Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Both Sides Are Chasing An Energy Policy

But only one is Sane.

Hey folks,

You know, I will admit that I do not usually look at it this way, but I suppose it is TRUE. Both Sides in the Energy Debate are looking for a Energy Policy. BOTH sides want Congress and this President to do SOMETHING for ALL in this Country when it comes to Energy. Why do I not often think of it this way? Because the TRUTH is simple. Both may be chasing an Energy Policy, but only one is SANE.

One side, the one I'm on, looks at our Energy Situation and sees the TRUTH and REALITY. Oil and Natural Gas is what the WORLD Runs on. Gas is what our Cars, Trucks, Trains, Planes, Ships, ETC, run on. All the items we NEED and want are shipped all around the World using this form of Energy. Hence, when this form of Energy goes UP in Price, so does the COST of all these other Items, such as FOOD. We see that our HOMES, Businesses, Schools, ETC, all are Powered by these forms of Energy. Hence, the Price goes up, we ALL pay more to do so.

Then we look at the possibility of Energy being interrupted by outside influences. We look at our National Security, see what is happening in places around the World that do no favor America, and we recognize that it would not really take much to disrupt our Supply of what we MUST have to survive. We ask WHY are we relying on Foreign Governments that HATE us for this most Precious Source or FREEDOM?

We look at Alternatives and RECOGNIZE that even with all the Talk, Lobbying, Dreaming, and saying, What If? There is NOTHING to switch to. There is NOTHING in place that can transfer our Energy Needs AWAY from Oil and Natural Gas, and to??? We have seen AE {Alternative Energy} Companies go Bankrupt without the Federal Funding and Propping up by the Government. We have SEEN AE Companies go out of business even WITH the Federal Funding and Propping up by the Government. We UNDERSTAND that there IS no Market for the EXPENSIVE and UNPROVEN, or worse, PROVEN to FAIL, Dream that IS AE.

We look at Oil and Natural Gas and we see History. We see it as what we need MORE of. We see it as a HUGE Revenue Source for Government. We see it as Increasing our National Security. Not having to rely on Foreign Governments to supply it means that they can NOT disrupt our everyday Lives on a whim. We see it as a JOB CREATOR. Not some flash in the pan, part time, only until the money runs out Jobs like AE, but REAL, Long Lasting, Well Paying, Benefit Giving, JOBS. Hundreds of THOUSANDS of Jobs.

The other side? The other side sees US as Enemies to the Dream. They see Oil and Natural Gas as EVIL. They WANT Obama and Government to Create MORE Road Blocks and Hindrances on us Producing our Own, and Relying on our Friends from the North, for our Energy Needs. Listen to this one Paragraph from one of these "Dreamers."

In the absence of a comprehensive energy policy, expect increased use of natural gas, which is cheap because of large newly economical resources in the United States, and decreased use of coal, which is the subject of new EPA regulations. Without policy support, or sudden, big improvements to battery technology, it's hard to see electric vehicles taking off quickly, and as the cellulosic ethanol industry has been slow to get going, don't expect biofuels to make a big dent in gasoline consumption. Indeed, the country may grow yet more dependent on oil as large new resources are exploited in places such as North Dakota and Texas, and friendly neighbors such as Canada. Some experts are starting to suggest that within a decade or two, the Americas would no longer need to import any oil. That might sound good, but oil prices will still depend on the worldwide market for oil—as long as demand is growing as it has been in recent years, prices will stay high, and volatile, even if the U.S. starts sending more money to Brazil and Canada and less to the Middle East.
{Laughing} Folks, it's not funny, but it is at the same time. He, who wrote this,,,Oh here it is, Kevin Bullis. Kevin Bullis sees this as a BAD thing. Lets look at what he says here.

In the absence of a comprehensive energy policy, expect increased use of natural gas, which is cheap because of large newly economical resources in the United States, and decreased use of coal, which is the subject of new EPA regulations.
Damn it! He sees Cheap Energy as a Problem. He sees us using our own Resources as a PROBLEM. He wants Natural Gas to be Regulated just like Coal, NOT to save the Planet, but to make it harder for us to Produce.

Without policy support, or sudden, big improvements to battery technology, it's hard to see electric vehicles taking off quickly, and as the cellulosic ethanol industry has been slow to get going, don't expect biofuels to make a big dent in gasoline consumption.
Without Government Propping up these AE Companies, they are going to FAIL. Again, this is a BAD thing for Mr. Bullis. {I know, I know, too easy...} He WANTS Government to Fund these Companies so that they will still be there doing WHAT? There is NO Market. He admits, somewhat, that there are major problems in Battery Technology, but instead of, which he hopes for, they Fixing these Problems and Improve on them, he wants YOU to keep paying them. He doesn't want to see FAILED Concepts and Ideas to go into the Void that all Private Companies do when they fail. He wants YOU and YOUR Money to keep them going.

No one WANTS Over Prices, limited range, in some cases, FAILED, Electric Cars. You can not have Electric Boats, Planes, ETC. And he does not discuss how we get all that NEW Electric to Run all those Electric Cars. No forget the Problems. Just Dream the Dream. He also does not talk about the Food Wars in other parts of the World BECAUSE of Biofuels. Again, forget Reality, just Dream the Dream.

Indeed, the country may grow yet more dependent on oil as large new resources are exploited in places such as North Dakota and Texas, and friendly neighbors such as Canada. Some experts are starting to suggest that within a decade or two, the Americas would no longer need to import any oil.
Damn it!! Again, he sees this as BAD. This ill informed,,uh,, Gentleman, truly sees this as a BAD thing. Truth is, I HOPE he is RIGHT about this. Then this last comment is just flat out stupid.

That might sound good, but oil prices will still depend on the worldwide market for oil—as long as demand is growing as it has been in recent years, prices will stay high, and volatile, even if the U.S. starts sending more money to Brazil and Canada and less to the Middle East.
{Sigh} Demand IS Growing, but if we INCREASE the Supply? Yes. You got it, Prices will go DOWN. Not to mention, just a reminder, when President Bush just SAID we would use our own? Prices? When Obama said "Nope. We will not." Prices? These are Historical Facts. Look them up. But simple Supply and Demand dictates that Increased Supply MEANS Lower Demand, MEANS, Lower Prices. If we hoard our own Oil and Natural Gas, or we add it to the World Wide Market, Prices WILL go down. Oh Mr Bullis, {Too easy} goes on to talk more about the fact that he BLAMES the Government for Solar Companies going out of Business. I kid you not folks, If you want to read the whole thing, it's Technology Review - Chasing the Elusive Energy Policy By Kevin Bullis 01/03/2012. He goes on to say this...

Looking ahead, we can also expect to see more failures in the solar industry, as low prices force many out of business. One thing that will be interesting to watch is the extent to which the survivors manage to succeed, even in a climate of reduced government incentives.
So it's the Government's FAULT.. Not the fact that there is NO Market for it....Wait..Is this a Glimmer of Truth? He went on to say THIS?

The U.S.-based solar panel manufacturing giant First Solar recently announced that it plans to stop targeting fickle subsidized markets, and instead sell to places where its technology makes economic sense on its own merits. Prices for solar panels may have decreased enough in recent years that the industry can survive on its own--serving areas with lots of sun and high electricity prices—albeit at a smaller size than it could with government support.
Wait. Really? A Private Industry goes out and attempts to make it on their OWN. Without Government Propping up? In places where they think they may best Succeed? REALLY? Wither they will or they won't, THAT is the Free Market. But Mr. Bullis {Too easy} is not happy with that. He sees no Government Involvement as a Hindrance. Not a PLUS.

So lets recap. Mr. Bullis {Too easy} and his Ilk, see Reality and Truth, as Evil and something that is in need of Government to step in and change and regulate. They see a Utopia of the Green Dream, in the face of Reality and Truth, that there just is no Viable Alternatives to switch to. They want to destroy what WORKS to attempt to CREATE something that has shown NO Promise whatsoever.

What I, and my Ilk see IS Reality and Truth. We KNOW from History that the World Runs on Oil and Natural Gas, and that if we INCREASE our Own Sources, we WILL create HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of New Jobs, INCREASE our National Security, and REDUCE prices that make it affordable to all. We see continuing to throw Hundreds of Billions of Dollars at FAILED Industries as INSANE and want it STOPPED. We see the Utopia of SMALLER less Intrusive Government a REALITY and HISTORIC FACT, and want THAT Reality BACK.

Look, this company, what is is, here it is, First Solar. First Solar says, if we continue to rely on Government, the money WILL run out and we WILL go Bankrupt. So they decided to attempt the Free Market Solution. Go where their Product has the best possibility of success. If it works, more and more people will look at it, and think, hey, it's working here, it is now more affordable for us to take a chance, lets try it. Like a New Apple I Phone 4s. Not all have one, because not all can afford a Five Hundred Dollar Phone. But the more people that buy it, and share that it works the way advertised, the more the Price comes down, the more people will buy it. Same thing with AE. The more people take the chance and make the cost come down, IF IT WORKS, the more people WILL take the chance and buy into it. Good for you, and we wish First Solar nothing but the best. Not that this will explain how places like Settle will go Solar, but hey, it's a START.

I have no problem with Companies like First Solar. I will actually root them on. I hope that they succeed. But to say that we are going to continue to throw HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of Dollars at a failed industry that is COSTING Thousands of Jobs, Decreasing National Security, and RAISING Energy Costs? Sorry, that is just INSANITY. When the answer to so many of our Woes is right here, Natural, and accessible. Oh did I mention, Historically PROVEN to work?

Technology Review - Chasing the Elusive Energy Policy

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