Hey folks,

This is just one form of the same question I keep getting asked. Basically, are the Tea Parties responsible for the demise of the Liberal Leadership in November and will the Republicans get the message as well so we do not have a repeat of what we saw in 94?
The sort answer is both yes and no. You see, the Tea Parties are a PRODUCT of the anger. They are the result, not the cause. What about Talk Radio? The Blogs? {I guess that would mean me as well.} Again, the short answer is both yes and no. So what IS the cause? The Bubble Factor.
Let me try to explain it this way. Most people, from all walks of life, live somewhere in the middle of the spectrum of life. They live in their happy homes, drive their happy cars, go off to school then work. They have their hobbies, and they meet one another, leave their Parents and join together, having children of their own, cycle repeats.
From time to time, something will pull at their heart strings. They will donate some money, go down and volunteer at a soup kitchen, or join a cause. Yet, at the end of the day, there they are in their happy little beds, drifting off to Dream Land.
Truth is, most people have no clue as to what reality is. As long as the outside does not penetrate their little bubble, they are happy. They go to Church, say Amen, go back into their little worlds. They rarely take the time to truly look around to see what they can see.
I'm not saying this is a bad thing. No, I'm not judging anyone. Simply stating reality. For most, Politics is even more alluding. For most, Politics is about two months, every two years. One Politician says one thing, the other says something else, they go with, if they even bother to Vote, the one that best sounds most related to the view they possess. Most do not bother to learn anything beyond what they hear on the local News.
Once in a while though, something comes along and penetrates their little bubble. Then they start to look more deeply into whatever it is. A disease, War, Death or a loved one, and sadly, FINANCES.
I and many other tried to warn everyone that the new Liberal Party, or Progressives, have taken over the once great Democratic Party. That they are on a quest for tyranny. Many thought to themselves, "This could never happened here." Many still find it hard to wrap their head around the reality that we now have a President that is actively trying to destroy this country to remake it in his image. To make himself ruler over the new USSA. But he is. It is happening right before your eyes.
Now with Obamacare passed. All of the out of control spending. The Government taking over more and more Private Businesses. Cap and Tax on it's way. Amnesty. Jobs falling out all over the place. MOST Americans now can tell you that they know someone personally that has recently lost a job. That is scary to some. To many. People are losing their homes. Freedom is being stripped away. Obama and Crew, Pelosi and Reid, ARE penetrating peoples little happy bubble.

Because this Administration and this Congress have decided to legislate and Govern AGAINST the Will of the PEOPLE, the PEOPLE are starting to fight back. It is the PEOPLE that are causing all this chaos in the Democrat Party. Well, actually, it is the Liberals in the Democrat Party that are tearing it apart. The Insane agenda that they are on, is Political suicide. That is why they are bailing out like Rats on a Sinking Ship. It is by their own hand.
People are starting to feel it. They are seeing and feeling it in their own homes. They are seeing it in their own communities. They are NOW starting to understand what is going on. It is the People, not just the Tea Parties, but the whole People, from every walk of life, Religion, and Political Party. It is not some fringe group playing Politics as usual. It is true Americans that love this country and are starting to look into the future and they are not liking what they see. It is the People that are hearing stories from newly arrive Immigrates that are telling them, "This is how it began in my country." It is the People that, having their Bubbles burst, are now learning, listening, and understanding.

“That’s called socialism,” she said. Werthmann cited the exchange between Joe the Plumber and Presidential Candidate Obama about “spreading the wealth” as a sign that it’s already begun here.
Over and over, more and more people are starting to see through the veil, the Dream that was Obama, into the Reality of who and what Obama, and the new Liberals are. people like my neighbor Tanya from Russia, talks all the time about how she is scared listing to Obama. "This all sounds to familiar." People are awake. Some FULLY awake.
America is a conservative Country. Every Poll shows the majority of Americans see themselves as Conservatives. Most in this country are also Christians. Most in this Country, including MOST if not all, recent, {within the last twenty years or a bit more} immigrates, LOVE this country. We love our Freedoms. Our Possibilities. We love the American Dream. We think this country is the greatest on the face of the planet. We do not want someone who doesn't, to come in and attempt to destroy it. They are tired of being ignored. Tired of being insulted. Tired of all the out of control spending and Oppressive Taxation that they know will be coming. The know that Energy costs are about to explode. Obama said so. It must to pay for all this garbage.
So yes, Talk Radio, and the rest of the New Media is responsible for getting the TRUTH out there. The Tea Parties are THE PEOPLE standing up and saying, "Enough is enough, and we are not going to take it any more." So yes, they to are responsible for getting the truth out there, and letting others know that they are not alone.
But what is really boils down to, is people's little personal Worlds, their Bubbles, have started to be pierced. The anger is real. The People are mad as hell. The Truth is where the cause lies. The deeds of those in Government is to blame. It is by their own hand that they will fall. It really is, just that simple.
Ummm... There was no wealth in Russia before socialism (nor after). Socialism rose from weak monarchs and widespread extreme poverty. There really isn't any poverty in the US (some, but it's not really widespread. Even "poor" people have cell phones, satellite, and a car or two). Here, there's just some people with less than others. And those "others" have TONS of money. Americans are too addicted to money for any sort of Leninist revolution to take place. A little extreme, dontchya think? Keep those fires burnin', tho. Armageddon MUST be around the corner this time.
It IS happening right in front of your face Pete. Take over in the Healthcare Sector, now attacking the Financial Sector, Private Sector. Next is Amnesty {They need the Votes} Every step this guy is taken is the SAME steps ALL Dictators take while taken over their territories. They already have the State Run Media, they want to shut down Talk Radio, they attack Fox, and Obama NOW in essence, controls the Internet. You know, silence anyone that doesn't agree with them.
Don't worry about Americans being addicted to money Pete. There will be little to none left when the Obama Regime is done.
But then again, as you pointed out, December 23, 2012 IS just round the corner. {Smile}
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