"Bet you are not celebrating Earth Day. You are a Christian right?"
Hey folks,
his is from the Emails, opntalk@gmail.com, and almost made it on Friday. But I do want to bring this up today, since I have more time to discuss it. I had an answer all ready to go today, then I got THIS in the Emails on Friday. It's from CSN News - Christian Theologian on Earth Day: ‘Climate Change Is the Totalitarian’s Dream Come True' Thursday, April 22, 2010 By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer
They put it better than I. I'm posting this because this is one of those topics that are completely misunderstood by nonbelievers. Here is a different way of thinking about it.
(CNSNews.com) – For E. Calvin Beisner and his colleagues at the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation (CASC), every day is Earth Day because Christians are called by God to be good stewards of the planet and its inhabitants.
Beisner believes that it is not carbon emissions but global warming activism and international climate treaties that are a threat to the nation’s future and the world’s poorest populations.
“Climate change is the totalitarian’s dream come true,” Beisner, founder of the CASC, said at a conference on Thursday at the Family Research Council in Washington. “It offers a rationale for government intrusion into every aspect of life for every person on Earth.”
Quest for Tyranny.
Beisner, who is also the national spokesman for the CASC, is a teacher and author who frequently speaks on the connection between religion and environmentalism.
Beisner painted a chilling picture of what would happen if the United States signed on to the kind of international climate-change treaty proposed at a United Nations conference in Copenhagen last year.
“Global warming alarmists see each new human being in terms of his or her ‘carbon footprint,’ and already many are saying that the best way to fight global warming is for everyone to have just one child so that the population will shrink,” Beisner said.
Also see IWA For Sunday 102509 Lord Christopher Monckton warned us about this also. Also see IWA For Sunday 20109 "Chirica" Population Control, Pelosi's Stimulus Idea?
The enforcement of a U.N.-style treaty would mean a global government’s intrusion into how people live their private lives – “everything from the temperature at which you keep your house to whether to drive a large, crash-worthy vehicle or a small car that conserves fuel but is a death trap in an accident,” Beisner said.
In his speech, Beisner said that Christians should be concerned about global warming policies because they affect myriad issues, such as the sanctity of human life, individual liberty, the survival of free enterprise and free markets in the United States, compassion for the poor around the world, and a sovereign America with the kind of limited government envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
Remember, with this Regime, it is no longer about if Global Warming Exists, it's more about what they are going to do about it. It doesn't really matter if it is real or not. What matters is the insanity that they want to bestow in it's name. But this next part is very true.
Christians are commanded by God to care for the poor, which Beisner said would suffer the most from the kind of environmental controls and alternative energy plans proposed by both the United Nations and the U.S. Congress.
“The Bible requires us to care for the poor,” he said, detailing how the policies focused on cutting the use of fossil fuels, for example, will hurt the poorest people by increasing the cost of energy and limiting its availability in the world’s poorest places where access to abundant energy supplies can prevent disease and premature death.
Remember the Single Mother that will have to decide between Food and how much gas to buy to go to her two jobs?
“Global warming legislation is part of a concerted effort to push environmentalism to the fore in American politics and culture,” Beisner said. “And environmentalism is hardly limited to good stewardship of God-given natural resources.
“Secular environmentalism, in contrast to creation stewardship, is at heart a false religion,” Beisner said.
Told you. Global Warming IS a Religion.
“It degrades human beings, the crown of God’s creation, deifies nature in its untouched state as the ideal – contrary to God’s mandate for man to fill, subdue, and rule the Earth – and disregards the poor, who often are harmed by environmental policies like banning DDT, a cheap and safe insecticide that could largely eliminate the malaria-bearing mosquitoes that cost millions of lives every year in the Third World,” he added.
Beisner also said the cap-and-trade legislation proposed by Democrats in Congress to limit carbon emissions and allow the trading of “carbon credits” will harm an already struggling economy by killing jobs and slowing or even reversing economic growth.
Beisner said his organization late last year released a comprehensive research project, “A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Examination of the Theology, Science, and Economics of Global Warming.”
This project, he said, “provides solid Biblical, scientific, and economic basis for not only rejecting belief in dangerous manmade global warming, but also for rejecting policies meant to fight it.”
Beisner concluded by citing one of the founding principles of the CASC, which states that the Earth is not a fragile entity made randomly by chance but the creation of an almighty God, who sustains it.
“Raising the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from 27 thousandths of one percent to 39 thousandths of one percent, or even to 108 thousandths of one percent, is not going to cause catastrophic global warming that will, as Al Gore puts it, threaten to destroy human civilization and wipe out 90 percent or more of all species,” Beisner said.
“Our God is a more intelligent designer than to make a system so fragile, and a better judge to call such a system ‘very good’ after he made it,” Beisner said.

Amen! So do Christians believe in caring for the Earth? Of course we do. I believe in recycling. Or Reusing as it is called now. I believe in "Green Burials" Thanks to Dr. Billy Campbell. I have no problem with Cremation. As I told all that know me, to bad it's illegal, and would just raise WAY to many questions, when I die, put me in a hefty bag and put me out in the Trash. But then again, Landfills?
No folks. I do not have a problem with some environmental measures to protect the Earth from the stupidities of man. But is man destroying the planet? Are Cows farting killing us all? No. Without CO2, we all die. It is not a pollutant, no matter who says it is. It is a natural Life cycle. Good air in, Carbon out. Carbon feed plants. Plants transform it back into clean air. With out it, no plants, no clean air, no Mankind.
What we are against is Tyranny. In any form it takes.
Hey folks,

They put it better than I. I'm posting this because this is one of those topics that are completely misunderstood by nonbelievers. Here is a different way of thinking about it.
(CNSNews.com) – For E. Calvin Beisner and his colleagues at the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation (CASC), every day is Earth Day because Christians are called by God to be good stewards of the planet and its inhabitants.
Beisner believes that it is not carbon emissions but global warming activism and international climate treaties that are a threat to the nation’s future and the world’s poorest populations.
“Climate change is the totalitarian’s dream come true,” Beisner, founder of the CASC, said at a conference on Thursday at the Family Research Council in Washington. “It offers a rationale for government intrusion into every aspect of life for every person on Earth.”
Quest for Tyranny.
Beisner, who is also the national spokesman for the CASC, is a teacher and author who frequently speaks on the connection between religion and environmentalism.
Beisner painted a chilling picture of what would happen if the United States signed on to the kind of international climate-change treaty proposed at a United Nations conference in Copenhagen last year.
“Global warming alarmists see each new human being in terms of his or her ‘carbon footprint,’ and already many are saying that the best way to fight global warming is for everyone to have just one child so that the population will shrink,” Beisner said.
Also see IWA For Sunday 102509 Lord Christopher Monckton warned us about this also. Also see IWA For Sunday 20109 "Chirica" Population Control, Pelosi's Stimulus Idea?
The enforcement of a U.N.-style treaty would mean a global government’s intrusion into how people live their private lives – “everything from the temperature at which you keep your house to whether to drive a large, crash-worthy vehicle or a small car that conserves fuel but is a death trap in an accident,” Beisner said.
In his speech, Beisner said that Christians should be concerned about global warming policies because they affect myriad issues, such as the sanctity of human life, individual liberty, the survival of free enterprise and free markets in the United States, compassion for the poor around the world, and a sovereign America with the kind of limited government envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
Remember, with this Regime, it is no longer about if Global Warming Exists, it's more about what they are going to do about it. It doesn't really matter if it is real or not. What matters is the insanity that they want to bestow in it's name. But this next part is very true.
Christians are commanded by God to care for the poor, which Beisner said would suffer the most from the kind of environmental controls and alternative energy plans proposed by both the United Nations and the U.S. Congress.
“The Bible requires us to care for the poor,” he said, detailing how the policies focused on cutting the use of fossil fuels, for example, will hurt the poorest people by increasing the cost of energy and limiting its availability in the world’s poorest places where access to abundant energy supplies can prevent disease and premature death.
Remember the Single Mother that will have to decide between Food and how much gas to buy to go to her two jobs?
“Global warming legislation is part of a concerted effort to push environmentalism to the fore in American politics and culture,” Beisner said. “And environmentalism is hardly limited to good stewardship of God-given natural resources.

Told you. Global Warming IS a Religion.
“It degrades human beings, the crown of God’s creation, deifies nature in its untouched state as the ideal – contrary to God’s mandate for man to fill, subdue, and rule the Earth – and disregards the poor, who often are harmed by environmental policies like banning DDT, a cheap and safe insecticide that could largely eliminate the malaria-bearing mosquitoes that cost millions of lives every year in the Third World,” he added.
Beisner also said the cap-and-trade legislation proposed by Democrats in Congress to limit carbon emissions and allow the trading of “carbon credits” will harm an already struggling economy by killing jobs and slowing or even reversing economic growth.
Beisner said his organization late last year released a comprehensive research project, “A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Examination of the Theology, Science, and Economics of Global Warming.”
This project, he said, “provides solid Biblical, scientific, and economic basis for not only rejecting belief in dangerous manmade global warming, but also for rejecting policies meant to fight it.”
Beisner concluded by citing one of the founding principles of the CASC, which states that the Earth is not a fragile entity made randomly by chance but the creation of an almighty God, who sustains it.
“Raising the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from 27 thousandths of one percent to 39 thousandths of one percent, or even to 108 thousandths of one percent, is not going to cause catastrophic global warming that will, as Al Gore puts it, threaten to destroy human civilization and wipe out 90 percent or more of all species,” Beisner said.
“Our God is a more intelligent designer than to make a system so fragile, and a better judge to call such a system ‘very good’ after he made it,” Beisner said.

Amen! So do Christians believe in caring for the Earth? Of course we do. I believe in recycling. Or Reusing as it is called now. I believe in "Green Burials" Thanks to Dr. Billy Campbell. I have no problem with Cremation. As I told all that know me, to bad it's illegal, and would just raise WAY to many questions, when I die, put me in a hefty bag and put me out in the Trash. But then again, Landfills?
No folks. I do not have a problem with some environmental measures to protect the Earth from the stupidities of man. But is man destroying the planet? Are Cows farting killing us all? No. Without CO2, we all die. It is not a pollutant, no matter who says it is. It is a natural Life cycle. Good air in, Carbon out. Carbon feed plants. Plants transform it back into clean air. With out it, no plants, no clean air, no Mankind.
What we are against is Tyranny. In any form it takes.
“It degrades human beings, the crown of God’s creation, deifies nature in its untouched state as the ideal – contrary to God’s mandate for man to fill, subdue, and rule the Earth – and disregards the poor, who often are harmed by environmental policies like banning DDT, a cheap and safe insecticide that could largely eliminate the malaria-bearing mosquitoes that cost millions of lives every year in the Third World,” he added."
(this IS the most absurd statement i've ever seen) Pollution, chemicals and the exploitation of our soil and water degrades humans beings. DDT? Really? DDT is nerve poison. It works the first time but pests grow resistant very quickly. To be affective, larger and larger amounts have to be applied. Humans exposed to DDT experience chronic effects on the nervous system, liver, kidneys and immune and reproductive systems. Birth defects. Bioacummulation. Why would you replace one ordeal with another? No thought of the long term costs. Ignorant.
"Beisner concluded by citing one of the founding principles of the CASC, which states that the Earth is not a fragile entity made randomly by chance but the creation of an almighty God, who sustains it."
No matter what you do. No matter how badly you mess up other's lives or how much you destroy, God will always be there to fix it. That's a great excuse to act like an idiot.
"...and would just raise WAY to many questions, when I die, put me in a hefty bag and put me out in the Trash. But then again, Landfills?"
And disease. You'd probably wanna use a burlap sack or something biodegradable anyway.
"Are Cows farting killing us all?"
No. But hormone- and antibacterial-filled, feces-smeared, corn-fed (the reason for the antibiotics) cows ARE killing us. Not to mention destroying millions of acres of otherwise usable land and making already shrinking clean water supplies more in peril.
"In his speech, Beisner said that Christians should be concerned about global warming policies because they affect myriad issues, such as the sanctity of human life, individual liberty, the survival of free enterprise and free markets in the United States, compassion for the poor around the world, and a sovereign America with the kind of limited government envisioned by the Founding Fathers."
My livelihood is threatened because of rising water temperatures and lower flows in our rivers. Study after study has confirmed these rising temperatures are more prevalent in urban areas. People live in urban areas. People cause global warming. (yes, rivers are part of the equation). I need policies that protect my liberty and pursuit of happiness. The founders would want it that way.
"...with this Regime."
Why use “regime”? It's called the “Presidency”. Obama was ELECTED (by a landslide) PRESIDENT. He will only serve a maximum of eight years (if ELECTED again). The legislature creates the laws that govern our country's people. The legislature is ELECTED, also. Do you work for FOX?
“The Bible requires us to care for the poor,” he said, detailing how the policies focused on cutting the use of fossil fuels, for example, will hurt the poorest people by increasing the cost of energy and limiting its availability in the world’s poorest places where access to abundant energy supplies can prevent disease and premature death."
(this is one of the most absurd statements i've ever seen) There have been fossil fuels exploited in the world's poorest countries for more than a century. Moneys from these resources have never helped the people. How has Exxon helped the poor? Many of these places and its people are no better off now because of the “riches” brought by those resources. In fact, because of the lack of responsible environmental practices by CORPORATIONS, these lands are often worse off. Indigenous peoples are suffering from contaminated soils and waters all over the planet because of our appetite for fossil fuels. Cutting the consumption of these fuels will HELP the poor.
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