From the energy Front for 041310
Hey folks,
So Obama and crew got Obamacare shoved through i the face of the objection of the VAST majority of you out there. Through bribes, intimidation, lies, and deceit, they get this monstrosity of a fraudulent "Healthcare" Bill, passed into law. Everyone knows
A- We can't pay for it.
B- It will destroy the greatest Healthcare system in the world, instead of fixing just what was wrong with it.
C- Has absolutely NOTHING to do with Healthcare.
Hence, all the lawsuits and talk by something like 15 States now saying "Screw you, we just will not comply."
So this completely insane and UNCONSTITUTIONAL new law, will also increase the national deficit to HISTORIC highs, and put an undue and oppressive burden on not only our Children, but our Children's Children.
Since the majority of Americans wanted nothing to do with this, the Democrats are jumping ship left and right because they know they will lose in November by Landslides, some think the next thing on the Loon Lib agenda is Amnesty. 20 to 30 million new Citizens, is 20 to 30 new Votes. They need EVERY one. Not true.
Oh, they are working on Amnesty in back smoke filled rooms right now, but the next insane agenda item IS Cap and Tax. Let's just drop a Nuke into the center of our Economy and say screw it. Oh yeah, we are not allowed to use them.
These people are insane folks. They are power hungry, and on a quest for Tyranny. What will Cap and Tax do? Give them complete and total control over Private Industries, Private personal lives, uh, that would be YOU, and absolutely destroy this Economy.
The sad thing is, some are happy about this. Check out this piece in the NYT by JAMES KANTER Published: April 11, 2010 I do not know if he realizes this or not, but he does tell the truth here.
BRUSSELS — Profiteering, tax fraud, theft and dubious claims of emissions reductions are just some of the problems plaguing carbon trading.
{Laughing} That's true. Point one.
That litany of woes has helped prompt many commentators to proclaim that carbon trading is imminently headed for the scrap heap of history.
Such predictions are almost certainly wrong. Carbon trading, also known as cap and trade, is on the cusp of generating mammoth amounts of money for governments — money that could start flowing just in time to help nations emerge from the worst financial crisis in a generation.
Truth point two. It's all about money, power, and control. That's the only thing the whole SCAM that is Global Warming is all about. Cap and Tax is just the tool they are trying to use to achieve their goal. Just like Obamacare has nothing to do with Healthcare, Cap and Tax has nothing to do with saving the Planet. Mr. Kanter here even admits it.
Under carbon trading, companies exceeding a “cap” on their emissions must purchase additional permits to pollute more. Companies that pollute less can “trade” or sell their surplus permits.
{Laughing, banging hand on desk} And truth point THREE. Permits to pollute more. I gave you the flood analogy before. You have three feet of water in your house, pay me three grand, I give you permission to say you have no water. While you are slushing around in the same three feet of water. It does NOTHING to help the situation. Yet, you are a little poorer, I'm a bit richer. So thank you. I will even give you permission to add MORE water to your situation, as long as you pay me for it.
But this guy is all for this. I don't get it. I really don't. He goes on to talk about all the fraud and so on, how much the US Government could make, ETC. Then he wraps it up with this.
But nations need use only half the revenues from selling permits to the power and industrial sectors for those kinds of climate-related projects, leaving plenty of money for other purposes — and that means carbon trading should soon look like manna from heaven for cash-strapped treasuries.
{Sigh} You see folks, these loons have no clue. Even though this guy tells you the truth, {It's not about saving the planet, it all about money} he is STILL all for it. And people wonder why I question some Liberals IQ. Liberalism is not about Logic and Truth, it's about feeling. Do this and feel good about saving the planet. Problem is, if you actually think about it, it does NOTHING of the sort. All it does, is give Government more power and control over EVERYTHING, and make people like Al Gore rich, while they tell you that you will ride a Huffy or pay a price.
Make no mistake about it folks, Cap and Tax is coming. Since they were able to jam Obamacare through, they will not stop until YOU stop them in November.
Oh, I just filled up yesterday, $2.92 a gallon. Wait until Cap and Tax is passed. You'll be lucky is you can find $5.00 a gallon. Are you planning on a $5.00 an hour cost of living raise this year? If you are like most, this will just be another added expense without that additional income. But you will LIKE IT! You are saving the Planet. Now, know your role, shut your mouth, and DO what we tell you.
I do not know about you, but I think not.
NYT - Don’t Think That Cap-and-Trade Is Over
Hey folks,

A- We can't pay for it.
B- It will destroy the greatest Healthcare system in the world, instead of fixing just what was wrong with it.
C- Has absolutely NOTHING to do with Healthcare.
Hence, all the lawsuits and talk by something like 15 States now saying "Screw you, we just will not comply."
So this completely insane and UNCONSTITUTIONAL new law, will also increase the national deficit to HISTORIC highs, and put an undue and oppressive burden on not only our Children, but our Children's Children.
Since the majority of Americans wanted nothing to do with this, the Democrats are jumping ship left and right because they know they will lose in November by Landslides, some think the next thing on the Loon Lib agenda is Amnesty. 20 to 30 million new Citizens, is 20 to 30 new Votes. They need EVERY one. Not true.

These people are insane folks. They are power hungry, and on a quest for Tyranny. What will Cap and Tax do? Give them complete and total control over Private Industries, Private personal lives, uh, that would be YOU, and absolutely destroy this Economy.
The sad thing is, some are happy about this. Check out this piece in the NYT by JAMES KANTER Published: April 11, 2010 I do not know if he realizes this or not, but he does tell the truth here.
BRUSSELS — Profiteering, tax fraud, theft and dubious claims of emissions reductions are just some of the problems plaguing carbon trading.
{Laughing} That's true. Point one.
That litany of woes has helped prompt many commentators to proclaim that carbon trading is imminently headed for the scrap heap of history.
Such predictions are almost certainly wrong. Carbon trading, also known as cap and trade, is on the cusp of generating mammoth amounts of money for governments — money that could start flowing just in time to help nations emerge from the worst financial crisis in a generation.
Truth point two. It's all about money, power, and control. That's the only thing the whole SCAM that is Global Warming is all about. Cap and Tax is just the tool they are trying to use to achieve their goal. Just like Obamacare has nothing to do with Healthcare, Cap and Tax has nothing to do with saving the Planet. Mr. Kanter here even admits it.
Under carbon trading, companies exceeding a “cap” on their emissions must purchase additional permits to pollute more. Companies that pollute less can “trade” or sell their surplus permits.
{Laughing, banging hand on desk} And truth point THREE. Permits to pollute more. I gave you the flood analogy before. You have three feet of water in your house, pay me three grand, I give you permission to say you have no water. While you are slushing around in the same three feet of water. It does NOTHING to help the situation. Yet, you are a little poorer, I'm a bit richer. So thank you. I will even give you permission to add MORE water to your situation, as long as you pay me for it.
But this guy is all for this. I don't get it. I really don't. He goes on to talk about all the fraud and so on, how much the US Government could make, ETC. Then he wraps it up with this.
But nations need use only half the revenues from selling permits to the power and industrial sectors for those kinds of climate-related projects, leaving plenty of money for other purposes — and that means carbon trading should soon look like manna from heaven for cash-strapped treasuries.
{Sigh} You see folks, these loons have no clue. Even though this guy tells you the truth, {It's not about saving the planet, it all about money} he is STILL all for it. And people wonder why I question some Liberals IQ. Liberalism is not about Logic and Truth, it's about feeling. Do this and feel good about saving the planet. Problem is, if you actually think about it, it does NOTHING of the sort. All it does, is give Government more power and control over EVERYTHING, and make people like Al Gore rich, while they tell you that you will ride a Huffy or pay a price.
Make no mistake about it folks, Cap and Tax is coming. Since they were able to jam Obamacare through, they will not stop until YOU stop them in November.
Oh, I just filled up yesterday, $2.92 a gallon. Wait until Cap and Tax is passed. You'll be lucky is you can find $5.00 a gallon. Are you planning on a $5.00 an hour cost of living raise this year? If you are like most, this will just be another added expense without that additional income. But you will LIKE IT! You are saving the Planet. Now, know your role, shut your mouth, and DO what we tell you.
I do not know about you, but I think not.
NYT - Don’t Think That Cap-and-Trade Is Over
1 comment:
Just a bit off subject - but still in the realm of the environment. And the continued undeniable truth that humans cause changes to the earth's environment.
ScienceDaily (Apr. 7, 2010) — New research by a team of ecologists and hydrologists shows that water temperatures are increasing in many streams and rivers throughout the United States. The research, published in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, documents that 20 major U.S. streams and rivers -- including such prominent rivers as the Colorado, Potomac, Delaware, and Hudson -- have shown statistically significant long-term warming.By analyzing historical records from 40 sites located throughout the United States, the team found that annual mean water temperatures increased by 0.02-0.14°F (0.009-0.077°C) per year. Long-term increases in stream water temperatures were typically correlated with increases in air temperatures, and rates of warming were most rapid in urbanized areas.
Notice the last sentence. Urbanized areas means lots of people. It's a very simple equation. These warming temperatures are affecting my livelihood. When will you stand up for MY right to earn a living? Read more:
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