Hey folks,

Well, something has been happening over at 850 Radio. They are changing and growing, 50,000 watts of Power, new Building, new concept, new name. They are now "Big Talk 850". Live, Local, and fun. The goal is to BE local. You see all the Hosts from Sun up to Sun Down live right here in Sunny South Florida. This means, if YOU live here, what effects you, effects THEM. They are in it with ya. Isn't that much better than someone sitting in an Office on the other side of the Country attempting to tell you what the Traffic is like. Or what upcoming local events are. Or whatever? Seriously. If you call up, they can relate because they are in it too. Great Concept.

Look, if you truly want to be entertained, you just need to check out the new Big Talk 850. It really is that simple. No need to change the dial. Especially if you live here in Sunny South Florida. These are not Show that are hard core, down the line, Political Shows. They are REAL Entertainment. There is something for everyone. Don't worry though, you will never find anyone more passionate about saving America than Joyce Kaufman. Trust me, check them out. If you do not live here in Sunny South Florida? That's OK too. Check out the Website, and click on Listen Live. You will not be disappointed. When you do, be ready to call 877-850-8585, and join in the Conversation. Tell them where you are calling from, where you heard about them as well, {Smile}and have fun. Don't forget to check out the Brand New "Barsky Show" and be prepared to laugh..
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