Hey folks,

First, a sincere THANK YOU You folks have absolutely taken me up on the From The Emails Segment suggestion. After having that annoying interruption this past Wednesday, I checked the Emails on Thursday morning. Now, I have been able to, from time to time, do a couple of days worth of articles, stories, or comments from the Emails. However, for the past few days, I realize, I could do the whole thing STICKILY from the things YOU send me.
I not exaggerating in the least. I really could do this whole thing and NEVER scan the news myself. There is some GREAT stuff in there. I will not be able to use it all, but really, there is GREAT stuff. Of course also, there is some stuff in there I can NOT share. {Smile} But I love it. Keep it up.
Some up coming stuff. We have a fill in host, if you will, this Monday. I will not be here. Actually, we will have two in the next few days.

Dear Peter,
Did you know that divorce can actually be bad for the environment? That's the conclusion reached in a study done by a professor at Michigan State University.
{Laughing} You are going to love this one. That’s this Monday.
As a matter of fact. Check this out. The UN has settled the Global Warming Crisis. You remember the last chance to save the planet? Well, they have agreed to a plan, to talk about it more later. {Laughing} Maybe in a year or so. {Depending on who our new President is} According to the AP- UN eyes global warming pact by 2009
In a dramatic finish to a U.N. climate conference, world leaders adopted a plan Saturday for negotiating a new global warming pact by 2009, after the United States backed down in a battle over wording supported by developing nations and Europe.
The rest of it is how America is to blame for all the world problems. We are evil. We do not care. We will not sign over our sovereignty to be controlled by those that hate us. Blah Blah Blah. Same old GW Bunk. Got to love it. The solution to this “Last Chance” is to agree to talk more. Next year or later. {Laughing}

Fret not, I WILL be here tomorrow for the normal Sunday edition of the OPN. I will also be back on Wednesday. With the Holidays coming up, and all that, I am EXTREMELY busy. I think you will enjoy the guests in my absence. Most likely, more than you enjoy me sometimes. {Smile}
See you then.
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