Sunday, August 31, 2008

IWA For Sunday 083108

You would think she would be FOR Palin. Oops, Palin is a Conservative. Never mind.

Hey folks,

It's Sunday! Time for the IWA! This weeks winner is typical. This is what I was talking about before when I said that the LWL {Far Left Wing Loony Fringe} will be attacking what they should be supporting. But since the Woman that has achieved such a mile stone in history just happens to be a Conservative, uh, never mind. Not important. No big deal. {Laughing}

But this is no surprise for this week's winner. I would be willing to bet most of you out there most likely have never heard of her before. She is a card carrying member of the LWL. A Feminatzi type. Big Union and anti- war protester in the 70 and 80s and now the Chair of Change to Win. Her name is Anna Burger.

Now Change to Win is a big union conglomerate made up of seven unions and boasts a 6 million plus membership. Now if you have ever been in a union, you know some are good, some are in it for dues only. You know that most of the time, the only ones that the union really benefit are those running them.

Her little Press release shows us just how desperately scared these people are. Seriously folks. They are absolutely afraid that McCain's pick is going to work. It has already overshadowed Obama's "I have a Dream" TYPE speech. It has completely knocked Hillary off the radar, and it has re-energized the base of the Republican Party. It has even gotten some disgruntled Hillary supporters looking more seriously at McCain. They, the LWL, and some in the Mainstream Media, were completely blindsided. They are lashing out.

Here is what she had to say.

"Even though it is John McCain's 72nd birthday, it looks like Barack Obama and Joe Biden got the best gift with McCain's choice of Sarah Palin to be McCain's running mate. In an election McCain claims is about experience and security, he picks someone who barely has the equivalent of a learner's permit in elected office, let alone foreign affairs. She has served well under two years as governor, and her prior experience as a mayor of a town with 9,000 people does not qualify her to be a heartbeat away from the presidency."

Uh, Anna? Obama served 143 days in the Senate and has NO Foreign Policy experience AT ALL. He is not a heartbeat away from the Presidency, he WILL be President if he wins in November. So do you really want to talk about HER experience? Her experience trumps his hands down.

"America's working families want change. They want leaders with a proven record of standing up for better wages, health care for all, retirement security, fair trade deals that value jobs here at home, and for rebuilding our middle class through green jobs that pay a living wage. They want the chance to better themselves through union representation without facing illegal employer harassment."

Oh did I mention she is an Envionut as well? Where is Obama's record Ms. Burger? Where did he help ANYONE? Tell me his great accomplishments. I can give you some very positive ones that Palin has done. I've only known her for about two days. Can you with Obama?

"Governor Palin's lack of experience and thin record give us no choice but to return to the clear facts; that John McCain has a long and terrible record of failing America's workers. McCain's record is a train wreck for families who want a shot at the American Dream, and this choice, his first as a presidential candidate, shows a serious lack of judgment and understanding about what this election is about."

Seriously, you Ms. Burger are an Idiot. This election is about "Change." Right? McCain picks a Woman with more qualifications than his opponent. Obama? Picks a 30 year veteran Politician. A older White guy. Who is actually enacting CHANGE?

"That's why Change to Win members are so excited about the Obama-Biden ticket. We're in our sixth month of backing a candidate who has the vision and leadership to make real change for all of America's working families. Obama had the wisdom to pick a partner with over 30 years of experience in foreign affairs, and who has always stood on the side of workers in the fight for good jobs, retirement with dignity, and the opportunity to leave a better life for their children. That is why we are proud and excited to continue to knock on thousands of doors, visit thousands of worksites, and make millions of phone calls to educate our members and turn out an historic vote this November."

Yeah and one that has made three racist statements in the recent past. That's change alright. Sorry Ms Burger. I'm glad to say that most Americans are NOT LWL members, nor do they want to see a completely ignorant puppet get into the highest office in the land. They WANT experience. They WANT values. They want change. That IS what they are going to get with the first Woman VP in American history.

Congratulations Ms. Burger, you are the Idiot of the Week. Now go hug a tree while protesting the war, or just lace up your boots and get ready. Palin is not going anywhere. With her on the ticket, McCain may actually win this one BIG time.

Change to Win- Website

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