Hey folks,

You see, TRUE Conservatives, and those with the ability to actually think for themselves are immune to Obamaid. But some weak minded Republicans, and the rest of the Sheeple out there, just sip and obey.

"I was also struck by how lean and fit everyone is. The Obamas are thin people, a sight to behold in the age of obesity."
{Laughing} "The Obamas are thin people." Can you say sucking up? I'm not making this up folks. She wrote this in her column on line at The Daily Beast - Flying on Air Force One With the Obamas.
She also tells us how she set up the Obama little girls. The bait she used to get close to them.
"may I say, with the sole female, who just happened to have a little green Ugly Doll hanging from her purple purse, very similar to one spotted several weeks ago on Sasha’s book bag.
The guys may talk football, leaving some women reporters clueless, but guys don’t know jack about the Ugly Doll fashion phenom begun by one Sasha Obama several weeks ago. I wouldn’t call my Ugly Doll “bait” exactly, but I might call it strategy. As a conversation starter, it worked."
So she admits that she set up the little girls. Yeah I know, so what? But this is not why she is the winner this week. It is the clear case of sucking up that did it for me. It was actually THIS statement.
"What struck me most was his immense calm. I kept looking for fissures in the façade, some signal that the cool cat is a defense mechanism or some tactical ploy to deflect or defuse an opponent. Nary a crack. You may as well try to find the Dalai Lama’s Achilles heel. I suspect that if you cut Obama open, you’d find a little Buddha sitting inside, smiling."
{Laughing hard, banging hand on desk} "I suspect that if you cut Obama open, you’d find a little Buddha sitting inside, smiling."
You know how offensive this is? Seriously. Obama went from the Messiah to now Buddha. {Laughing} "cut Obama open, you’d find a little Buddha sitting inside, smiling."
I do not know what Buddhist think of Kathleen Parker making this idiotic statement, but just the fact she has completely consumed the Obamaid, writes this 3 page suck up piece, then thinks that she will ever be taken seriously again, she IS the Idiot of the Week.
Come on Kathleen, let us know what you think. Did he EAT the little Buddha? If so, how does he stay so slim? {Laughing}
The Daily Beast - Flying on Air Force One With the Obamas
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