conspiracies. These are not the ramblings of someone with a tin foil hat and blacked out windows. These are FACTS of what he is, and is trying, to do. He is coming right out and TELLING you he is attempting to do all this. He has Czars and others in place to bring this all about. There are people in Washington working on these very things as we speak.

"Now, the American people, the Black African Kenyan, young — voted for him and made him a President. This is a great thing, and we are proud of that.
You are the beginning of a change. He did go for a change. But as far as I’m concerned, Obama is a glimpse in the dark for the four years or the next eight years, and I’m afraid that we may go back to square one. How can you guarantee America after Obama? Can you guarantee after Obama how America will be Governed?
No one can guarantee America. We are content and happy if Obama can stay forever as the President of the United States of America."
All the Dictators applauded and spoke highly of Obama. They LOVE him. He loves THEM. It was a big love feast over there yesterday. The biggest applauds that Obama got was when HE said this.
"We continue to call on Palestinians to end incitement against Israel. And we continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.
The time...
The time has come -- the time has come to relaunch negotiations without preconditions that address the permanent status issues, security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees and Jerusalem. The goal is clear: Two states living side by side in peace and security; a Jewish state of Israel with true security for all Israelis and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967 and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people."
Let me translate that for you folks. He just said that Israel is nothing more than occupiers. That they invaded the poor innocent Palestinians and STOLE their land. He just said that HIS Country, Obamanation, does not recognize Israel's settlements. America still does. He just said that we must recognize the right for the TERRORISTS that ARE the Palestinians, to exist and take Israel's land away from them. America does NOT. We already KNOW King Hussein Obama is an anti-Semite. We already know that King Husein Obama thinks of the Palestinians as comparable to poor African American Slaves. He SAID so. He has said ALL this in the past. Just like in his view, America is the cause for all the problems in the world, just like the rest of the Dictators do, he thinks Israel is the cause of all the problems in the Middle East. Just like all the other Dictators do. No wonder that was what got him the biggest applauds.
There is one little problem with Moammar Gadhafi's wish. In the REAL America, we still have Freedom. We the PEOPLE are STILL in charge. Obama can only be our embarrassment for four to eight years, then we take a shot at a new President. Now in the Obamanation, or the new USSA, Obama MAY very well become the President for life. This is why we MUST PREVENT THAT from happening. 2010 is coming fast folks. Time to make sure that the REAL Red, White, and Blue, flies high in the sky, when the smoke clears, and the America we know and love is still here.
Wow, I'm completely blown away that the president would actually engage in....dare I say it - DIPLOMACY at a world conference! I mean, come on, who ever apologizes for their mistakes? Surely not a diplomat!
I find your rant completely void of any concrete details, or "facts," as you call them. "He has Czars and others in place to bring this all about. There are people in Washington working on these very things as we speak." What are you saying here? You remind me of Ms. South Carolina.
I hardly think a government bailout to American car companies who didn't know what the hell they were doing or how to run a business was better than the alternative - letting them go bankrupt and losing all of those jobs. And you think this is control? Really???
Do you even know what negotiations without preconditions are? Do you know what that speech was about? Why are you so afraid to post the link to the whole speech, because people will figure out that you're taking quotes out of context?
I can't wait for the day that your company decides the just aren't going to pay for your insurance anymore and you have to spend $250 just to see your doctor because of a fever.
Hey Alex,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog. Do you prefer the Cherry or Grape Flavor? I see you seem to love the Obamaid, so just curious. {Smile}
Let's see
"Wow, I'm completely blown away that the president would actually engage in....dare I say it - DIPLOMACY at a world conference! I mean, come on, who ever apologizes for their mistakes? Surely not a diplomat!"
It all depends on WHAT you are apologizing for. Obama seems to be apologizing for this Country's GREATNESS. That should NEVER be apologized for. We are the Greatest Country on the planet. This is why so many flee to here everyday. Sorry, I do NOT see the same points that Obama does. He doesn't like this country. he said so. He wants to remake it into something that it should never be. Sorry, Obama is just flat out wrong.
"I find your rant completely void of any concrete details, or "facts," as you call them. "He has Czars and others in place to bring this all about. There are people in Washington working on these very things as we speak." What are you saying here?"
He wants to bring about a Centralized Controlling Government. He WANTS to change the very foundation of this country. HE SAID SO. He WANTS total control over EVERY aspect of your PRIVATE Life. He is putting people into place that have NO ACCOUNTIBLITY to anyone but HIM. Czars. 18 of them at last count. Not vetted by Congress. Not Voted in by the people. No ACCOUNTIBILITY.
The facts of what he is doing and what he is SAYING are all over the place. In this article, on the Internet, on this blog {Check the Archives} You Tube, and many more places. HIS OWN WORDS, and THE BILLS themselves, ETC. The FACTS are there right in front of you. All you have to do is open your eyes.
"You remind me of Ms. South Carolina."
Nah, I'm better looking. {Smile}
"I hardly think a government bailout to American car companies who didn't know what the hell they were doing or how to run a business was better than the alternative - letting them go bankrupt and losing all of those jobs. And you think this is control? Really???"
You see THAT is a completely ignorant statement. Car companies that didn't know what they were doing? They have been around for DECADES. But free money? Hey, why not. THEY DO NOT KNOW THING ONE ABOUT CAR COMPANIES. Bankrupt? Yup. Another would come along and take over. It's called the free market. The Government Now controls The Banking, Housing, and Insurance industry. People are losing homes left and right, can't get loans, nor can they get insurance. We have RECORD HIGH Unemployment. Thank you Obama. We keep spending TRILLIONS, things keep getting WORSE. {Sigh} Things are worse BECAUSE OF Government intrusion, NOT the lack of it.
"Do you even know what negotiations without preconditions are?"
Uh, yeah. Do you?
"Do you know what that speech was about?"
Yeah. Again, do you?
"Why are you so afraid to post the link to the whole speech,"
{Laughing} I POSTED THE WHOLE SPEECH. Scroll down to the next article. Poof, there it is.
"because people will figure out that you're taking quotes out of context?"
Nope. Not one. HIS WORDS. Again, I posted the entire speech. People can maker their own judgments. Care to point out where I took something out of context and the real meaning behind his words?
"I can't wait for the day that your company decides the just aren't going to pay for your insurance anymore and you have to spend $250 just to see your doctor because of a fever."
Never going to happen. But, if I did have to pay $250 to see a doctor for a fever, it would be well worth it for my FREEDOM. However, that will not happen either. NO ONE IN THIS COUNTRY IS EVER DENIED HEALTHCARE BECAUSE OF LACK OF INSURENCE! The rest of us pay for them.
Is there something that we could do to insure the ten million or so of uninsured that are TRULY in need of it? YES. But destroying the entire system and giving Government total control over Life and Death, just isn't it.
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