EVERYONE is using GWBS these days.
Hey folks,

NEW DELHI (AFP) – India, a stronghold of vegetarianism where the cow is a sacred animal for the majority Hindu population, has urged the rest of the world to give up eating beef to help reduce global warming.
"The single most important cause of (carbon) emissions is eating beef," Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said during a speech on Thursday, his office told AFP.
{Laughing} Really? Says him.
"My formula is stop eating beef. This would stop the emission of methane," said the vegetarian minister.
HOW? Will the Cows not still fart? Have you, and I have, eaten some Vegetarian meals made with Beans? Trust me, that produces Methane more than when I eat a good steak.
Ramesh, who recently made headlines for disputing international research suggesting glaciers in the Himalayas are melting, made the remarks on Thursday at the launch of a UN report on world population in New Delhi.
Meat eating is common in India, albeit in smaller quantities than in Western countries. However, the vast majority of India's Hindus shun beef and the sizeable Muslim minority do not eat pork.
Non-meat eaters help in "climate mitigation", Ramesh said.
In 2008, Rajendra Pachauri, who chairs the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, also suggested that people should cut their meat consumption to help combat climate change.
His study found meat production accounts for a fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions.
So I have a question. If we did not eat them, would there not be more OF them. That would be an increase in farts. Would it not? Then you have everyone turning to beans. Again, that would be an increase in farts amongst Humans. Would it not? The only way to keep the number of "meat" be they Cows, Chickens, Buffalo, Horses, Turkeys, or whatever, would be to KILL them. Right? But if the Cow is Sacred, would killing it be considered a Sin? What would you do with all the byproducts? It's all so confusing.
Folks, GW is BS. We all know this. But I thought that this guys take on it was pretty funny. Save the Cows, EAT Steak, Hamburgers, or whatever else you fancy. A lot of Cows would not be around if it were NOT for their beef.
All kidding aside folks. Eat whatever you want. I do. If you chose a Vegetarian Lifestyle for Religious or any other reason, do it. It works for my Wife. I even enjoy a good Veggie meal myself once in a blue moon. But do not use a SCAM to attempt to FORCE me into doing what you do. Especially if there is no Logic or REAL Science behind it.
Shun beef to stop climate change, says India
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