Hey folks,

So this week, I am awarding ANYONE who is still propagating the whole GWBS. From Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, India's environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva {Who says Rich Countries have to pay him to protect the Rain forest, which is being destroyed by Man but not GWBS}, Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, President Barack Obama, Kim Carstensen, WWF's climate change director, Denmark's Climate Minister Connie Hedegaard, all the way down to the Idiots like Arthur Max, Associated Press Writer, that are either ORDERED to or chose to write Dribble such as this, AP - US and China to reduce emissions, but not enough, while ignoring the FACTS that is it all based on a SCAM!
AMSTERDAM – Even after the U.S. and China set targets this week for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the world's combined pledges ahead of next month's climate summit fall far short of what experts say is needed to avert dangerous global warming.
That's all I have to post here. You want to read the rest of this garbage, then clink the link.
There IS NO GLOBAL WARMING. Not since 98. MORONS! There is no man-made-global-envio-threat to this World. Period. It is all a SCAM! As I posted Tuesday, Nail in The Cap and Tax Coffin?
These are from those pesky Private Emails form those claiming GW is anything more than BS. You know, the whole bases for Cap and Tax? The whole bases for the Government to come in and start regulating your life. The whole Bases for Al Gore to make more Millions, while YOU have to live in a tent and ride a bike to work. The whole bases for our President to give up our Sovereignty to the UN and join the One World Government. The whole bases of the new and growing Green Industry. IT'S A SCAM!!!
Hey folks, I do not have time to go over everything that I have told you for YEARS. The evidence is clear. THERE IS NO MAN-MADE GLOBAL WARMING!!! From the fact we haven't "Warmed" in over a decade, to the Polar Bears exploding in record numbers. From the fact the ICE is NOT melting and the sea is not rising, to the Caribou are mating in record numbers by the Alaskan Pipeline. From Al Gore using a clip from the Sci-Fi, "Day After Tomorrow" movie in his movie about man destroying the planet, to and including the fact, this is ALL MADE UP.
But those computer models? Garbage in, garbage out. I have talked about that as well. I could get a computer to tell us the probable out come of an Asteroid hitting San Fransisco, and it will seems dire. Problem is, THERE IS NOT ASTEROID! You get the point.
We have talked about how devastating Cap and Tax would be. The Poor and Middle Class will be hit the hardest. The Rich? They can afford to play the game and buy the scam that is Carbon Credits. YOU? You better get ready to chose if you will buy gas, or food.
So instead of investigating the FACT that this is all a Hoax, Some just continue to propagate the SCAM in the FACE of all the evidence that the only thing that is Man-Made is the claim that there IS a threat.
Congratulation to all of you propagandists out there. That either out of ignorance or blind obedience have decided to continue to attempt to push this obscene agenda of power, control, and money, YOU are the idiot of the Week. You are just making yourselves look like fools, and you will be recognized as such in the long run. When more and more Americans, and people all around the world WAKE UP to this scam, ANYONE attempting to further advance it, will be seen for what they are, IDIOTS!
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