Hey folks,

Time after time, many have offered Amendments and Addendums to make sure that there are no loopholes, nor any back doors, to have Abortions covered by Taxpayers money. Every time, they have been killed before they could even be seriously considered. Anyone that is not with the extreme version of Government control including Abortion, are simply locked out of any input whatsoever.

Don't let abortion politics stand in the way of affordable coverage for all. By Kathleen Kennedy Townsend Newsweek Web Exclusive
Nearly 50 years ago, President Kennedy delivered his famous "Catholic" speech in which he stated, "Whatever issue may come before me as president—on birth control, divorce, censorship, gambling, or any other subject—I will make my decision in accordance with these views, in accordance with what my conscience tells me to be the national interest, and without regard to outside religious pressure or dictates. And no power or threat of punishment could cause me to decide otherwise."
These words still ring true today, and nowhere more so than in the current health-care debate. In recent months, much has been made over the question of the Roman Catholic faith, health care reform, and abortion.
First, its NOT just the Roman Catholic Church that has a problem with Abortion. It is MOST Americans, Religious and non. It is even some Liberals out there that see a Choice OK to a certain extent, but not Late Term. MANY see Abortion as the MURDER of an innocent life. But what our Idiot is doing here is attempting to pit the RADICALS and the ignorant against an enemy that she thinks they already hate. Religious folks. Hence, the most recognized Religious Organization riddled with controversy, the Roman Catholic Church.
The Roman Catholic Church and American Catholics have long believed that health care is a basic human right. The church has been a leader in the struggle to achieve quality, affordable coverage for all. They know that if the United States is ever going to climb out of its dismal standing as 30th in infant mortality in the world, women will need access to better prenatal care so that they can give birth to healthier babies. Yet as lofty ideas turn into actual policy details, the perennial question of how to deal with the issues of women's health—specifically abortion and federal funding—has come up. In solving this issue, perhaps we should heed the words of my uncle: what is in the national interest?
OK. So she is attempting to link Abortion with Infant Mortality? Well, DUH! You have an Abortion, you decrease Infant Mortality because you KILL them BEFORE they become Infants.
In this instance, the national interest is to pass meaningful health-care reform and not litigate abortion in the process. Too much is at stake to let differences over abortion derail real health reform.
I AGREE one hundred percent. So put in there the safeguards to PREVENT ANY Taxpayers funds from funding Abortions. Remove the loopholes and back doors.
The good news is that thoughtful minds have come together in the House of Representatives to craft a reasonable and abortion-neutral proposal in health reform. It is neither pro-choice nor anti-choice. It is simply pro–health care.
ABSOLUTE BS! The next section is just simply Lib Talking points that have already been proven wrong. Then this.
Unfortunately, this reasonable approach is under attack from some Roman Catholic bishops who object even to the use of private dollars for women to exercise their conscience.
Now just after saying it prohibits Federal dollars to fund Abortions, she said, "object even to the use of private dollars for women to exercise their conscience." You can not have it both ways. The Private Dollars? Governemnt Controlled Healthcare?
They are determined to make abortion illegal, even if it derails health-care reform entirely—no matter the cost to women and children—and regardless of whether it would actually have any impact on the number of abortions in this country. (In fact, comprehensive health care could well reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and subsequent abortions.)
No. Actually a thorough study into the cause and effect of free Abortions, well, anything really, ALWAYS leads to an INCREASE in the activity or any product. People that feel they have nothing to lose and it costs nothing, will be MORE apt to take advantage of whatever it is being studied. including Abortions.
One of the aspects of this is the youth. Young Girls, as young as 13, who do not have to tell their Parents nor other Adults to find the funding they need, will simply go and have it taken care of. YOU will pay for their Abortions.
In politics, this is called using abortion as a "wedge" issue. And it's simply not right. It is not right to jeopardize health care for the millions of women and children who need it most by inserting abortion politics into the debate.
Take it OUT. Then it will not be an issue.
As a Catholic, I admire the bishops for their dedication to social justice, but cannot understand why they would put the health of so many women and children at risk when there is not a single federal dollar being spent on abortion services. It's a view I believe many of my fellow Catholics share. I urge the bishops to recognize that the House bill contains a familiar and genuinely American solution to the challenge of weighing differing religious beliefs in the realm of public policy.
As I've said before, I consider myself "pro-conscience." Women do not make the decision to have an abortion lightly, but it is absolutely critical that they have the means to make this decision and access to the care they need, no matter what their choice. Anything less would be turning the clock back on the progress we have made on advancing women's health.
Do you see all the double talk here? Anyway, Abortions have NOTHING to do with Women's health nor the health of Children. It KILLS Children.
We are tantalizingly close to achieving affordable quality health care for all Americans, a goal so dear to me, my family, and my uncle, Sen. Edward Kennedy, who himself was a strong advocate for women's rights and a devoted Catholic.
See, you can have it both ways? No. you really can't. Not to mention, the truth is the Bill in the House will STILL leave over TWENTY MILLION people without Healthcare.
It is deeply puzzling that the Roman Catholic Church could be against this critically important bill to ensure that millions of Americans, particularly low-income women and children, get the care they need. As Pope Benedict XVI said in his June Encyclical letter, "Charity is at the heart of the Church's social doctrine." Losing this opportunity is not in the national interest, and I firmly believe that it is not what the majority of Catholics want for our country and our fellow Americans.
What is puzzling is that Liberal Loons, such as yourself, think that the rest of America is either:
A- Stupid.
B- As Radical as you.
C- Persuaded so easily to abandon their deeply held CORE beliefs, just because a few Kooks may be offended by them.
Congratulations Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. Abortion IS the Murder of an Innocent life. People that understand that will not be persuaded to PAY for others to CHOSE to Kill their unborn child, just because you think it is moral to be all inclusive. Problem is, wrong is wrong, no matter who or how many say it is right. I understand that the Libs ALWAYS need an enemy to rally against and that you think that the Roman Catholic Church is an easy mark. If you where talking about other Mediators other that Jesus, Idiot Worship, or outright cover ups of heinous crimes, I would be with you. However, Abortion is Murder, plain and simple. The fact that a Religious Organization is against this, just makes commonsense. They are not alone.
Newsweek - A Call to Catholics
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