Told you they were NOT Tea Party Members.
Hey folks,
Happy Hump Day out there. Tomorrow, April 15, Tax Day, is also a BIG day all across this country. The National Tea Party Movement will be all over the place. Tom Sullivan will have his listeners, from all over the country, reporting in to say how it is going.
Now you remember all the hoo-ha about the "Violence, Hate filled Speech, Name calling and destruction of Private Property" done by "Tea Party Members." Some actually bought into the falsehood that these were REAL Tea Party Members. I was even debating someone on FACEBOOK about this. Hell, one of the Best Friends I have ever had in my life, a BIG TIME Liberal, just could not, or would not, accept the fact that these Idiots were actually Liberal plants.
Well, well, well, looky here. On the eve of even MORE and most likely the BIGGEST Tea Party Rallies all across this country tomorrow, we get THIS. According to the AP - Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies By VALERIE BAUMAN, Associated Press Writer Valerie Bauman, Associated Press Writer – Mon Apr 12, 6:30 pm ET
ALBANY, N.Y. – Opponents of the fiscally conservative tea party movement say they plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group by trying to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic and moronic.
{Sigh} You see folks, that's the template. If you are Conservative, and God Forbid, Christian, you HAVE to be Stupid, Hate filled, Chauvinistic, Homophobes, and the Liberals are the intellectual, compassionate, and out to do good for all. Which is COMPLETELY back ass ward.
Look at history. Who formed the KKK? Who fought to prevent Integration? Who enacts programs to create a permanent underclass? Who is it that HATES Freedom, and would rather have a Socialistic Society, or worse, Marxism. That's right boys and girls, the Democrat Party. Who sees everything through the lens of Race? {Most likely out of guilt of pass offenses} The Democrat Party. But, since they really CAN NOT WIN in the area of ideas, or in an intellectual debate, they simply Lie, cheat, and steal, omit, and personally attack their enemies. The sad thing is though, a lot of their Party Base are actually stupid enough to accept what they are fed, due to the inability to think.
Jason Levin, creator of, said Monday the group has 65 leaders in major cities across the country who are trying to recruit members to infiltrate tea party events for April 15 — tax filing day, when tea party groups across the country are planning to gather and protest high taxes.
"Every time we have someone on camera saying that Barack Obama isn't an American citizen, we want someone sitting next to him saying, 'That's right, he's an alien from outer space!'" Levin said.
{Laughing} You want to know how stupid some of these people really are? When the Obama ran Media actually REPORTS these nutcases as "actual Tea Party Members," EVEN THOUGH IT IS BEING REPORTED HERE, that they will do this, some will actually BELIEVE it.
Tea party members said the backlash comes from ignorance.
"They can't actually debate our message and that's their problem," said Bob MacGuffie, a Connecticut organizer for Right Principles, a tea party group that also has members in New York and New Jersey.
The tea party movement generally unites on the fiscally conservative principles of small government, lower taxes and less spending. Beyond that the ideology of the people involved tends to vary dramatically.
Levin says they want to exaggerate the group's least appealing qualities, further distance the tea party from mainstream America and damage the public's opinion of them.
"Do I think every member of the tea party is a homophobe, racist or a moron? No, absolutely not," Levin said. "Do I think most of them are homophobes, racists or morons? Absolutely."
You see? This mental midget has no clue. He may think he is one of the smartest people in the room, but truth is, he is not even in the same building. {Laughing} He is a complete twit, just looking for his fifteen minutes.
The site manifesto says they want to dismantle the Tea Party by nonviolent means. "We have already sat quietly in their meetings, and observed their rallies," the site said.
Another tea party organizer said the attempt to destroy the movement was evidence its message is resonating.
"We've been ignored, we've been ridiculed. Well, now they're coming after us," said Judy Pepenella, a co-coordinator for the New York State Tea Party. "Gandhi's quote is one we understand: 'First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.'"
Sorry folks, I can't wait to see how many of my more Liberal friends will attempt to pass off this nonsense as fact, and how many will actually truly BELIEVE that Tea Party Members are doing these things.
Oh, don't forget, VB Biden wants you to flood Newspapers saying how great Obamacare is, and what it means to you. Get your sob stories ready. The sobbiest the better.{Laughing} These people are now officially the Party of Fake.
AP - Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies
NYDaily News - Biden Stumps (Electronically) For Schumer, Gillibrand
Hey folks,

Now you remember all the hoo-ha about the "Violence, Hate filled Speech, Name calling and destruction of Private Property" done by "Tea Party Members." Some actually bought into the falsehood that these were REAL Tea Party Members. I was even debating someone on FACEBOOK about this. Hell, one of the Best Friends I have ever had in my life, a BIG TIME Liberal, just could not, or would not, accept the fact that these Idiots were actually Liberal plants.
Well, well, well, looky here. On the eve of even MORE and most likely the BIGGEST Tea Party Rallies all across this country tomorrow, we get THIS. According to the AP - Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies By VALERIE BAUMAN, Associated Press Writer Valerie Bauman, Associated Press Writer – Mon Apr 12, 6:30 pm ET
ALBANY, N.Y. – Opponents of the fiscally conservative tea party movement say they plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group by trying to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic and moronic.
{Sigh} You see folks, that's the template. If you are Conservative, and God Forbid, Christian, you HAVE to be Stupid, Hate filled, Chauvinistic, Homophobes, and the Liberals are the intellectual, compassionate, and out to do good for all. Which is COMPLETELY back ass ward.
Look at history. Who formed the KKK? Who fought to prevent Integration? Who enacts programs to create a permanent underclass? Who is it that HATES Freedom, and would rather have a Socialistic Society, or worse, Marxism. That's right boys and girls, the Democrat Party. Who sees everything through the lens of Race? {Most likely out of guilt of pass offenses} The Democrat Party. But, since they really CAN NOT WIN in the area of ideas, or in an intellectual debate, they simply Lie, cheat, and steal, omit, and personally attack their enemies. The sad thing is though, a lot of their Party Base are actually stupid enough to accept what they are fed, due to the inability to think.
Jason Levin, creator of, said Monday the group has 65 leaders in major cities across the country who are trying to recruit members to infiltrate tea party events for April 15 — tax filing day, when tea party groups across the country are planning to gather and protest high taxes.
"Every time we have someone on camera saying that Barack Obama isn't an American citizen, we want someone sitting next to him saying, 'That's right, he's an alien from outer space!'" Levin said.
{Laughing} You want to know how stupid some of these people really are? When the Obama ran Media actually REPORTS these nutcases as "actual Tea Party Members," EVEN THOUGH IT IS BEING REPORTED HERE, that they will do this, some will actually BELIEVE it.
Tea party members said the backlash comes from ignorance.
"They can't actually debate our message and that's their problem," said Bob MacGuffie, a Connecticut organizer for Right Principles, a tea party group that also has members in New York and New Jersey.
The tea party movement generally unites on the fiscally conservative principles of small government, lower taxes and less spending. Beyond that the ideology of the people involved tends to vary dramatically.
Levin says they want to exaggerate the group's least appealing qualities, further distance the tea party from mainstream America and damage the public's opinion of them.
"Do I think every member of the tea party is a homophobe, racist or a moron? No, absolutely not," Levin said. "Do I think most of them are homophobes, racists or morons? Absolutely."
You see? This mental midget has no clue. He may think he is one of the smartest people in the room, but truth is, he is not even in the same building. {Laughing} He is a complete twit, just looking for his fifteen minutes.
The site manifesto says they want to dismantle the Tea Party by nonviolent means. "We have already sat quietly in their meetings, and observed their rallies," the site said.
Another tea party organizer said the attempt to destroy the movement was evidence its message is resonating.
"We've been ignored, we've been ridiculed. Well, now they're coming after us," said Judy Pepenella, a co-coordinator for the New York State Tea Party. "Gandhi's quote is one we understand: 'First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.'"
Sorry folks, I can't wait to see how many of my more Liberal friends will attempt to pass off this nonsense as fact, and how many will actually truly BELIEVE that Tea Party Members are doing these things.
Oh, don't forget, VB Biden wants you to flood Newspapers saying how great Obamacare is, and what it means to you. Get your sob stories ready. The sobbiest the better.{Laughing} These people are now officially the Party of Fake.
AP - Foes of tea party movement to infiltrate rallies
NYDaily News - Biden Stumps (Electronically) For Schumer, Gillibrand
hahahahaha. Duh. Didn't you know that NONE of those people carrying those Obama=Hitler signs or the "Show me the birth certificate" signs were Teabaggers? Of course it's been a conspiracy all along. From those gun-totin', cowboy hat wearin', appearing at Obama functions folks to the Obama with a Hitler mustache sign totin' folks to the Obama wearing a turban sign toters to the Obama means more gun regulations sayers to the Obama's plan = white slavery sign holder to the spitter or the N word slinger ... ALL of those idiots have been secret undercover infiltrators trained at a secret base set up in the hills in Virginia by, of all people, Bill Clinton. He, being still bitter over his wife's loss to Obama and knowing that one day this would all come out, making Obama look bad ensuring his wife's next run for president a sure win. Pretty clever, huh?
Hey Pete,
Seems like old times. Problem is though, no one can say without doubt, that it IS.
You see Pete, the vandals were proven to be Democrats. The Moron with the guns was a Lib. The guy with the idiotic sign of Obama as the Joker was a Democrat.
History shows that the Tea Parties come, are peaceful, and went they leave, they even pick up after themselves. Now that they, the Left Wing Loons that want to infiltrate and make the Tea Parties look bad, came right out and TOLD us what they are doing, now the Media CAN'T, with any credibility, try to pass them off as actual Tea Party Members.
Truthfully, if this Moron just stayed silent about what he was doing, he would have gotten away with it. The Obama Media would have loved to report this. But HE killed it himself.
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