Goldman Sack is in this together with Obama.
Hey folks,
Happy Hump Day. This is really starting to agitate me. I even hear some comparing the Goldman Sacks thing to Enron. OK. Let's look at that first. The Washington Examiner has a GREAT piece on this.
President Bush's connections to Enron were well-hyped during the company's accounting debacle that rippled through the economy. Time magazine even had an article called, "Bush's Enron Problem." The Associated Press ran with the headline, "Bush-backing Enron makes big money off crisis." David Callaway wrote that Enron for Bush was worse than Whitewater for Clinton.
In 2002, the New York Times wrote: "President Bush is seeking to play down his relationship with Enron's embattled chairman, Kenneth L. Lay. But their ties are broad and deep and go back many years, and the relationship has been beneficial to both." (h/t Lachlan Markey)
But the mere $151,722.42 (inflation adjusted) in contributions from Enron-affiliated executives, employees, and PACs to Bush hardly add up to Obama's $1,007,370.85 (inflation adjusted) from Goldman-affiliated executives and employees. That's also not taking into account how much Goldman contributed to Obama cabinet member Hillary Clinton ($415,595.63 inflation adjusted), which was itself almost three times as much as Bush received as well.
Read more at the Washington Examiner
Then, as Timothy P. Carney points out, you have the fact that there are very strong inside connections.
Greg Craig, Obama's first White House counsel, has joined Goldman, we learned this week. He may not have too much pull in the West Wing, which drove him out for hewing too close to Obama's campaign promises, but as a former insider he will provide valuable intelligence to the world's largest investment bank.
Rahm Emanuel, White House chief of staff, was paid $35,000 as a consultant to Goldman while also working as Bill Clinton's top fundraiser. Obama's fundraiser and economic adviser Warren Buffett is very long on Goldman, having bet on them in 2008 in the expectation of a bailout. Mark Patterson, chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, was a Goldman Sachs lobbyist until months before joining Team Obama.
And then there's record-breaking campaign cash: Goldman executives and employees gave about $950,000 to Obama for America -- the most a politician has raised from a single company since campaign finance reform. It's also more than the combined Goldman haul of every Republican running for president, Senate, and the House.
Anytime that Enro,,,,sorry, Goldman Sachs, wants to, they can pick up the phone and call the White House. They have paid for that privilege. Then you have THIS fact.
Vague public calls for "reasonable regulation," of course, are often little more than smoke. But Goldman's annual report explicitly endorsed stricter federal capital and liquidity requirements. Goldman reported on the conference call that it holds 15 percent "Tier 1 capital," meaning it is very liquid and not very risky. Goldman can play it safe, you see, without needing a regulation. But regulations prevent smaller competitors from taking the risks needed to compete with Goldman (and every competitor is smaller).
Read more at the Washington Examiner
People will not take the time to hear this. What they WILL hear, is Obama is going up a against the Big Bad Wall Street. They will {Obama and crew hope} forget about Obamacare for right now, and jump on board the Democrat Express in November.
This whole thing is a SCAM though folks. On Friday, April 16, 2010, the New York Times Broke the story about the SEC Lawsuit. On Friday, if anyone attempted to serch for information on this, "Goldman Sachs SEC" it takes you to the White House Website, "Help Change Wall Street." But the claim, "We knew nothing about the Suit until we read it in the Times." Idiots.
Then on Monday, AARP came out with a commercial that ties right in. A very well done commercial. One that takes time to put together. But we already know that the AARP is now bought and paid for by Obama. Why do you think they are losing member every day. They just had this ad ready to go Monday morning of this week?
Call this Obama's "Wage the Dog," or the Obama Regime push for even more takeover of the Private Sector, or whatever you like. The reason really matters not. The fact is, the only thing that really matters, is getting these people that are on a quest for tyranny out in November. THAT is what matters. Do not get all caught up in the Class Warfare thing. That is what they want.
Hey folks,

President Bush's connections to Enron were well-hyped during the company's accounting debacle that rippled through the economy. Time magazine even had an article called, "Bush's Enron Problem." The Associated Press ran with the headline, "Bush-backing Enron makes big money off crisis." David Callaway wrote that Enron for Bush was worse than Whitewater for Clinton.
In 2002, the New York Times wrote: "President Bush is seeking to play down his relationship with Enron's embattled chairman, Kenneth L. Lay. But their ties are broad and deep and go back many years, and the relationship has been beneficial to both." (h/t Lachlan Markey)
But the mere $151,722.42 (inflation adjusted) in contributions from Enron-affiliated executives, employees, and PACs to Bush hardly add up to Obama's $1,007,370.85 (inflation adjusted) from Goldman-affiliated executives and employees. That's also not taking into account how much Goldman contributed to Obama cabinet member Hillary Clinton ($415,595.63 inflation adjusted), which was itself almost three times as much as Bush received as well.
Read more at the Washington Examiner
Then, as Timothy P. Carney points out, you have the fact that there are very strong inside connections.
Greg Craig, Obama's first White House counsel, has joined Goldman, we learned this week. He may not have too much pull in the West Wing, which drove him out for hewing too close to Obama's campaign promises, but as a former insider he will provide valuable intelligence to the world's largest investment bank.
Rahm Emanuel, White House chief of staff, was paid $35,000 as a consultant to Goldman while also working as Bill Clinton's top fundraiser. Obama's fundraiser and economic adviser Warren Buffett is very long on Goldman, having bet on them in 2008 in the expectation of a bailout. Mark Patterson, chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, was a Goldman Sachs lobbyist until months before joining Team Obama.
And then there's record-breaking campaign cash: Goldman executives and employees gave about $950,000 to Obama for America -- the most a politician has raised from a single company since campaign finance reform. It's also more than the combined Goldman haul of every Republican running for president, Senate, and the House.
Anytime that Enro,,,,sorry, Goldman Sachs, wants to, they can pick up the phone and call the White House. They have paid for that privilege. Then you have THIS fact.
Vague public calls for "reasonable regulation," of course, are often little more than smoke. But Goldman's annual report explicitly endorsed stricter federal capital and liquidity requirements. Goldman reported on the conference call that it holds 15 percent "Tier 1 capital," meaning it is very liquid and not very risky. Goldman can play it safe, you see, without needing a regulation. But regulations prevent smaller competitors from taking the risks needed to compete with Goldman (and every competitor is smaller).
Read more at the Washington Examiner
People will not take the time to hear this. What they WILL hear, is Obama is going up a against the Big Bad Wall Street. They will {Obama and crew hope} forget about Obamacare for right now, and jump on board the Democrat Express in November.
This whole thing is a SCAM though folks. On Friday, April 16, 2010, the New York Times Broke the story about the SEC Lawsuit. On Friday, if anyone attempted to serch for information on this, "Goldman Sachs SEC" it takes you to the White House Website, "Help Change Wall Street." But the claim, "We knew nothing about the Suit until we read it in the Times." Idiots.
Then on Monday, AARP came out with a commercial that ties right in. A very well done commercial. One that takes time to put together. But we already know that the AARP is now bought and paid for by Obama. Why do you think they are losing member every day. They just had this ad ready to go Monday morning of this week?
Call this Obama's "Wage the Dog," or the Obama Regime push for even more takeover of the Private Sector, or whatever you like. The reason really matters not. The fact is, the only thing that really matters, is getting these people that are on a quest for tyranny out in November. THAT is what matters. Do not get all caught up in the Class Warfare thing. That is what they want.
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