Preview For Sunday 112209
Hey folks,

Fluwikie.com is in the progress of choosing some of the top blogs(which have adequate information) to receive recognition from Fluwikie.com as a Featured Blogger. This award is not meant to be anything other than a recognition that your blog gives adequate information about tactics that directly or in directly raise disease awareness and prevent the transmission of Disease. Flu Wikie is a Private Global Health Watch Group. Whose goal is to promote healthy living though the spread of FREE information globally. Thank you for your time and dedication to your blog!
Thank you Cassandra Alice. That's right folks, that little banner you see in the top left of your screen is from Fluwikie.com. I got this Email Friday evening and checked them out. I actually ended up spending quite a bit of time there. I find this a interesting site filled with EXTREMELY useful information. Just as an Example, do you know the FACTS about the Flu?
F - Fever, A - Aches, C - Chills, T - Tiredness, S - Sudden Symptoms. This acronym will help you know if your symptoms may be the cause of the flu virus. If you have more than three of the above F.A.C.T.S., chances are you have the flu.
Then again Fluwikie.com is not just about the Flu, but MANY other Illnesses and Disease. Seriously folks, take a second and check them out.
Welcome to the Big Sunday Edition of the OPNTalk Blog. Glad you could check in today. Coming right up today?
IBD Has It Right, The Day Global Warming Stood Still
The Poor and Middle Class ALWAYS Get Hit The Hardest
The Poor and Middle Class ALWAYS Get Hit The Hardest
Oh, and of course the Healthcare debate, uh, to debate, passed 60-39 Vote, as expected. On with the show in the Senate. It's FAR from over folks, FAR from over. Of course the LWL, Left Wing Loons, will herald this as a major Victory, but really it's nothing more than permission to duke it out. Let them know, a Vote FOR Obamacare, will be, without a doubt, a Vote OUT of the Senate in 2010.
Meanwhile over in Iran,
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran's military said it will begin large-scale air defense drills on Sunday, and a cleric in the Revolutionary Guards warned that the Islamic Republic would fire missiles at "the heart of Tel Aviv" if attacked.
The war games, due to last five days, are intended to help protect Iran's nuclear facilities, Iranian media reported, citing Brigadier General Ahmad Mighani
{Sigh} Going to fill my cup folks. Today is Don Francisco's Hawaiian Hazelnut. www.don-francisco.com Go get whatever gets you going in the AM, and meet me back here. We have a lot of ground to cover today. Be right back.
Meanwhile over in Iran,
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran's military said it will begin large-scale air defense drills on Sunday, and a cleric in the Revolutionary Guards warned that the Islamic Republic would fire missiles at "the heart of Tel Aviv" if attacked.
The war games, due to last five days, are intended to help protect Iran's nuclear facilities, Iranian media reported, citing Brigadier General Ahmad Mighani
{Sigh} Going to fill my cup folks. Today is Don Francisco's Hawaiian Hazelnut. www.don-francisco.com Go get whatever gets you going in the AM, and meet me back here. We have a lot of ground to cover today. Be right back.
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