Hey folks,

A while back I posed a video of John Coleman, who founded the Weather Channel in 1982, saying that he was thinking about suing those who sell carbon credits, which would force Global Warming alarmists to give a more honest account of the policies they propose.
"I have a feeling this is the opening,” Coleman said. “If the lawyers will take the case – sue the people who sell carbon credits. That includes Al Gore. That lawsuit would get so much publicity, so much media attention. And as the experts went to the witness stand and testified, I feel like that could become the vehicle to finally put some light on the fraud of global warming."
Maybe. The media would have to cover it? I guarantee you this. Even if they did not, the NEW Media WILL. Here he is, in his own words, talking about this.
So what does this have to do with Energy? A LOT! The whole reason that Father Gore, and the Chicken Little crowd is pushing this Scam is Power, Control, and of course, MONEY! It's all about Taxes and Trading Schemes. Of course Al Gore Denys this.
Waxman - Markey? What will it cost? Who makes the Profit? Of course, Al Gore denies THIS as well. Actually, he doesn't deny it, he flat out avoids it.
YOU! YOU will pay for all this. Al Gore's lame attempt to deflect the question by holding up the New York Times is pathetic. He knows how much it will cost. HE IS GETTING A HUGH CHUNK OF IT! Of course that is why he came up with this scam to begin with.
I do not want to repeat myself all that much here, but even if GW was anything more than BS, even if it was REAL, Carbon Credits DO NOTHING, to help the planet. ALL THEY DO IS MOVE MONEY AROUND.
Gore and Gov. "Mr. Millionaire, or Big Business, you can't continue to operate and live the way you have been. We have determined that your 'Carbon Footprint' is to big."
Big Business, Millionaire "OK, OK. OK. You got your stupid little Law passed. What do I have to do to make you happy?"
Gore and Gov. "Well, we understand how important you are, so just pay us $100.00 per every unit you go over and all is fine."
Big Business, Millionaire "So all I have to do is pay you about Ten Grand annually and I do not have to change anything?"
Gore and Gov. "That right. just pay us and we'll leave you alone."
Big Business, Millionaire "Well, what about my smaller competitor, or the average everyday folks out there?"
Gore and Gov. "Who cares? YOU can afford it, so why worry about them?"
Big Business, Millionaire "OK, Cool. Besides, if my competitors can't afford it, they will go under, and I'll make even MORE money."

Thugs "Hey you want that you should be safe here? We can protect you. All you have to do is pay us, say 30 percent of your profits, and, you know, we'll, make sure that nothing happens to you. This could be a rough Neighborhood you know."
Pizza Owner "OK, OK, OK. Here ya go."
Thugs "Hey, you won't regret this. No one messes with those under OUR protection. Welcome to the Neighborhood."
Pizza Owner "Hey wait, if I pay you, say 40 percent, will you make sure no one else opens another Pizza place here?"
Thugs "Forgetaboutit, You is our number one Pizza place. See you next week."
Truth is folks, Carbon Credits amount to nothing more than a shake down by the Government of Big Business. Oh, YOU will pay for it. You will pay for it in higher costs, and higher taxes. YOU will pay for it in higher fuel costs and if YOU can not pay to play the game, YOU will have to make changes in your daily lives, while people like Al Gore, Rush Limbaugh, and, well, just about EVERY member of Congress, can continue to live as the will. Big Business will continue to make a profit, and NOTHING will change in the Environment.
It really is, just that simple.
Are they still working on the lawsuit or did they give up? I haven't heard anything about this in a while.
well post, i was looking the same information to write essay on global warming.
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