Hey folks,

According to Reuters - Cow dung to power more Dutch homes
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – A plant that converts cow dung into energy for homes opened in the Netherlands Friday.
Manure from cows at a nearby dairy farm will be fermented along with grass and food industry residues, and the biogas released during the process will be used as fuel for the thermal plant's gas turbines.
The heat generated will be distributed to around 1,100 homes in the area around Leeuwarden in the north of the Netherlands, the plant's operator Essent said in a statement.
Firms in Europe and elsewhere have been investing in biogas plants and this is the second of its scale running on cow manure in the Netherlands. It follows another plant that Essent opened in January.
No. Wait. Never mind. This is the Leeuwarden. Al Gore and the Chicken Little Crowd would be against this here. Why? That would be a lot of Cow farts. You know, Carbon Dioxide. We have to cap how much we BREATH, or PAY them lots of money to say we are no longer breathing. No. Until they find a way to stop Cows from farting, consistently provide adequate Wind, or Sunshine, I guess we are stuck with Oil.
Anyway, coming right up today?
Jefferson Goes to Jail
OH! A little word of advice to you. If your minutes run out on your prepay Cell Phone, you get an urge, BORROW someone else phone to call Adult Party Lines. Do NOT dial 911.
Sounds pretty obvious doesn't it? Well not to Joshua Basso. According to WPBF 25 - Man Dials 9-1-1 Looking For Sex
TAMPA, Fla. -- Florida police say a man arrested for repeatedly calling 911 looking for sex claimed it was the only number he could dial after running out of cell phone minutes.
Idiot. Going to fill up. Go get yours, and let's get going. Be right back.
1 comment:
"Cow Power!"
For a second there Pete I thought you were referring to Hilary Clinton.
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