"Where do you get the great coffee you always talk about?"
Hey folks,
Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you could make it. We really do have a wide range of topics today, and I am in a great mood. I really am. No solid reason why. Well, that may not be 100 percent true. I just got my Niece's Interim Report and she got straight As. Even got 101 in Music Appreciation. Not bad for someone who barely goes to school. {Smile} I'm not kidding, she rarely goes, yet she get's straight As. I'm proud of her.
Then another reason why I may be in such a good mood today, is that I just found out that I'm going to live forever. Yup. Science says so. More on that a little bit later. Coming right up.
Clinton Says Screw Human Rights
Everyone Wants Burris Out
Obama Said He Was Against The Fairness Doctrine
Open Letter From Rush Limbaugh To President Obama
Some Bankers Not Happy With Obama
I'm Going To Live Forever
IWA For Sunday 022209
OK. I got this question asked of me just the other day. "Where do you get the great coffee you always talk about?" I usually end the Sunday Preview, and occasionally other times, telling you what kind of coffee I have for the day. Today is "Hazelnut Creme." But that really does not tell some of you, that want to try some of it, all the information. So from this point on, I will also share with you the name of the Brand and where you can get it as well. If I remember that is. {Smile}
So today's "featured" coffee that is in my cup is Harmony Bay, Hazelnut Creme. I BELIEVE that I got this one from a Super Wal-Mart here in South Florida. I love the can. It is very decorative. Harmony Bay is owned by Comfort Foods out of N. Andover, MA and they have a Website www.harmonybaycoffee.com. If you like flavored coffee, check them out. Great Taste and very reasonably priced.
So there you go. I'll be right back after refilling my cup, and we'll get right to it.
Hey folks,

Then another reason why I may be in such a good mood today, is that I just found out that I'm going to live forever. Yup. Science says so. More on that a little bit later. Coming right up.
Clinton Says Screw Human Rights
Everyone Wants Burris Out
Obama Said He Was Against The Fairness Doctrine
Open Letter From Rush Limbaugh To President Obama
Some Bankers Not Happy With Obama
I'm Going To Live Forever
IWA For Sunday 022209
OK. I got this question asked of me just the other day. "Where do you get the great coffee you always talk about?" I usually end the Sunday Preview, and occasionally other times, telling you what kind of coffee I have for the day. Today is "Hazelnut Creme." But that really does not tell some of you, that want to try some of it, all the information. So from this point on, I will also share with you the name of the Brand and where you can get it as well. If I remember that is. {Smile}
So today's "featured" coffee that is in my cup is Harmony Bay, Hazelnut Creme. I BELIEVE that I got this one from a Super Wal-Mart here in South Florida. I love the can. It is very decorative. Harmony Bay is owned by Comfort Foods out of N. Andover, MA and they have a Website www.harmonybaycoffee.com. If you like flavored coffee, check them out. Great Taste and very reasonably priced.
So there you go. I'll be right back after refilling my cup, and we'll get right to it.
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