Friday, August 01, 2008

From The Emails 080108

More FACTS About Obama

Hey folks,

First, I could not be here Wednesday, THANK YOU Dr. Laura. What a great piece that was. I'm actually thinking about making that investment myself. Not that I will EVER need it. I still like the concept. I can not imagine ANYONE forgetting their child in the car, or anywhere for that matter.

Anyway, it's FRIDAY! Time to go to the Emails. This week's Email comes from BG. Thank you BG. This is from the Investors Insight by Gary D. Halbert Even MORE FACTS about Obama that you are not likely to read or see in the Mainstream Media.

Do Most Americans Really Know Barack Obama?

To the surprise of most conservatives, Senator Barack Obama continues to hold a lead over Senator John McCain in most of the national tracking polls, although McCain has made some gains over the last week or two as Obama went on his global “fact-finding” tour. Most conservatives are astonished at how many Americans have jumped on the Obama bandwagon, especially given his liberal positions on so many issues, his lack of experience and his questionable background.

Let's start with the questionable background. We are told that Obama served as a “community organizer” in Chicago for ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), which is one of the largest radical groups in America. You can easily check this out on the Internet. Next, there are Obama's ties to now-convicted felon, Tony Rezko. Rezko, a Chicago mover and shaker, was one of Obama's earliest supporters. After Obama was elected to the Senate in 2006, he and Rezko were involved in a questionable real estate transaction involving the purchase of Obama's mansion in Chicago. Obama has since admitted it was a mistake.

Then there is the issue of Obama's former minister of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright, who hit the national spotlight recently with his outrageous sermons. Wright also has a close relationship with and has praised Louis Farrakhan, who is the Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam and an outspoken anti-Semite.

In addition to his questionable background, there are his various liberal policy positions and votes. Obama has been rated “the most liberal Senator in Congress” by National Review, a prominent conservative think tank in Washington. Obama is pro-abortion and pro-gun control. He will raise income taxes, especially on those making $250,000 or more a year, and he says he will increase the capital gains tax (not good for the stock markets).

He vows to nationalize health care, which in my view is one of the scariest things about Obama. He is opposed to increased offshore drilling for oil and natural gas – ANWR would definitely not be allowed. He is a global warming enthusiast. He opposed the war in Iraq. He refuses to admit that the “surge” in Iraq has worked, even after his latest visit there. And the list goes on.

Then there is the critical question of the Supreme Court. With the advanced ages of several current Justices, it is very likely that Obama will get to nominate at least two Supreme Court justices in his first term should he be elected. He could well nominate another one or two should he win a second term.

As discussed at length in my July 1, 2008 E-Letter, the Supreme Court is fairly balanced at present with four generally conservative Justices and four generally liberal ones, with one swing vote in Anthony Kennedy. Depending on which Justices retire in the next 4-8 years, Obama could swing the court significantly to the liberal side. And with the Democrats firmly in control of the Senate, you can bet Obama's Supreme Court nominees will be approved quickly.

Obama Acts As If He's Already The President

Despite the negatives noted above, the mainstream media fawns over Obama's every word and refuses, for the most part, to write anything negative about the man – past or present. The ultimate proof of this was his latest overseas trip in which the evening news anchors from ABC, CBS and NBC all jumped at the chance to accompany Obama on his global junket.

Actually, I think Obama hurt himself on his foreign trip by talking and negotiating with foreign leaders as if he is already the President-elect. Excuse me, but we haven't voted yet! Not that I care to admit it, but I have marveled at Obama's confidence (at least when he has a teleprompter). However, his ill-advised discussions with foreign leaders now make me believe that he is one of the most arrogant politicians I have ever seen.

Given all of the above, why is Obama leading in the polls to become our next Commander-In-Chief? Much of it, I believe, is “Bush Fatigue.” Liberals and the media always hated Bush. Everything in the world that is wrong is Bush's fault. Many conservatives have turned against President Bush as well – he has disappointed us on many occasions. Unfortunately, many conservatives don't like McCain and may simply sit out this election, which is effectively a vote for Obama.

It is my belief that many Obama supporters are really just anti-Bush voters who simply want someone in the White House that is not the GOP candidate. That, in my view, is why many Obama supporters have dismissed (or failed to investigate) his questionable past and his liberal policy positions.

Link - InvestorsInsight Publishing

A lot more facts about the economy and the fact we are NOT doing as bad as you may think over at the link. Have a great Weekend and I'll see you for the big Sunday Edition.

Note: "From The Emails" is a weekly segment in the Friday edition of the OPNtalk Blog. If you care to send in News Articles, Comments, Stories, or anything else you may wish to share, please feel free to send it to As always, you never know what you are going to see here.

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