"Too often in the years leading up to this crisis, some -- and let me be clear, not all but some -- on Wall Street forgot that behind every dollar traded or leverage there's a family looking to buy a house or pay for an education, open a business, save for retirement."To Barack: Let ME be clear, YOU and your Regime have forgot, that behind every dollar in Taxes, and your out of control spending, there's a family looking to buy a house or pay for an education, open a business, save for retirement.
Hey folks,

Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you could stop by. Yes, the Supreme Leader of the Obama Regime came out on Thursday and set Wall Street up as the fall guy. As the enemy of the people. Fannie and Freddie? Uh, no. Goldman Sacks, and some of the others. Yes. Why? Because internal Democrat Polling shows that their brain dead base, hate Wall Street, MORE than they hate them. They are using Wall Street and, wait for it, big surprise coming, Bush, as something to run against in 2010. But as I already told you, it's a scam. Goldman Sacks is in on it. But I'm not kidding. The Regime better start thinking about this. For every dollar spent, there are Americans going without, more and more, to foot the Bill.
Coming right up today?
To Christians, Every Day Is Earth Day
Embryonic Stem Cells Not Needed
SF crime is down, REALLY?
DLA For 042510
IWA For Sunday 042510Our thoughts, and prayers are with those in Mississippi.
10 killed as tornado strikes Miss.; others injured AP – 19 mins ago
YAZOO CITY, Miss. – Tornadoes ripped through four states in the South on Saturday, leaving broken crosses in front of a flattened church, splintering houses and overturning vehicles as they killed 10 people, including three children.
I can not even imagine what I would do if I ever lost Joshua. A Parent should never have to bury a child. May they have the peace and comfort they need, in this very devastating time.
Going to fill my cup. Go get your morning gogo juice, whatever that may be, and meet me right back here. Remember, you can also follow along via
Twitter - peteropntalk,
Facebook - Peter Carlock, Tom Sullivan Radio Listener's Club - Peter Carlock, and as always, you can Email me at
Be right back.
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