Ignorant or Dangerous. Both lead to the same result.
Hey folks
Let's leave aside the fact that Obama, just offended the entire country of India by putting them in a tent, surrounding himself with his own staff and leaving MANY Indian Americans, even those in high public office, off the invite list, and making a statement like this.
"Yours is the first official state visit of my Presidency, its fitting that you and India be so recognised."
Why thank you your Hindass. The general reaction in India has been of course "Who the heck does this guy think he is?"
Uh, King Hussein Obama.
Do you remember this?
Obama campaigned, "I will stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship job overseas, and I will start giving them to companies that create good jobs right here in America."
Yet, Obama filled some of his top White House posts with people who not only support expanding the H-1B visa program, but see Offshore Outsourcing as a plus for the U.S. Economy. Will it hurt the Job growth here? Some say of course it will, and of course, it goes against what he said during the campaign.
This lead to Diana Farrell, who is now Deputy Economic Advisor to Obama, releasing a Study that Created a new rule for Offshore Outsourcing. It claims that for every dollar spent on a Business Process outsourced to India, the US Economy gains at least $1.12. It really doesn't do anything for Job Growth here, "but it is good for the Economy" they claim.
So now in the tent, Obama attempts to explain this concept he has over Outsourcing. According to Computer World - White House sends out 'world is flat' message with India visit 'Outsourcing America' author says claim of balance in the trading relationship is wrong Patrick Thibodeau
Again, you will not find this anywhere in the MMD.
November 24, 2009 (Computerworld) The California wine served at a U.S. State Dept. lunch today for India's Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, was called Conundrum, a word that sums up the difficulty trying to decipher President Barack Obama's approach to offshore outsourcing and H-1B visas.
The Obama administration has yet to outline its views on offshore outsourcing of skilled jobs and this continued today with Singh's visit. But there were clues nonetheless among the people who were invited at a State Department luncheon for Singh.
Among those at the luncheon was Thomas Friedman, a columnist at The New York Times and author of "The World is Flat."
And among the 16 people seated at the head table were House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, whose state was picked by Tata Consultancy Services for its North American Delivery Center in Milford. The state offered about $19 million tax credits and other incentives to get Tata and, as of this month, 225 Ohioans work at the facility, according to the governor's office.
But although more than 50% of Tata's revenue comes from North America, of the more than 123,000 workers employed by Tata Consultancy Services, only 900 are Americans, says a report Tata issued in July. In fact, Tata has more workers who are Ecuadoran than American.
{Sigh} We already know about the Ecuadoran and Liberal US relationship.
Also at the head table was Ratan Tata, of the Tata Group, the parent of the IT consultancy group, says a White House pool report from the luncheon filed by Politico reporter Amie Pames.
Tata's Ohio project, announced in Oct. 2007, was expected to create 1,000 positions within the first three years. But Tata and Indian offshore firms will have to add a lot more U.S. workers if legislation by U.S. Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is adopted. Of particular concern is the bill's so-called "50-50" rule that limits the number of workers on H-1B or L-1 visas to half of a firm's total U.S. headcount. The majority of Indian companies in the U.S. have far more people working with visas than not.
Obama didn't address offshoring and only talked broadly about economic cooperation. "India will play a pivotal role in meeting the major challenges we face today. And this includes my top economic priority, creating good jobs with good wages for the American people," he said.
Obama also said that "Indian investment in America is creating and sustaining jobs across the United States," adding that there is "significant balance in our trading relationships."
REALLY? Folks, we already know Obama just makes stuff up all the time. Could anyone show me a balance here?
Ron Hira, an assistant professor of public policy at the Rochester Institute of Technology and author of "Outsourcing America," says the claim that there's balance in the trading relationship is wrong. "In fact we're running a large services deficit and an even larger jobs deficit with India," he said.
"[Expanding trade relationships] in the absence of needed policy changes means that more American jobs will be shipped overseas," Hira said. "That may be good for U.S. companies but it will be another blow to American workers. Obama has not lifted a finger for American workers when it comes to offshoring, and he's done even worse by giving the false impression he would."
Folks, he LIKES the unemployment Rate in double digits. It means MORE US Citizens on the Government Dole. It means more US Citizens are reliant on the Government just to survive. It means more Votes for Democrats {So they think} in the future.
Among the steps that Hira said he believes are needed are changes to the H-1B and L-1 programs so U.S. workers "aren't being forced to train foreign replacements," action on government tax subsidies for multinationals that operate in low tax places, and a "full accounting" of the work that its moving offshore.
"What's more troubling with pronouncements like this is that Obama isn't even addressing the real concerns American workers have about outsourcing," said Hira.
Be it Outsourcing, be it "Green Jobs," be it "Shovel ready Jobs," Be it, ANY JOBS, Obama lies. He really doesn't care. Saying he will do something, then doing the opposite, or nothing at all, IS Obama's M.O.. He comes right out and LIES to the American people on a daily bases. Why should this be any different?
Then again, offending India is not abnormal for Obama either. He offends India, Israel, Brittan, and even our own country, on a daily bases. He offended Poland, South Korea, and many other US Allies. Yet he goes out of his way to Bow before other World Leaders and works really hard at NOT offending those that hate us, and would love nothing more, than to see America wiped off the Map.
Naive or the most Dangerous threat that our country have ever faced. You be the judge. In 2010, you can start making the point by slowing this Quest for Tyranny down by Voting back a BALANCE in Government. If he continues non-the-less, in 2012, you can be the Saviour of this country. VOTE THIS DICTATOR WANNABE, or IGNORANT FOOL, out of office all together.
CIO - Offshore outsourcing - the Obama effect
Computer World - White House sends out 'world is flat' message with India visit
Hey folks

"Yours is the first official state visit of my Presidency, its fitting that you and India be so recognised."
Why thank you your Hindass. The general reaction in India has been of course "Who the heck does this guy think he is?"

Do you remember this?
Obama campaigned, "I will stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship job overseas, and I will start giving them to companies that create good jobs right here in America."
Yet, Obama filled some of his top White House posts with people who not only support expanding the H-1B visa program, but see Offshore Outsourcing as a plus for the U.S. Economy. Will it hurt the Job growth here? Some say of course it will, and of course, it goes against what he said during the campaign.
This lead to Diana Farrell, who is now Deputy Economic Advisor to Obama, releasing a Study that Created a new rule for Offshore Outsourcing. It claims that for every dollar spent on a Business Process outsourced to India, the US Economy gains at least $1.12. It really doesn't do anything for Job Growth here, "but it is good for the Economy" they claim.
So now in the tent, Obama attempts to explain this concept he has over Outsourcing. According to Computer World - White House sends out 'world is flat' message with India visit 'Outsourcing America' author says claim of balance in the trading relationship is wrong Patrick Thibodeau
Again, you will not find this anywhere in the MMD.
November 24, 2009 (Computerworld) The California wine served at a U.S. State Dept. lunch today for India's Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, was called Conundrum, a word that sums up the difficulty trying to decipher President Barack Obama's approach to offshore outsourcing and H-1B visas.
The Obama administration has yet to outline its views on offshore outsourcing of skilled jobs and this continued today with Singh's visit. But there were clues nonetheless among the people who were invited at a State Department luncheon for Singh.
Among those at the luncheon was Thomas Friedman, a columnist at The New York Times and author of "The World is Flat."
And among the 16 people seated at the head table were House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, whose state was picked by Tata Consultancy Services for its North American Delivery Center in Milford. The state offered about $19 million tax credits and other incentives to get Tata and, as of this month, 225 Ohioans work at the facility, according to the governor's office.
But although more than 50% of Tata's revenue comes from North America, of the more than 123,000 workers employed by Tata Consultancy Services, only 900 are Americans, says a report Tata issued in July. In fact, Tata has more workers who are Ecuadoran than American.
{Sigh} We already know about the Ecuadoran and Liberal US relationship.
Also at the head table was Ratan Tata, of the Tata Group, the parent of the IT consultancy group, says a White House pool report from the luncheon filed by Politico reporter Amie Pames.
Tata's Ohio project, announced in Oct. 2007, was expected to create 1,000 positions within the first three years. But Tata and Indian offshore firms will have to add a lot more U.S. workers if legislation by U.S. Senators Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is adopted. Of particular concern is the bill's so-called "50-50" rule that limits the number of workers on H-1B or L-1 visas to half of a firm's total U.S. headcount. The majority of Indian companies in the U.S. have far more people working with visas than not.
Obama didn't address offshoring and only talked broadly about economic cooperation. "India will play a pivotal role in meeting the major challenges we face today. And this includes my top economic priority, creating good jobs with good wages for the American people," he said.
Obama also said that "Indian investment in America is creating and sustaining jobs across the United States," adding that there is "significant balance in our trading relationships."
REALLY? Folks, we already know Obama just makes stuff up all the time. Could anyone show me a balance here?
Ron Hira, an assistant professor of public policy at the Rochester Institute of Technology and author of "Outsourcing America," says the claim that there's balance in the trading relationship is wrong. "In fact we're running a large services deficit and an even larger jobs deficit with India," he said.
"[Expanding trade relationships] in the absence of needed policy changes means that more American jobs will be shipped overseas," Hira said. "That may be good for U.S. companies but it will be another blow to American workers. Obama has not lifted a finger for American workers when it comes to offshoring, and he's done even worse by giving the false impression he would."
Folks, he LIKES the unemployment Rate in double digits. It means MORE US Citizens on the Government Dole. It means more US Citizens are reliant on the Government just to survive. It means more Votes for Democrats {So they think} in the future.
Among the steps that Hira said he believes are needed are changes to the H-1B and L-1 programs so U.S. workers "aren't being forced to train foreign replacements," action on government tax subsidies for multinationals that operate in low tax places, and a "full accounting" of the work that its moving offshore.
"What's more troubling with pronouncements like this is that Obama isn't even addressing the real concerns American workers have about outsourcing," said Hira.
Be it Outsourcing, be it "Green Jobs," be it "Shovel ready Jobs," Be it, ANY JOBS, Obama lies. He really doesn't care. Saying he will do something, then doing the opposite, or nothing at all, IS Obama's M.O.. He comes right out and LIES to the American people on a daily bases. Why should this be any different?
Then again, offending India is not abnormal for Obama either. He offends India, Israel, Brittan, and even our own country, on a daily bases. He offended Poland, South Korea, and many other US Allies. Yet he goes out of his way to Bow before other World Leaders and works really hard at NOT offending those that hate us, and would love nothing more, than to see America wiped off the Map.
Naive or the most Dangerous threat that our country have ever faced. You be the judge. In 2010, you can start making the point by slowing this Quest for Tyranny down by Voting back a BALANCE in Government. If he continues non-the-less, in 2012, you can be the Saviour of this country. VOTE THIS DICTATOR WANNABE, or IGNORANT FOOL, out of office all together.
CIO - Offshore outsourcing - the Obama effect
Computer World - White House sends out 'world is flat' message with India visit
It never seems to amaze me when I used to look at the job sites where people were posting that they lost their jobs to an H1B person.
Americans spend good money to go to college to learn these skills and even have to take electives which have nothing to do with the subject they are pursuing just to be told they do not qualify to hold some job that they could do easily.
I remember reading posts from some that had even gone to extra classes to update their skills but the companies wanted foreign workers because they could pay them less money.
To read the vitriol from people who have had to train these people just to be replaced by someone who could barely do the job sent a message to me that people are upset they are losing their positions while the company big wigs are increasing their own pay and benefits leaves a sour note in every one's throat.
I hear ya Sam,
Obama seems to be all for it. This type of thing just shows his absolute Ignorance.
I get so tired of hearing things like this.
“President Obama has his chin out on just about every hot issue out there: Health care, terror trials, job losses, even the breast cancer report. He’s exposed and vulnerable. His poll numbers are dropping. Is he just too darned intellectual? Too much the egg head?”
— Chris Matthews on Hardball, November 20
Or this,
“The President has been agonizing over this decision for two months already, and now he’s sending the Pentagon back to the drawing board.... He’s recently immersed himself in the agony of war, honoring the fallen at Dover Air Force Base and, on Veterans Day, walking through Section 60 at Arlington National Cemetery where war dead from Iraq and Afghanistan are buried. That the President is so thoroughly researching such a critical decision is a good thing, according to CBS News national security consultant Juan Zarate.”
— White House correspondent Chip Reid on the November 12 CBS Evening News.
The MMD wants to keep telling us how Brilliant this Moron is, yet offer NO Proof whatsoever. He contently offends our Allies, Bows to Dictators, and Dilly Dallies while our Troops are being Killed. Yet he is Brilliant. No Collage Records, No IQ scores, No accomplishments, hell, not even a Birth Certificate. NOTHING. Yet he is the Smartest President we have ever had? Only in Lib Land.
But it's because he DOES have the MMD on his side. Record high unemployment, we get stories of how not having a job is GOOD for your mental Well Being. Three Trillion dollars Out of control Spending, "Well, you have to spend money to fix things" Oppressive Taxation, "Patriotic" Stalling sending help while 105 Soldiers die, "A Good Thing" Socialized Take over of the ENTIRE Healthcare system. Utopia. Bowing before other World Leaders"
“Before we leave the topic of the President’s trip overseas, I’ve often thought the hardest subject for every President, what do you do with royalty? We’re not trained to greet royalty since 1776. The President, as we saw with the emperor, went the full way, lots of comment about that.... [After snapshots of other Presidents greeting Japanese emperors] Who can blame them for not knowing what to do?...It’s just too confusing when you’re American.”
— ABC’s Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America, November 16.
Yes Sam, we are just to stupid to realize just how BRILLANT Obama really is. It's not our fault. We just need to accept whatever he does and love him.
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