Where are all the REAL Liberals?
Hey folks,
Welcome to the OPNTalk Blog, the Big Sunday Edition. I'm not in the greatest of moods right now, so let me start off by asking a question that I never thought I would ask. WHERE ARE ALL THE LIBERALS?
Where are those REAL Liberals that want Big Brother to stay the hell out of our lives? Where are the hippies that want free love and not a free ride? Whatever happened to those that would storm in and protest the House and Senate hearings? Where is Code Pink? Where is the American Spirit? Why the hell are you all standing around and allowing this to happen.
I really am getting sick of this whole thing. Now Obama is going after Credit Card Companies? Dictating to them what they can and cannot charge? What THIS Private industry can and can't do? I really am getting tired of people who say they are Liberals, and then turn around and act like either Communists or ignorant fools. I'm losing faith in humanity, one person at a time. At least one American at a time. I do not even blame Obama anymore. I blame the ignorance of the American people.
Obama "I, King Hussein Obama, do hereby declare that I will take over the Banks. I will dictate to them who they loan to. How much interest they can set. What they and those that work there can make. This will include the Housing Industry"
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "I, King Hussein Obama, will now take over the Auto industry. I will dictate to them what kind of cars they can make and what kind of cars that YOU, uh, Americans can drive. It is to save the Planet."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "I King Hussein Obama, will now take over the Credit Card Companies and dictate to them what they can do."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: I, King Hussein Obama, will now declare a Cap and Trade on Big Oil Profits. On top of that, I will set windfall profits taxes. I will NOT allow new exploration nor drilling of New Oil"
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "Uh, this of course means that your energy cost will skyrocket. But this will force us to conserve and go green and, uh, find , uh, new energy."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "Well, OK Then. I King Hussein Obama, do declare that YOU will pay me, uh, I mean the government, an oppres,,,uh,,I mean, a little more in taxes if you make more than $250,000, uh, $200,000, I mean, uh, $100,000, never-mind, if I think you make too much, I will take it in taxes."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer. "We love you Obama."
Obama: "Yes, yes, yes, I know, and I uh, love you too. I king Hussein Obama also declare that anyone that does not love me, is uh, a danger to America and will be watched closely. I declare them to be Racist, Hate filled, Homophobes. Extremists. Those Pro-Lifers, and such."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer. "We love you Obama."
Obama: "I, King Hussein Obama, will also go around the world and apologize to those that hate us. All other administrations before me wanted to follow that stupid piece of paper, what is that called, uh, oh yes, the Constitution, or something like that. I will not make that mistake. I will do whatever I think is best for us. We are citizens of the world and I will take lessons from those other great leaders, like Castro and Chavez, the other Kings out there, and so forth."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "That is all for now."
Then we see this type of reporting on him. CNN - Is Obama the superpresident?
Seriously? They start out pointing out the fact that he is at a 64 percent approval rating which is normal. Reagan was higher at this point. Some were higher, some lower. But about average. But then this.
Obama really stands out on personal qualities.
After 9/11, the public believed George W. Bush would keep the country safe. Do they think Obama will keep the country safe? Yes -- 71 percent, according to a poll taken for the Associated Press.
Americans in the polls believed Clinton cared about them. Do they think Obama cares about them? Yes -- 71 percent, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll taken February 18-19, which sampled the public's view of the 44th president.
The first President Bush was criticized for being out of touch with ordinary Americans. Do people think Obama understands the problems of ordinary Americans? Yes -- 74 percent.
Jimmy Carter was not considered a strong leader. Ronald Reagan was. Does the public think Obama is a strong leader? Yes -- 76 percent.
Richard Nixon turned out not to be honest and trustworthy. Do people think Obama is honest and trustworthy? Yes -- 74 percent.
Is Obama the superpresident? So far, so good.
Coming right up?
Hey folks,

Where are those REAL Liberals that want Big Brother to stay the hell out of our lives? Where are the hippies that want free love and not a free ride? Whatever happened to those that would storm in and protest the House and Senate hearings? Where is Code Pink? Where is the American Spirit? Why the hell are you all standing around and allowing this to happen.
I really am getting sick of this whole thing. Now Obama is going after Credit Card Companies? Dictating to them what they can and cannot charge? What THIS Private industry can and can't do? I really am getting tired of people who say they are Liberals, and then turn around and act like either Communists or ignorant fools. I'm losing faith in humanity, one person at a time. At least one American at a time. I do not even blame Obama anymore. I blame the ignorance of the American people.

Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "I, King Hussein Obama, will now take over the Auto industry. I will dictate to them what kind of cars they can make and what kind of cars that YOU, uh, Americans can drive. It is to save the Planet."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "I King Hussein Obama, will now take over the Credit Card Companies and dictate to them what they can do."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: I, King Hussein Obama, will now declare a Cap and Trade on Big Oil Profits. On top of that, I will set windfall profits taxes. I will NOT allow new exploration nor drilling of New Oil"
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "Uh, this of course means that your energy cost will skyrocket. But this will force us to conserve and go green and, uh, find , uh, new energy."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "Well, OK Then. I King Hussein Obama, do declare that YOU will pay me, uh, I mean the government, an oppres,,,uh,,I mean, a little more in taxes if you make more than $250,000, uh, $200,000, I mean, uh, $100,000, never-mind, if I think you make too much, I will take it in taxes."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer. "We love you Obama."
Obama: "Yes, yes, yes, I know, and I uh, love you too. I king Hussein Obama also declare that anyone that does not love me, is uh, a danger to America and will be watched closely. I declare them to be Racist, Hate filled, Homophobes. Extremists. Those Pro-Lifers, and such."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer. "We love you Obama."
Obama: "I, King Hussein Obama, will also go around the world and apologize to those that hate us. All other administrations before me wanted to follow that stupid piece of paper, what is that called, uh, oh yes, the Constitution, or something like that. I will not make that mistake. I will do whatever I think is best for us. We are citizens of the world and I will take lessons from those other great leaders, like Castro and Chavez, the other Kings out there, and so forth."
Americans: Standing ovation, and great cheer.
Obama: "That is all for now."

Seriously? They start out pointing out the fact that he is at a 64 percent approval rating which is normal. Reagan was higher at this point. Some were higher, some lower. But about average. But then this.
Obama really stands out on personal qualities.
After 9/11, the public believed George W. Bush would keep the country safe. Do they think Obama will keep the country safe? Yes -- 71 percent, according to a poll taken for the Associated Press.
Americans in the polls believed Clinton cared about them. Do they think Obama cares about them? Yes -- 71 percent, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll taken February 18-19, which sampled the public's view of the 44th president.
The first President Bush was criticized for being out of touch with ordinary Americans. Do people think Obama understands the problems of ordinary Americans? Yes -- 74 percent.
Jimmy Carter was not considered a strong leader. Ronald Reagan was. Does the public think Obama is a strong leader? Yes -- 76 percent.
Richard Nixon turned out not to be honest and trustworthy. Do people think Obama is honest and trustworthy? Yes -- 74 percent.
Is Obama the superpresident? So far, so good.
Coming right up?
IWA for Sunday 042609
Yes folks, I'm not in a great mood today. But like I said, I no longer blame Obama. I blame YOU. You folks out there that stand and applaud him as he strips away your RIGHTS. As he takes more and more control over your Private lives. I blame you. If we were NOT all in this together, I would say go, you get what you deserve. But we ARE all in this together. So those that can actually think for themselves and see what is going on, get ready.
Going to refill my cup. No matter what mood I'm in, I always need my coffee by my side. Today's coffee is Eight O'Clock Whole Bean Coffee, Hazelnut. www.eightoclock.com Can you tell Hazelnut is my favorite? I really like the whole bean better. It always seems freshest if you grind them yourself. Be right back.
CNN - Is Obama the superpresident?
Yes folks, I'm not in a great mood today. But like I said, I no longer blame Obama. I blame YOU. You folks out there that stand and applaud him as he strips away your RIGHTS. As he takes more and more control over your Private lives. I blame you. If we were NOT all in this together, I would say go, you get what you deserve. But we ARE all in this together. So those that can actually think for themselves and see what is going on, get ready.
Going to refill my cup. No matter what mood I'm in, I always need my coffee by my side. Today's coffee is Eight O'Clock Whole Bean Coffee, Hazelnut. www.eightoclock.com Can you tell Hazelnut is my favorite? I really like the whole bean better. It always seems freshest if you grind them yourself. Be right back.
CNN - Is Obama the superpresident?
Green is the new Red. Green house gas is a pure methane myth. This would not be the first time noxious gases have come from Washington.
Hey Foxwood,
Welcome and I love your Blog as well. GREAT article you wrote about "Green is the new Red." I loved it. You make some very interesting points. Mind if I share them?
As for "This would not be the first time noxious gases have come from Washington."
Ain't that the truth. {Laughing}
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