Hey folks,

Then you have this. Eight People Dead in Southeast Floods. According to the New York Times:
As the mucky red-brown waters slowly receded after days of torrential rain, Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue declared a state of emergency in 17 counties and pleaded for federal aid. The state insurance commissioner estimated that $250 million worth of damage had been done, mostly to homeowners without insurance.
As much as 15 to 20 inches of rain pounded counties around Atlanta for more than 72 hours, and while the rain subsided on Tuesday morning, authorities were still dealing with dangerous repercussions.
WHERE IS OBAMA? Has he flown over the area? Where is the OUTRAGE? What is he doing during this Natural Disaster? Where is the Federal Government? We are still talking about Katrina, and Bush? WHERE IS OBAMA? Where are the shots of the empty school buses? Where is the cry that Obama doesn't care? {Sigh}

Blitzer says, "The cooperative option, a series of Health Insurance Cooperatives that wouldn't be the public option, but would be something in between? Is he going to get into a detail like that and say he likes that idea?"
Axelrod's response? "He will acknowledge the fact that there is that idea. There's the idea of putting a trigger on the Public Option so it goes into effect at some date when it's clear that the -- that a Market is uncompetitive."
So he just admitted it folks. He just said that there will be a trigger. A time when THEY decide that the Market is just not working and they will say it is needed. This is what they want. Of course they will say it is needed. But they will take it out now to try to get it passed.
I could spend all day today with "I told you sos" I really could. Back on August 31, 2009, I posted THIS. Some of you laughed. Some of you said it will never happen. Some of you REALLY did not think it was even possible. Well, well, well, looky here. According to Newsmax.com - Obama Plans Internet Grab: FCC to Embrace 'Net Neutrality'
Sunday, September 20, 2009 7:16 PM By: John O. Edwards
Since the Internet took root as a mass communications phenomenon in the mid 1990s, a quiet war has raged in Washington over the extent to which the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would regulate the new medium.
Until, now the Internet has been largely self-regulated, and the FCC has taken a hands-off approach.
But that could change dramatically soon if the Obama administration has its way.
During the weekend, press reports revealed a stunning development: The Obama administration will announce Monday that the FCC would propose new rules to embrace what it calls "Net Neutrality."
Obama's new Federal Communications Commission chairman, Julius Genachowski, will use a speech to the Brookings Institution, a liberal think tank, to announce the FCC proposals, according to those reports.
On the face of it, Net Neutrality appears to be a popular and fair proposal.

Genachowski will "propose new rules that would prohibit Internet service providers from interfering with the free flow of information and certain applications over their networks," according to the Associated Press.
The FCC rules "would bar Internet service providers such as Verizon Communications Inc., Comcast Corp. or AT&T Inc., from slowing or blocking certain services or content flowing through their vast networks," according to the AP.
But critics contend that the proposals are nothing more than a backdoor way for the FCC to tighten federal control over the Internet by beginning with the regulation of Internet service providers.
Yup. Then they will start regulating what CAN and CAN'T be posted and shared.
The battle lines over Net Neutrality have formed along partisan and ideological lines, with some exceptions.
During the presidential campaign, Obama said he would embrace Net Neutrality — a cause championed by Google and other Silicon Valley companies that don't want large Internet service providers denying or controlling their access to Internet users.
But Republicans have largely opposed Net Neutrality, suggesting self regulation has worked well.
Yup. It HAS. How else do you think you KNOW about anything that Obama and Crew comes up with. How do you think you found out about Amnesty? Bailouts? The Fairness Doctrine? What is actually IN Obamacare? What they are REALLY trying to do to raise taxes. The Fact that they will NOT do what is necessary to lower Energy Costs? Cap and Tax? There are just so many examples. You would not know HALF of what you know NOW if not for the Internet. They can't have that.
The previous FCC chairman, Bush appointee Kevin Martin opposed Net Neutrality. He suggested it was not needed.
Conservatives see Net Neutrality as a power grab that will benefit big Internet players such as Amazon and Google while stifling smaller competitors.
The libertarian CATO Institute, in a 2004 policy analysis concluded: "The regulatory regime envisioned by Net Neutrality mandates would also open the door to a great deal of potential 'gaming' of the regulatory system and allow firms to use the regulatory system to hobble competitors. Worse yet, it would encourage more FCC regulation of the Internet and broadband markets in general."
Democrats in Congress have pushed for such controls in the past without success. In 2006 House Democrats offered an amendment to make Net Neutrality law, but the motion failed.
At the time Republicans warned of efforts to control the Internet.
"I want a vibrant Internet just like they do," Rep. Lamar Smith, a Texas Republican, said during the 2006 House debate over the issue. "Our disagreement is about how to achieve that. They say let the government dictate it . . . I urge my colleagues to reject government regulation of the Internet."
This is what they want. Just like ANYTHING else, once the Government get's their grimy little feet in the door, they move right in. Just like Roaches, once in, it is REALLY hard to get them out.
Trust me folks, if they had their way, there would be no Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage. There would be no Drudge Report, no Newsmax, no American Thinker. Anyone like me? The OPNTalk Blog would be shut down. There would be no Fox News. It would be back to the way it was. The New York Times, ABC NBC, CNN. There would be no alternative sources of information. If they catch you sharing something that goes against their agendas, they would LOVE to label you an "Enemy of the State," throw you away, out of sight and hearing. They would LOVE to have the right that someone like China possesses. They would love to be in complete and utter control of EVERY aspect of your life. They are working very hard to achieve it. We can NOT let them folks. While there is still time. 2010 is coming. We need to shut them down, before the America we know and love is gone for good.
The Christian Science Monitor - If Obama nixes more troops for Afghanistan, what is Plan B?
The NYT - Eight People Dead in Southeast Floods
American Thinker CNN Video
Newsmax.com - Obama Plans Internet Grab: FCC to Embrace 'Net Neutrality'
OPNTalk - Government To Take Control Of the Internet?
Now wait a minute, Obama is a busy guy. With his schedule of TV appearances and personal appearances he can not be bothered with flying over a devastated country because that would be unproductive.
He needs to set the wheels in motion with the next undercover attempt to discredit all that oppose him.
Why would he bother to know or care about actual Americans?
His TV blitz Sunday did not do him any good. Except for the Obamalovers everyone else is fast turning away from him.
Shut down your blog? Don't flatter yourself, chum. You're not that important.
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