Hey folks,

$1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that hasn't turned a profit in 40 years. $8 billion for mass transit in general. $6 billion that have a low or negative return on investment. But guess who is in charge of these thing? Yup UNIONS. This is pay back to the Unions. Which by the way reminds me of something. I gave the Comment leaver the same opportunity that I did John Emerson. Remember him? He is a Franken supporter who I gave the floor to, to say what ever he wanted. He did, I posted it as a Daily Article for all of you to see. Well I offered the same opportunity to the person that left the link to a Pro - Union Website who was telling me I was wrong last Friday when I posted Bad News For Unions Well, ten days later and nothing. I guess they really could not defend their position. Therefore I retain mine. Anyway, back to the Pork
$2 billion for child-care subsidies. $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts. $400 million for global-warming research and another $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects. $600 million for the federal government to buy new cars. $7 billion for modernizing Federal buildings and facilities. The Smithsonian is targeted to receive $150 million? Really? Even $650 million to pay for digital TV conversion coupons. How is ANY of this Stimulus? It's not. What about this? $2.25 billion to national parks. The Washington Times reports Craig Obey, you know, the Son of House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey? Yup his SON is the Chief Lobbyist for the National Parks Conservation Association.
Remember what else WSJ found? 12 cents of every $1, is for something that can even possibly be considered a growth Stimulus. However, many of these projects aren't likely to help the economy immediately. So in essence, there is NO Stimulus in this Bill at all.
I am REALLY happy to announce that not a single solitaire Republican in the House caved and Voted for this Bill. No not one. All 177 of them Voted NO! But that is not the GREAT news. The GREAT news is that 11 Democrats ALSO Voted no. Now that is "bipartisan."
What about this 4 million new jobs? THERE ARE NO REAL JOBS GOING TO BE CREATED! Even if, lets say you want to say that some of these will be in the GWBS area. Windmills, Laying sod for the Smithsonian and the new revamped Federal buildings, or what? These are not careers. These are not real, lasting jobs. Go by a job site tomorrow. Who do you see doing the work? Are they Legal? Who knows. But once that job is done, they leave and go stand on a corner waiting for the next pick up. These are NOT lasting jobs. Where are the 4 million new jobs? They aren't there.
So why is the Mainstreme Media NOT telling you about the Pork? Why are they not investigating the biggest Pork and SPENDING Bill in US history? Because Journalism is DEAD. They WORK for the Obama Administration. Yes. I said it. I will talk about the MMD {Mainstream Media Drones} in just a few minutes.
This is just completely, and insanely, wrong to attempt to pass this Pork off as anything but what it is. It is a SPENDING Bill. As the WSL puts it, a 40 year Wish List. It WILL kill jobs. It WILL hurt the working class. It is NOTHING but an attempt of the Obama Administration and the LWL {Left Wing Loons} to move this country to the Far Left, towards Socialism. They are creating a Centralized Controlling Government that WANT you dependant on THEM for everything. That is the call of the New Liberalism. Remember folks, Liberalism USE to be Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The New Liberalism is Power, Control, and the pursuit of Money. THAT is what this Pork Bill is all about.
I'll be right back with the MMD and the undeniable Left connection.
Wall Street Journal - A 40-Year Wish List
OPNTalk - The Stimulus Plan?
Although I feel that some of the stimulus package may help there is very little that addresses actual stimulus and is mostly a wish list as others have called it for every little thing the democrats have tried to implement through the years.
Even those items I consider actual stimulus have to be reviewed because things like medicaid are for those who have lost their jobs and had to resort to it. However, we also have a government that has increased the cost by covering those who should be ineligible such as illegals.
We see that in California with a state that is so overrun by illegals and a system that pays them to stay.
It will not be long before once again we will see both parties harping about making illegals citizens.
I disbelieve that Americans will not do the jobs and what we see is Americans being displaced by illegals who employers pay less. If the labor pool was only Americans employers would have to select them which would reduce unemployment and provide income for both the employee and the government and resulting in less people needing aid.
Hey Sam,
Welcome back to the OPNTalk Blog.
I just got back so let me address your comment.
"Although I feel that some of the stimulus package may help there is very little that addresses actual stimulus and is mostly a wish list as others have called it for every little thing the democrats have tried to implement through the years."
The Republicans feel that there is an urgent need to help also. So disagree if ANY of it is needed , but they have a TRUE Stimulus Package Alternative that will never be heard because Pelosi and the Loons will not allow it. It only has a price tag of around $400 Billion, and yes, THAT is a stimulus package.
"Even those items I consider actual stimulus have to be reviewed because things like medicaid are for those who have lost their jobs and had to resort to it. However, we also have a government that has increased the cost by covering those who should be ineligible such as illegals."
MOST of that 81 billion WILL go to people that do NOT pay taxes. A lot of that, to Illegal Aliens. Meanwhile the IA advocates are going full force toward Amnesty again. More on that soon. I have a press Release talking about that.
"We see that in California with a state that is so overrun by illegals and a system that pays them to stay.
It will not be long before once again we will see both parties harping about making illegals citizens."
Just look at California. This is one of the most Liberal States there is. Never mind the Gov. is "Republican" Arnold is whatever he chooses to be. The Liberals run California and it is near Bankrupt. Lib polices, GWBS, progressive stupidity. Yet, we now have a President that wants to follow this model for the entire Country and take it even FURTHER.
"I disbelieve that Americans will not do the jobs and what we see is Americans being displaced by illegals who employers pay less. If the labor pool was only Americans employers would have to select them which would reduce unemployment and provide income for both the employee and the government and resulting in less people needing aid."
No, look for Amnesty to rear it's head. This time, just like Obama's Pork Package, it may not be stop, be it NOT for the majority of Americans getting up, shouting out, making phone calls, and threatening these Loons the only way they can, do this, and you are OUT.
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