As I said, Don't doubt what you see here.
Dear Webmaster,
Pathology.org is the largest up to date informational database consisting of general health and disease information. The only way to combat disease and promote healthy living is to provide the public current information on health and diseases.
Pathology.org consists of breaking news in the health world and offers the information needed to take preventive and combative measures to fight disease. Your website seems to be a very credible resource and would beneficial to us in the fight to combat the contraction and spread of disease. You can aid us in this fight by simply putting a banner or link up for us, making our site available to your vast public. I have included the code for the banner within this email showing you exactly what this banner will look like. Thank you for your time, effort, and work you have done, we look forward to any thoughts you may have.
Well thank you Kia Ren.
I have checked out their site, and just like Fluwiki.com, they have fast resources in dealing with health and disease. I do HIGHLY recommend that you take a few minutes and check them out. That's Pathology.org.
Now I have been thinking about this. Seems that I'm getting quite a few Emails from different health organizations and others out there, want to share with YOU, the information that they have coming directly from the experts. The REAL Experts. Since you know that:
A- I love Science.
B- I love helping to Educate people, including myself, on matters of sickness and Disease.
C- ALWAYS say, if you want answers, ACCURATE and USEFUL Information, go DIRECTLY to the source.
D- Believe in these sites.
I have no problem posting the Banners. However, I'm starting to feel that I should post a bit of a disclaimer here. So here it is.
The thoughts and comments of the OPNTalk Blog, do not necessarily represent the thoughts and opinions of Fluwiki.com or Pathology.org. The views expressed here are MINE. I am in no way related to, nor do I speak for, anyone outside of the OPNTalk Blog. My opinions here, are, well always right {Smile} and you should agree with me. However, you have the freedom to disagree.
I will be posting these banners on the Daily Article for about a week. Then I will post them anytime I talk about Health, Science, ETC. I do not know what political views they have, Religious, ETC. I do not want to give the illusion that they agree with a certain point of view that I am expressing. So I will stick to the Health stuff to display the Banners.
Thank you again Kia Ren.
Be right back.
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