
AP - US: Iran halted weapons program in 2003
Reuters - Report contradicts Bush on Iran nuclear program
AFP - New Iran nuke report challenges White House
McClatchy Newspapers - U.S. intelligence: Iran apparently halted nuclear weapons drive in 2003
USAToday - U.S.: Iran halted nuke work in 2003
Just to name a few. They all say about the same thing. Bush is wrong. Iran is good. They are not creating Nuclear Weapons, they think anyway, and all is well. Let's just touch on a few shall we.
The AP reports this.


How about the anti-Bush hit piece by McClatchy Newspapers?
The declassified key judgments also undermine both President Bush 's Oct. 17 warning that Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons could "ignite World War III" and his administration's drive for tougher international sanctions against Iran . In addition, they deal another blow to the administration's credibility and influence, already battered by its use of bogus and exaggerated intelligence to justify its 2003invasion of Iraq .
But even some of these HAVE to report what the NIE ACTUALLY says between all the Anti-Bush rhetoric. Like this from McClatchy Newspapers.
We do not know whether it currently intends to develop nuclear weapons," the key judgments continued. "We continue to assess with moderate-to-high confidence that Iran does not currently have a nuclear weapon" even though "we cannot rule out that Iran has acquired from abroad— or will acquire in the future— a nuclear weapon or enough fissile material for a weapon."
We do NOT KNOW. They ASSESS that Iran does not ALREADY have Nuclear weapons. They cannot rule out that they MAY have one already, or that they WILL get one.
What about the AFP?
The NIE, the consensus view of all 16 US spy agencies, said it was unclear whether Iran sought nuclear arms and that halting its still-dormant program suggested greater susceptibility to global pressure than had been thought.
It also cautioned that the Islamic republic was keeping its nuclear options open, still bucked international demands to freeze uranium enrichment, and that Tehran could have the technical ability to make a nuclear weapon sometime between 2010 and 2015.
Speaks for itself.
"But we do not know whether it currently intends to develop nuclear weapons," cautioned declassified findings of the the estimate, which starkly contradicted a 2005 NIE's conclusions.
We do not KNOW.
"Tehran's decision to halt its nuclear weapons program suggests it is less determined to develop nuclear weapons than we have been judging since 2005," it said, adding Iran appeared to have bowed to international pressure.
Suggests? They are GUESSING.
The findings provided ammunition to both sides in the international dispute over the best approach to Iran, and were were expected to fuel rather than quench the often bitter US debate over Iran policy ahead of the November 2008 presidential elections.
Of course it is. They {Iran} are hoping that we will get someone in office {Democrats} that are easily fooled and so they are STALLING.
How about THIS from USA Today?
The report also said:
— The earliest Iran could assemble enough highly enriched uranium for a bomb is late 2009, although that is "very unlikely."
— Iran would be capable of producing enough highly enriched uranium for a bomb in the 2010-2015 time frame.
— Iran is developing the scientific capabilities to create a bomb if it chooses to do so. For example, its "civilian uranium enrichment program" is continuing.
— Iran retains the "scientific, technical and industrial capacity" to produce nuclear weapons in the future if its leaders decide to.
If they decide to?
Folks, need I repeat Little Hitler's own words AGAIN. Need I remind you of his TRUE intentions? Need I,,you know what? Believe this report if you chose to. Let's talk more. Lets waste more time. Let's help Little Hitler out. You know, APPEASE him until 08. Let's elect someone who is stupid enough to believe this garbage. Then we can sit back and tell the thousands, or millions of families, hey we tried everything, just before the big BOOM!!!!
Have a great Tuesday. See you all tomorrow. Maybe. Maybe I WILL just give you that little pointless story about Swedes hugging. See you then.
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