Hey folks,

OK, I have to admit, when I first saw this, I was impressed and I was thinking to myself, "WOW. Sounds familiar?" Most likely why it pointed out to me by TS. You know that I have been warning you all about the new Liberal Quest for Tyranny. I continue, will continue to point out to you the truth about this being a reality. Showing you their own words and actions. What do you think this Pork Bill is really all about?
So TS got this and wanted to share. So now I will share with you. However, I did a bit of research on this. This is supposedly written by an Alexander Tyler sometime in the 1700s. It is powerful, yet I can not verify the validity of this. I found that this was actually an EMAIL sent around the country back in 2000. Supposedly a Professor Joseph Olson of Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, {I have not confirmed if he is real or not} said that based on the breakdown of who voted for who, it shows that America is somewhere between "complacency and apathy."
But I AM going to posted this, because whoever may or may not have wrote this, even back in 2000, as opposed to the 1700s, it IS true. I want you to read this, then take a look around.
Alexander Tyler, about the fall of the Athenian Republic
About the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2000 years prior:
"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage "
This is true folks. Every election cycle, we are forced to ask, "Why?" Why do the Democrats keep Voting for these Idiots that promise them everything, yet NEVER deliver. Seriously. Everything that the Left attempt to do, FAILS. The "New Deal" FAILED. Look at all the Liberal Programs that we have today. The have failed or are failing. Look at the States run by this philosophy. New York, New Jersey, California, ETC. Look at the insanity that runs these States and the state that they are in. Then ask yourself, WHY? Why do they keep Voting for these completely and utter failures? Because they WANT to believe what they say.
To this day, there are some people that ACTUALLY believe that Obama and Crew, will buy them Homes, Cars, and give them riches. I'm not joking, nor am I exaggerating in the least. There are people that ACTUALLY believe this garbage.
Look at America. We came here to be free. Free from Religious Persecution. Free from the Bondage of oppressive taxation. FREE. What happened? We became FREE. From Spiritual Faith, this country WAS founded on the Judeo / Chirstian Faith. I know there are many that disagree with that, but they are wrong. From our new found Freedom, and Spiritual Faith, great courage came about. The revolution was fought and won. Thus came liberty.
Now in the early days, we TRIED a type of Socialism. We all put into a general store. Whoever needed it, received it, those that could, put into it. But soon they discovered that more were taking that contributing. It failed big time, hence, a Free Market was born. From this, came more abundance than any other country in the world.
Then we became complacent. Then apathy set in, and some decided it was not fair that some in this country had more than they did. It was not fair that they had to work for something, when this Son or Daughter of someone that worked hard before, didn't have to do ANYTHING to have what they have.
So out of "good intentions" some saw it as the responsibility of Government to help some of these people. So they came up with programs to "assist" them get a head. From that, some became dependent, and the "assistance" became permanent.
Those that were creating these policies, then saw that these people DID become dependent, and that those receiving the assistance, started to look to them for everything. This gave them GREAT power. So over the years, they keep giving MORE and MORE to KEEP the people dependent causing the people's need to continue to put and keep them in power.
Now we have Obama and Crew. Pelosi, Reid and the Obama Administration, about to pass over TWO, yes TWO, Trillion more dollars on these types of programs that will, in their minds, GUARANTEE the people to NEED them even the more. They want to destroy the Free Market. They want to destroy Capitalism. They want to control EVERY aspect of your lives. Including your death now. If you are older and need medical attention, they may very well decide that you have lived long enough and there is no reason to waste money on you. You will have to live with it. Or not. They do not care. They will control how much money you can make, your healthcare needs, the type of vehicles and houses you own. They will bankrupt YOU to pay off their friends and family members.
What is the last step? Bondage. Tyranny. A Dictatorship. Remember a while back, someone actually said to me, "What's wrong with a little Socialism anyway?" Nothing, as long as you like being a Slave.
Note: "From The Emails" is a weekly segment in the Friday edition of the OPNtalk Blog. If you care to send in News Articles, Comments, Stories, or anything else you may wish to share, please feel free to send it to opntalk@aim.com As always, you never know what you are going to see here.
It probably is a hoax as to Tyler writing that; however it doesn’t matter.
What does matter is the continued misuse of the word Democracy. ‘They died for our democracy’ or ‘We live in the greatest democracy etc’. Politicians love this word when they are selling their greatness. The U.S.A. is NOT a democracy, has never been one and God pray it never becomes one. The last thing the writers of our Constitution wanted was a Democracy; they abhorred the thought of one. Democracy is rule by 50% +1. and they do lead into some form of totalitarian regimes; hence throw out the Bill of Rights. We are a Republic under law. Before the ink was dry on the Constitution, politicians began to violate it, beginning with John Adams (hell he helped to write the damn thing). So don’t be surprised by the evil of those in control (both parties). There are very few if any perfect heroes out there, only humans. It’s unfortunate that at present our government is staffed with the worst that we can breed.
Now, let me tell you what I really think. . . . . . . . .
Hey D.S.
Even if it is, it still is food for thought.
"What does matter is the continued misuse of the word Democracy. ‘They died for our democracy’ or ‘We live in the greatest democracy etc’. Politicians love this word when they are selling their greatness."
"The U.S.A. is NOT a democracy, has never been one and God pray it never becomes one. The last thing the writers of our Constitution wanted was a Democracy; they abhorred the thought of one.
Democracy is rule by 50% +1. and they do lead into some form of totalitarian regimes; hence throw out the Bill of Rights. We are a Republic under law. Before the ink was dry on the Constitution, politicians began to violate it, beginning with John Adams (hell he helped to write the damn thing). So don’t be surprised by the evil of those in control (both parties). There are very few if any perfect heroes out there, only humans. It’s unfortunate that at present our government is staffed with the worst that we can breed."
You see, one of the problems we have in this country is the complete and total lack of education. We do not have a clue, as a Nation, what it truly means to be free. Free to succeed, and yes, free to fail. We are, for the second, free to BE the American Dream.
We then have generations of kids going through the school systems that fail to TEACH Government, accurate history, and what Socialism, and the EVILS of, are really about.
I know that you are a Historian, and I love History myself. I also take time out to educate myself on what is going on. Too many people in this country have just become Sheep that follow whatever they are told to. They are Ignorant as to the truth behind what they are actually LIVING at this time. They can not see the danger, because they do not even know what the danger is. They are told to Hope. Dream. They are told what is good and bad. But they have NO solid foundation on which to judge what they are being told.
So now we have the Far Left Loons in charge of everything for at least Two years. So they are attempting to do all they can before the TRUTH of the message of what they are doing get's out. They can be stopped in 2010, but how much damage will be done by then?
"Now, let me tell you what I really think. . . . . . . ."
{Laughing} I hear ya!
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