Preview for Sunday 110809.
Hey folks,
Welcome to the Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you could visit. So they are seeking a motive for Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan. That's easy, He is an Islamofascist.
He gave away the food in his freezer. He left a goodbye note. He spoke out AGAINST the War saying that it was a War on Islam. He made several statements about how he was a Muslim FIRST and an American second. He praise Suicide Bombers. Then when he carried out his attack, he jumped up on a table and yelled "Allahu Akbar!" which is a call to Jihad.
These are just simply the FACTS! Not some far Right conspiracy, Racist, Muslim hating rhetoric. This IS what happened. Motive? He IS the enemy. So WHY, after all we are learning about this Kook, WAS HE STILL IN THE MILITARY? Not only in the Military, but in charge of our Soldiers Psyche? I repeat, WHO ARE HIS ASSOCIATES? Do we have more ticking time bombs in the Military waiting for the right time?
Coming right up today?
Jobs Jobs, Jobs. It's The Economy, Stupid
Hey folks,

He gave away the food in his freezer. He left a goodbye note. He spoke out AGAINST the War saying that it was a War on Islam. He made several statements about how he was a Muslim FIRST and an American second. He praise Suicide Bombers. Then when he carried out his attack, he jumped up on a table and yelled "Allahu Akbar!" which is a call to Jihad.
These are just simply the FACTS! Not some far Right conspiracy, Racist, Muslim hating rhetoric. This IS what happened. Motive? He IS the enemy. So WHY, after all we are learning about this Kook, WAS HE STILL IN THE MILITARY? Not only in the Military, but in charge of our Soldiers Psyche? I repeat, WHO ARE HIS ASSOCIATES? Do we have more ticking time bombs in the Military waiting for the right time?
Coming right up today?
Jobs Jobs, Jobs. It's The Economy, Stupid

According to the NYT - Democrats to Use Election to Push Agenda in Congress By CARL HULSE Published: November 4, 2009
WASHINGTON — Blaming election setbacks on a drop in voter enthusiasm, Congressional Democrats said Wednesday that losses in governors’ races in Virginia and New Jersey — and a striking House win in New York — should give new urgency to their legislative agenda, including a sweeping health care overhaul.
Before what happened in NJ and Virginia, happens Nation Wide. Buy off as many as they can, create Laws FORCING people to accept their agendas. I would not be surprised if they start attempting to figure out how you CAN NOT Vote them out. Hey, Bloomberg is not in his THIRD Term in NY against the wishes of MOST New Yorkers.
As they assessed the results, Democratic lawmakers and party strategists said their judgment was that voters remained very uneasy about the economy and did not see Democrats producing on the health, energy and national security changes they promised when voters swept them to power only a year ago.
“Most of us ran on that,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia and president of the party’s freshman class. “We must deliver. I need to give Democrats something to be excited about.”
AKA We can't lose the Kooks. We have to get this done before THEY turn on us, guaranteeing our defeat.
Democrats still face the political dilemma that has dogged their health care efforts this year and will continue to face tough choices as they take up issues like curbing global warming. Should they concentrate on motivating their core supporters, many of whom appeared to stay away from the polls in New Jersey and Virginia, by taking a more liberal approach, for example by embracing a public health insurance option?
Or do they try to write health, energy and fiscal policies that can attract independents, who broke for Republicans in Tuesday’s voting, in order to protect more moderate Democrats in conservative districts where spending and the rising debt are top worries?
“We have to do something, but it has to be right,” said Representative Frank Kratovil Jr., a first-term Maryland Democrat who won his seat away from a Republican last year. “My biggest concern is cost. The impact on the deficit is a real problem.”
How about JOBS? But this is not what they are concerned with. The more people out of work, the better it is for them. The more people rely on Government, the more people will vote to keep those in office who they rely on for EVERYTHING. Get it? I agree with John Boehner. It seems some in the GOP got the message also.
“If we can continue to stand on principle and oppose these liberal policies and show the American people that we have better solutions that are common sense solutions, we are going to do fine,” Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the Republican leader, said. He predicted that the Democratic rank-and-file, fearing for their political futures, would press its leadership to rethink the party’s direction.
Problem is the Party Leadership, the LWL {Left Wing Loons} do not care what their rank and file say. They attempt to SCARE them in line. Pelosi doesn't care. Reid doesn't care. They have an agenda and they are sticking to it. The rank and file BETTER go along with whatever insanity they want to push.
One of the things, that is being accredited to helping some Vote for the House version of the insanity that IS Obamacare is that the AARP has jumped aboard. Folks, they have been aboard from the beginning. Why do you think 60,000 people have cancelled their AARP membership since July 1? Remember that AARP Meeting where the Speaker unplugged the Mic and walked away when a MEMBER was asking a tough question? Now that they are all in, watch this number grow exponentially.
Now we will have to wait and see what happens in the Senate. You better get even more active folks. You better make sure that the Senators KNOW that they can Vote for this insanity all they want, but there will be dire consequences at the Voting Both in Nov. 2010. This is FAR from over.
Be right back.
NYT - Democrats to Use Election to Push Agenda in Congress
AP Sources: Dem Health bill to get AARP backing
NYT - Democrats to Use Election to Push Agenda in Congress
AP Sources: Dem Health bill to get AARP backing
The liberals have asked us to give Obama time. 25 to life seems appropriate I think.
I here ya Irish Godfather,
I would even settle for him being removed from office.
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