Who is Amy Klobuchar?
Hey folks,
Let's wrap things up with the IWA. Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar. Who is Amy Klobuchar? A Liberal Loon Democrat. She is pro-choice, supports LGBT rights, favors Socialism. She LOVES Obamacare. She said this.
"This bill is a beginning, not an end, and I will continue my effort to ensure that reform serves the best interests of Minnesota."
She is critical of the Iraq War. She is one of the many Loons that opposed President Bush's plan to increase Troop levels in Iraq in January 2007, claiming it would not work. She Voted for a Bill to set time limits in this addition of Troops which President Bush Vetoed. She then Voted against additional funding for Iraq without such time limits, saying she "simply could not stomach the idea of using our soldiers as bargaining chips."
She opposes free trade agreements that some perceive to cause a loss of jobs in the U.S. However, she has wavered on her opposition on such trade agreements since her election. A current trade agreement with Peru may achieve her support on grounds of expanded labor and environmental protections, even though they contain the same language of past trade agreements. She is a big "Chicken Little Crowd" Member, AKA Greenie. She DID Vote in FAVOR of the controversial "Protect America Act", but then voted against granting Legal Immunity to Telecom Corporations that cooperated with the NSA warrantless surveillance program. You get the point.
Some are currently trying to pass her off as a "Moderate Liberal." They are saying that she would be a GREAT replacement for Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. Who announced his retirement just the last week or so. She is hardly a Moderate. She is a Loon. A Socialist, and a radical. She even went to the Superbowl with the Obamas. She IS a Perfect pick for Obama. However, even she knows that she is to Loony Left for some to give her a free pass.
ABC's The Note Blog posted the following.
Klobuchar: No Room for 'Wise Slovenian' Like Me on Supreme Court
April 09, 2010 5:39 PM
ABC News' Teddy Davis and Matt Loffman report:
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar's (D) name has been floated in the media as a possible replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.
But during a Friday appearance on MSNBC's "Hardball," she once again jokingly dismissed the chances of it ever happening because of controversial speeches she has given during her political career.
"There you go. Shermanesque. As I said the other day on Rachel's show, I couldn't get it because of my past speeches, you know, all the times, remember Sotomayor – the 'wise Latina woman'? You can't imagine how many times I referred to myself as a 'wise Slovenian woman,' Chris. It's over," said Klobuchar.
Klobuchar, who is well-known in Washington for her comedic timing, was elected to the US Senate in 2006. Previously, she served as the chief prosecutor for the most populous county in Minnesota.
On top of any strikes that may come from being a "wise Slovenian," Klobuchar is damaged as a Supreme Court prospect by coming from a state, Minnesota, which has a Republican governor, Tim Pawlenty.
{Laughing} Yes those evil Republicans. Folks, Of course she is on the top of the list. If Obama DOES select her, you will hear these past speeches all over the place. Congratulations Sen. Amy Klobuchar, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. It was NOT the 'wise Latina Woman' comment that was offensive. It was the fact it was a RACIST comment, claiming that White Men were less wise. Then again, but you JOKING about this, yes I understand you were joking, but you joking about this, could ALSO be seen as Racist. What you are ACTUALLY saying is, anyone that opposed Sotomayor, did so out of Racism. So, anyone that opposes you, well? Maybe not Racism, since you are White. Maybe Chauvinism? I know, it couldn't possibly be your history or extreme views. Right?
ABC The Note Blog
Hey folks,

"This bill is a beginning, not an end, and I will continue my effort to ensure that reform serves the best interests of Minnesota."
She is critical of the Iraq War. She is one of the many Loons that opposed President Bush's plan to increase Troop levels in Iraq in January 2007, claiming it would not work. She Voted for a Bill to set time limits in this addition of Troops which President Bush Vetoed. She then Voted against additional funding for Iraq without such time limits, saying she "simply could not stomach the idea of using our soldiers as bargaining chips."
She opposes free trade agreements that some perceive to cause a loss of jobs in the U.S. However, she has wavered on her opposition on such trade agreements since her election. A current trade agreement with Peru may achieve her support on grounds of expanded labor and environmental protections, even though they contain the same language of past trade agreements. She is a big "Chicken Little Crowd" Member, AKA Greenie. She DID Vote in FAVOR of the controversial "Protect America Act", but then voted against granting Legal Immunity to Telecom Corporations that cooperated with the NSA warrantless surveillance program. You get the point.

ABC's The Note Blog posted the following.
Klobuchar: No Room for 'Wise Slovenian' Like Me on Supreme Court
April 09, 2010 5:39 PM
ABC News' Teddy Davis and Matt Loffman report:
Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar's (D) name has been floated in the media as a possible replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.
But during a Friday appearance on MSNBC's "Hardball," she once again jokingly dismissed the chances of it ever happening because of controversial speeches she has given during her political career.
"There you go. Shermanesque. As I said the other day on Rachel's show, I couldn't get it because of my past speeches, you know, all the times, remember Sotomayor – the 'wise Latina woman'? You can't imagine how many times I referred to myself as a 'wise Slovenian woman,' Chris. It's over," said Klobuchar.
Klobuchar, who is well-known in Washington for her comedic timing, was elected to the US Senate in 2006. Previously, she served as the chief prosecutor for the most populous county in Minnesota.
On top of any strikes that may come from being a "wise Slovenian," Klobuchar is damaged as a Supreme Court prospect by coming from a state, Minnesota, which has a Republican governor, Tim Pawlenty.
{Laughing} Yes those evil Republicans. Folks, Of course she is on the top of the list. If Obama DOES select her, you will hear these past speeches all over the place. Congratulations Sen. Amy Klobuchar, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. It was NOT the 'wise Latina Woman' comment that was offensive. It was the fact it was a RACIST comment, claiming that White Men were less wise. Then again, but you JOKING about this, yes I understand you were joking, but you joking about this, could ALSO be seen as Racist. What you are ACTUALLY saying is, anyone that opposed Sotomayor, did so out of Racism. So, anyone that opposes you, well? Maybe not Racism, since you are White. Maybe Chauvinism? I know, it couldn't possibly be your history or extreme views. Right?
ABC The Note Blog
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