I'm a happy manHey folks,

Special Saturday Post today. This is from the Emails and I really do thank you
LG for sending it to me. I really am a happy man with McCain's choice. In case you folks out there missed it, check this Video out. It's 25 minutes long so get your coffee, get ready, and enjoy. I'll be right back with my thoughts after the Video.
McCain introducing PalinOK so who is she? Well, she is someone that can overcome odds, Govern, and has something that REALLY scares the Liberals. After two years in office, her popularity remains high. She has 80 percent approval ratings.
Here is a little bit of her Bio.
Governor Sarah Palin made history on Dec. 4, 2006, when she took office. As the 11th governor of Alaska, she is the first woman to hold the office.
Under her leadership, Alaska invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding, and implemented the Senior Benefits Program that provides support for low-income older Alaskans. She created Alaska’s Petroleum Systems Integrity Office to provide oversight and maintenance of oil and gas equipment, facilities and infrastructure, and the Climate Change Subcabinet to prepare a climate change strategy for Alaska.
During her first legislative session, Governor Palin’s administration passed two major pieces of legislation – an overhaul of the state’s ethics laws and a competitive process to construct a gas pipeline.
Governor Palin is chair of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, a multi-state government agency that promotes the conservation and efficient recovery of domestic oil and natural gas resources while protecting health, safety and the environment. She was recently named chair of the National Governors Association (NGA) Natural Resources Committee, which is charged with pursuing legislation to ensure state needs are considered as federal policy is formulated in the areas of agriculture, energy, environmental protection and natural resource management. Prior to being named to this position, she served as co-chair of this committee.
Prior to her election as governor, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council and two terms as the mayor/manager of Wasilla. During her tenure, she reduced property tax levels while increasing services and made Wasilla a business friendly environment, drawing in new industry.
She has served as chair of the Alaska Conservation Commission, which regulates Alaska's most valuable non-renewable resources: oil and gas. She was elected by her peers to serve as president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors. In this role, she worked with local, state and federal officials to promote solutions to the needs of Alaska's communities.
What has Obama done? The LWL {Far Left Loony Fringe}, the Obamaites, and some in the Mainstream Media HATE this. They ABSOLUTELY hate McCain surprising and history making choice. HATE IT!
Hillary gets screwed by the LWL. Obama, the LWL Messiah is being over shadowed by a Women. A Woman that is more qualified to actually be President than he is. HOWEVER, some in the Mainstream Media BETTER be careful. They have a bit of a delima here. How do they attack a Woman VP pick? How do they down play her significance? How do they attack McCain? {Laughing} They can't. So it seems they have decided to go after her foreign policy experience. Which of course is just absurd. Obama? Foreign Policy? Sorry, the world tour does not count.
But they are trying. Get this from the AP this morning.
AP - McCain's choice of running mate is hardly known By STEVE QUINN and CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press Writers
She has more experience catching fish than dealing with foreign policy or national affairs.{Laughing} They hate this folks. I'm telling you. So Mr. Quinnand Mr. Woodward, what experience does Obama have at Governing? What foreign policy experience does he have? "Well, he has Biden." Well, she has McCain that trumps Biden. Oh by the way, McCain is the one that will become President. Biden? VP.
This Woman is absolutely driving some on the Left nuts. I'm loving this. I really am. I love when she said this.
"Hillary left 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in America. But it turns out the women of America aren't finished yet, and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all."She is right. The fact that she is not a Democrat is going to FORCE some to down play what they would otherwise be praising. This is going to be dangerous territory for them to walk. EVEN VP Candidate Joe Biden sees that this is dangerous. He said that Palin's selection was
"another encouraging sign that old barriers are falling in our politics."I also love this. Just as a bit of a side note. She brings a story. She brings a feel good message. She really does seem to have something for everyone to look to. To say "she's for me." One is the story of her Son Trig. She was told that Trig would be born with Down syndrome. There was never a doubt that she and Todd would have the child. When asked if she considered aborting Trig, she said this.
"We've both been very vocal about being pro-life. We understand that every innocent life has wonderful potential."You know that the Left is big on feelings. They want you to feel good about this and that. They want you to feel for Obama. They want you to feel good about putting the first African American in the White House. They want you to feel bad about McCain. They want you to FEEL that even though Obama has NO experience on, well, anything, is clueless as to reality, and cannot speak without a pre written speech and a teleprompter, he is the best one for the job.
However, Gov. Sarah Palin has A LOT to feel good about. Woman, Mother, Hunter, Governor, Pro-Life, Yes, I know, even the Envionuts can feel good about her, she kicked the bejesus out of a 22 year veteran Politician {Politically speaking of course} to become the first Woman Governor of Alaska, tough, nononsense Executive, who of course, just happens to be a staunt Conservative. She really DOES have a lot to feel good about. Great choice Sen McCain. GREAT choice.
I would also be willing to bet this. The fact that Palin is now part of the ticket, we will be seeing A LOT more energy and excitement on the Right. We are going to see a VERY interesting tiptoe attack on Palin from the Left, and this just got really interesting.
Breitbart TV - Video
Sarah Palin - Bio AP - McCain's choice of running mate is hardly known