Going to far? Or about time?
Hey folks,
If Fort Hood taught us anything, it taught us that PC can kill. All kind of warning signs that there was something wrong with a Muslim Military Doctor, and that he should NEVER have been allowed to continue in that role. But out of fear of being labeled a Racist, an Islamophobe, or just being called discriminatory, NO ONE DID ANYTHING. 13 Soldiers died.
Here is yet another example of where Profiling is not nearly as dangerous as PC. We are at War with radical Islamofascists. Sorry, just the flat out truth. That is the facts. But out of Political Correctness, and the fear we may offend someone, we stop little old ladies at the Airports. We ignore what should be OBVIOUS warning signs. We dismiss or wave off what some people actually SAY and DO.
Folks, it is NOT little old ladies that are going into Military Bases, strapping bombs to their own kids, or flying Planes into NYC Skyscrapers. No. It is not Asians. No. It is is Blacks. No. It is not Born again Christians. No. It is not the Jews. Sorry. It IS Muslims. Not discriminatory. Not racist. Not Islamophobia. It is simply THE TRUTH.
So now, after yet another attack on our own soil, some are actually starting to say, ENOUGH! Obama is still not ready to send more Troops that are needed to fight the War and support our Troops in Afghanistan, but some are finally looking more serious at all this. According to the AP - Feds Move to Seize 4 Mosques, Skyscraper By ADAM GOLDMAN, AP
NEW YORK (Nov. 12) — Federal prosecutors took steps Thursday to seize four U.S. mosques and a Fifth Avenue skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization long suspected of being secretly controlled by the Iranian government.
REALLY? You mean Little Hitler {Ahmadinejad} could possibly be planing attacks against us? REALLY? You mean that Iran is maybe an ENEMY of America on a quest to kill and destroy our Country? You mean that if they were, oh say, maybe, uh, working on a NUCLEAR BOMB, that they may actually intent to use it to "Wipe Israel off the map" and maybe even bring "Death to America"? REALLY? You mean Muslims that are in Iran may not like us?
In what could prove to be one of the biggest counterterrorism seizures in U.S. history, prosecutors filed a civil complaint in federal court against the Alavi Foundation, seeking the forfeiture of more than $500 million in assets.
The assets include bank accounts; Islamic centers consisting of schools and mosques in New York City, Maryland, California and Houston; more than 100 acres in Virginia; and a 36-story glass office tower in New York.
Confiscating the properties would be a sharp blow against Iran, which has been accused by the U.S. government of bankrolling terrorism and trying to build a nuclear bomb.
I'm SHOCKED! I thought Islam was just a peaceful Religion. I thought that Iran was just trying to turn on lights, and power their people's homes. I thought that Iran wanted to be friends with the US. I thought that all we would have to do is play nice with them, and they would just forget this nonsense. We could sing kumbaya and all would be right in the world. "HEY LADY! Get out of that wheelchair and get up against the wall!"
In all seriousness, is it about time? Or do you think that the Government is going to far? What about the First Amendment? Could this open the door for the Government to seize say a Catholic Church, Baptist, a Synagogue, or anything that the Government deems as a threat? Does it open the door to the Government coming in and taking your HOME if they deem YOU a threat of a Radical? Is it the right thing to do? Or is it dangerous territory?
Well, looks look at the facts here.
Prosecutors said the Alavi Foundation managed the office tower on behalf of the Iranian government and, working with a front company known as Assa Corp., illegally funneled millions in rental income to Iran's state-owned Bank Melli. Bank Melli has been accused by a U.S. Treasury official of providing support for Iran's nuclear program, and it is illegal in the United States to do business with the bank.
The U.S. has long suspected the foundation was an arm of the Iranian government; a 97-page complaint details involvement in foundation business by several top Iranian officials, including the deputy prime minister and ambassadors to the United Nations.
"For two decades, the Alavi Foundation's affairs have been directed by various Iranian officials, including Iranian ambassadors to the United Nations, in violation of a series of American laws," U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement.
The skyscraper, known as the Piaget building, was erected in the 1970s under the shah of Iran, who was overthrown in 1979. The tenants include law and investment firms and other businesses.
The sleek, modern building, last valued at $570 million to $650 million in 2007, has served as an important source of income for the foundation over the past 36 years. The most recent tax records show the foundation earned $4.5 million from rents in 2007.
Rents collected from the building help fund the centers and other ventures, such as sending educational literature to imprisoned Muslims in the U.S. The foundation has also invested in dozens of mosques around the country and supported Iranian academics at prominent universities.
If federal prosecutors seize the skyscraper, the Alavi Foundation would have almost no way to continue supporting the Islamic centers, which house schools and mosques. That could leave a major void in Shiite communities, and hard feelings toward the FBI, which played a big role in the investigation.
HARD FEELINGS? 13 American Soldiers DEAD. 3000 Americans DEAD. Even more Soldiers killed in the War. Hard feelings? I do not CARE. But is this really a slope we want to go down?
Every ounce of my being wants to stand and cheer this move. EVERY aspect of shutting down KNOWN AND PROVEN terrorist funding organizations and indoctrination centers are not only a good thing, but simply logical in a sane world.
However, do you remember this? Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment I talked about this when I posted THIS. Conservatives: Enemy of the State?
An enemy of the state is a person accused of certain crimes against the state, such as treason. Describing individuals in this way is sometimes a manifestation of political repression. For example, an authoritarian regime may purport to maintain national security by describing social or political dissidents as "enemies of the state". In other cases, the individual in question may have legitimately endangered the country and/or its population. For example, a double agent selling military or intelligence secrets could undermine a nation's security, and could therefore be considered an enemy not of just a person or entity within a state, but the state itself and all entities therein.
The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.
Now OK, we already know that the ignorant Left actually thinks that all Conservatives are War mongering, hate filled, Racist, Chauvinistic, Homophobes. They have attempting to portray us as this for years, even though, as I have pointed out here countless times, it is THEY that are the true Racist. But THIS? This is so far over the line, it is CRIMINAL.
A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.
So if you believe in the CONSTITUTION, YOU are an Extremist. An Enemy of the the Federal Government?
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.
Are you getting this? So if you are against Amnesty, Abortion, or gather, such as the Tea Party Movement to speak out against the False Messiah Obama, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL!
So if the Government starts to seize Religious Centers, what will stop them from seizing a Christian Church, or a Synagogue, that they deem an Enemy of the State. If they deem them Radical and Extremists, a threat to America and the American, all inclusiveness, way of life, what would stop them from coming in and shutting them down? After they do THIS, seizing the Mosques, with standing ovations, and great cheer, they will then have a precedent to come after ANYONE, that they feel is an enemy of whatever their agendas may be.
Now, do not misunderstand me. I have NO PROBLEM with the Government coming in and seizing Banks or Business that are PROVEN to be funding those that want us dead. I have no problem, and it is already on the books, with Government coming in a seizing personal property that is being used in felony crimes. I DO have a problem with Eminent Domain, but not seizing property that is to be found conducting felony crimes against fellow citizens.
But when you start talking about seizing Religious Centers, be they whatever Faith they are, I have to pause in my celebratory cheer. I have to look at history and what our Constitution actually says. I have to add logic, and commonsense. I have to think ahead, as to might may be the "unforeseen ramification and consequences" for the actions we take today. After doing that, I have to say, I feel it would be far better if we did NOT go down this road.
Seize the Banks. Take the Skyscraper. Investigate, and if proven FACT, arrest anyone that is found to be guilty of planing out attacks or conduction felony crimes. But let's leave the Religious Centers alone. Do I feel Islam is a peaceful Religion? I have my doubts. However, this is not a precedent I think we really want to set.
AP - Feds Move to Seize 4 Mosques, Skyscraper
Hey folks,

Here is yet another example of where Profiling is not nearly as dangerous as PC. We are at War with radical Islamofascists. Sorry, just the flat out truth. That is the facts. But out of Political Correctness, and the fear we may offend someone, we stop little old ladies at the Airports. We ignore what should be OBVIOUS warning signs. We dismiss or wave off what some people actually SAY and DO.
Folks, it is NOT little old ladies that are going into Military Bases, strapping bombs to their own kids, or flying Planes into NYC Skyscrapers. No. It is not Asians. No. It is is Blacks. No. It is not Born again Christians. No. It is not the Jews. Sorry. It IS Muslims. Not discriminatory. Not racist. Not Islamophobia. It is simply THE TRUTH.
So now, after yet another attack on our own soil, some are actually starting to say, ENOUGH! Obama is still not ready to send more Troops that are needed to fight the War and support our Troops in Afghanistan, but some are finally looking more serious at all this. According to the AP - Feds Move to Seize 4 Mosques, Skyscraper By ADAM GOLDMAN, AP
NEW YORK (Nov. 12) — Federal prosecutors took steps Thursday to seize four U.S. mosques and a Fifth Avenue skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization long suspected of being secretly controlled by the Iranian government.

In what could prove to be one of the biggest counterterrorism seizures in U.S. history, prosecutors filed a civil complaint in federal court against the Alavi Foundation, seeking the forfeiture of more than $500 million in assets.
The assets include bank accounts; Islamic centers consisting of schools and mosques in New York City, Maryland, California and Houston; more than 100 acres in Virginia; and a 36-story glass office tower in New York.
Confiscating the properties would be a sharp blow against Iran, which has been accused by the U.S. government of bankrolling terrorism and trying to build a nuclear bomb.
I'm SHOCKED! I thought Islam was just a peaceful Religion. I thought that Iran was just trying to turn on lights, and power their people's homes. I thought that Iran wanted to be friends with the US. I thought that all we would have to do is play nice with them, and they would just forget this nonsense. We could sing kumbaya and all would be right in the world. "HEY LADY! Get out of that wheelchair and get up against the wall!"
In all seriousness, is it about time? Or do you think that the Government is going to far? What about the First Amendment? Could this open the door for the Government to seize say a Catholic Church, Baptist, a Synagogue, or anything that the Government deems as a threat? Does it open the door to the Government coming in and taking your HOME if they deem YOU a threat of a Radical? Is it the right thing to do? Or is it dangerous territory?
Well, looks look at the facts here.
Prosecutors said the Alavi Foundation managed the office tower on behalf of the Iranian government and, working with a front company known as Assa Corp., illegally funneled millions in rental income to Iran's state-owned Bank Melli. Bank Melli has been accused by a U.S. Treasury official of providing support for Iran's nuclear program, and it is illegal in the United States to do business with the bank.
The U.S. has long suspected the foundation was an arm of the Iranian government; a 97-page complaint details involvement in foundation business by several top Iranian officials, including the deputy prime minister and ambassadors to the United Nations.
"For two decades, the Alavi Foundation's affairs have been directed by various Iranian officials, including Iranian ambassadors to the United Nations, in violation of a series of American laws," U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement.
The skyscraper, known as the Piaget building, was erected in the 1970s under the shah of Iran, who was overthrown in 1979. The tenants include law and investment firms and other businesses.
The sleek, modern building, last valued at $570 million to $650 million in 2007, has served as an important source of income for the foundation over the past 36 years. The most recent tax records show the foundation earned $4.5 million from rents in 2007.
Rents collected from the building help fund the centers and other ventures, such as sending educational literature to imprisoned Muslims in the U.S. The foundation has also invested in dozens of mosques around the country and supported Iranian academics at prominent universities.
If federal prosecutors seize the skyscraper, the Alavi Foundation would have almost no way to continue supporting the Islamic centers, which house schools and mosques. That could leave a major void in Shiite communities, and hard feelings toward the FBI, which played a big role in the investigation.
HARD FEELINGS? 13 American Soldiers DEAD. 3000 Americans DEAD. Even more Soldiers killed in the War. Hard feelings? I do not CARE. But is this really a slope we want to go down?
Every ounce of my being wants to stand and cheer this move. EVERY aspect of shutting down KNOWN AND PROVEN terrorist funding organizations and indoctrination centers are not only a good thing, but simply logical in a sane world.
However, do you remember this? Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment I talked about this when I posted THIS. Conservatives: Enemy of the State?
An enemy of the state is a person accused of certain crimes against the state, such as treason. Describing individuals in this way is sometimes a manifestation of political repression. For example, an authoritarian regime may purport to maintain national security by describing social or political dissidents as "enemies of the state". In other cases, the individual in question may have legitimately endangered the country and/or its population. For example, a double agent selling military or intelligence secrets could undermine a nation's security, and could therefore be considered an enemy not of just a person or entity within a state, but the state itself and all entities therein.
The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.
Now OK, we already know that the ignorant Left actually thinks that all Conservatives are War mongering, hate filled, Racist, Chauvinistic, Homophobes. They have attempting to portray us as this for years, even though, as I have pointed out here countless times, it is THEY that are the true Racist. But THIS? This is so far over the line, it is CRIMINAL.
A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.
Are you getting this? So if you are against Amnesty, Abortion, or gather, such as the Tea Party Movement to speak out against the False Messiah Obama, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL!
So if the Government starts to seize Religious Centers, what will stop them from seizing a Christian Church, or a Synagogue, that they deem an Enemy of the State. If they deem them Radical and Extremists, a threat to America and the American, all inclusiveness, way of life, what would stop them from coming in and shutting them down? After they do THIS, seizing the Mosques, with standing ovations, and great cheer, they will then have a precedent to come after ANYONE, that they feel is an enemy of whatever their agendas may be.
Now, do not misunderstand me. I have NO PROBLEM with the Government coming in and seizing Banks or Business that are PROVEN to be funding those that want us dead. I have no problem, and it is already on the books, with Government coming in a seizing personal property that is being used in felony crimes. I DO have a problem with Eminent Domain, but not seizing property that is to be found conducting felony crimes against fellow citizens.
But when you start talking about seizing Religious Centers, be they whatever Faith they are, I have to pause in my celebratory cheer. I have to look at history and what our Constitution actually says. I have to add logic, and commonsense. I have to think ahead, as to might may be the "unforeseen ramification and consequences" for the actions we take today. After doing that, I have to say, I feel it would be far better if we did NOT go down this road.
Seize the Banks. Take the Skyscraper. Investigate, and if proven FACT, arrest anyone that is found to be guilty of planing out attacks or conduction felony crimes. But let's leave the Religious Centers alone. Do I feel Islam is a peaceful Religion? I have my doubts. However, this is not a precedent I think we really want to set.
AP - Feds Move to Seize 4 Mosques, Skyscraper
1 comment:
I am shocked I tell you. Just the other day I saw a poster on a site claim it was actually Christians that commit most of the atrocities.
Funny thing I went to democratunderground and found that very subject being discussed and I surmised that what I saw was a poster who gets his news from left wing sources while claiming no bias.
I asked for verification of his allegations and what I received back was an ad hominem attack.
Who would have thunk?
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