Hey folks,

This is the continuing saga of the adventures of Rat Man. Last time we saw our hero Rat Man, he was battling President Evil and his second in command Darth Cheney. The date was November 25, 2007. He was fighting for his ultimate Terrorist Crime Tool, a Department of Peace in his administration. Still, whatever that means. The whole time trying to stir up an Impeachment call.
He failed, and will continue to. But that will not stop Rat Man. Now he is leading the charge to bring back the past. Yes folks, he feels that if he can remind you of the 2000 Presidential THEFT of the Presidency, he will finally conquer the Evil Duo. Meanwhile, make some money at the same time.
According the USA Today - Kucinich Christmas: Hanging chads for all
WASHINGTON — Dennis Kucinich has an answer for your holiday gift-giving: a Palm Beach County voting machine from the 2000 election "containing actual chads," with a "replica butterfly ballot" and a letter signed by Kucinich proclaiming "the stolen presidential election of 2000."
{Sigh}The sad thing, people are BUYING them. Well, three at least.
Kucinich, a Democratic presidential candidate, is trying to sell 1,200 of the machines through a Florida supporter and collector Jim Dobyns. Kucinich just started offering the machines on his

Yes, Rat Man, the hopeless candidate, on his ever continuing quest, will not be denied. Congratulations Rat Man, you HAVE done something no one has ever done before, win the IWA twice in two months.
Will Rat Mat be successful? Will he over come all the odds and finally beat President Evil and Darth Cheney? Tune in next time. Same Rat time, same Rat channel.
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