Hey folks,

I will also be answering Rev Jim's question "What would you do Peter?" {If I were watching my family starve and got the opportunity to come here illegally.} All this coming right up on Sunday.
It's Friday, time to go to the Emails.
"What do you think of this?"

PETERSBURG (2010-4-29) - Gov. Crist has made it official: he's running for the U.S. Senate as an Independent. And the move should change the entire dynamic of the race for the Senate.
It may have been the worst-kept secret in politics: Just before dinnertime yesterday, Charlie Crist said he's running for Senate not as a Republican, but as an Independent.
"My decision to run for United States Senate as a candidate without party affiliation in many ways says more about our nation and our state than it does about me," he said. "Unfortunately, our political system is broken."
It also says a lot about Crist's level of confidence in his political abilities. He'll now have to go it alone, trying to raise millions of dollars for the upcoming campaign without the backing of the Republican Party's money and publicity machine.
The move cuts him off from many Republicans who feel he is reneging on his earlier promise to back the eventual GOP nominee. Usually, a rally where a sitting Governor launches a campaign for Senate would bring out scores of politicians. But the only ones who showed were former Tampa Mayor Dick Greco - who's been out of office for seven years - and a little-known candidate for Kathy Castor's Congressional seat.
SOUND: Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!
About 300 people showed up for the announcement, in Straub Park in his hometown of St. Petersburg. Crist told them it's not about the politicians.
"Now I could have chosen to stay in the primary," Crist said. "But frankly for me, it's your decision. It's not one club's decision or another. Or even a club within that club. It is a decision too important. It is a decision for all of Florida to make. So that's why we go straight through to November. We give you the chance to make that decision. It's your decision to make."
By bypassing the Republican primary, Crist can now take more moderate positions on everything from teacher's qualifications to offshore oil drilling.
"They've had enough of political infighting. They're tired of the games and the name-calling and the politics of destruction," Crist said. "And my friends, I know they want progress and not gridlock. They are tired of things not getting done for them, for you. They want someone who's more concerned about standing up for them than standing up for special interests or party."
Both of his rivals for November's election spoke after the announcement on CNN: Here's what Republican Marco Rubio had to say.
"I knew that I was running against two other people, who I think are good people, but I believe are wrong on the issues," Rubio said. "I didn’t realize I’d have to run against them at the same time, but that’s the nature of what’s been an interesting election year."
And Democrat Kendrick Meek said he think Crist's move will actually help his campaign.
"I believe that I’m running against two Republicans," Meek said. "Regardless of what the Governor said today, he is still the Republican governor of Florida. And I guess his night job will be running as an independent, and I think it’s going to confuse a number of voters in the state."
After Crist's speech, John Crawford of St. Petersburg said the move increases the chance Crist will get his vote in November.
"We approve of the teacher's stand and we certainly approve of the offshore drilling ban," Crawford said, "so those are two things we feel strongly about."
And Crawford doesn't think Crist's separation from the GOP will hurt his chances.
"Not Charlie Crist. He's too well-known in Florida, he's too charismatic," he said. "As a governor, he's always got a forum. So he'll be out there, he'll be in front of everybody's space. It'll be hard not to see him."
That's not what Jasper Nazz of St. Petersburg thinks. The registered Republican says he will continue to support Marco Rubio.
"I don't think it's a great idea when you've been with one political party your entire career and then when things start to go bad, all of a sudden you decide that's not the party you want to be in," said Nazz. "It's the Arlen Specter scenario: he's trying to save his own political life."
Without the backing of a party machine, Crist knows he has to reach out to moderate voters who aren't too cozy with ether party.
"Now I know this is uncharted territory. I am aware of that," Crist said. "And I am aware that after this speech ends, I don't have either party helping me. But I need you. I need you, the people, more than ever. And I guarantee you, I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you and I belive in you and you can believe in me and I'll be with you forever. Forever."
Next, Crist is hoping some deep pockets will believe in him. After spending today in Tallahassee, he's off to a fundraiser in Miami, where his wife owns a home.
I think Crist is disappointing. I voted for him because he was good at talking the talk. But NOW? Now we see he would rather put self preservation over all those that voted for him and over all those that contributed to his campaign. Rubio is slaughtering Crist. So Crist pulled a Lieberman, hoping that the same outcome will ensue. Crist has shown himself to be nothing more than a RINO, just like McCain, and he needs to leave.
See you Sunday.
Note: From The Emails is a weekly Segment every Friday, or occasionally anytime, that appears here at the OPNTalk Blog. Please feel free to Email any Articles, Comments, Thoughts, Whatever, that you may like to share to opntalk@gmail.com As always, you never know what you may see here.
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