Hey folks,
Happy Hump Day to you. Relax, only two days left until most of us get a break again. But let’s get to work. I saw this article yesterday when I wishing you all a Merry Christmas. THIS type of thing is NOT helping their cause. As a matter of fact, not only has it angered me, on CHRISTMAS, but it also will divide churches, further divide the country, and HURT the ILLEGAL Aliens cause. As well it should.
What I’m talking about is all those people that keep saying, as said to me, “What would Jesus do about Illegal Aliens? Would he help them, or would he have them locked up and deported?” The

According to Reuters -Help for immigrants divides congregations
By Andrea Hopkins Tue Dec 25, 12:22 AM ET
He doesn't speak Spanish and has no idea what America should do about illegal immigration, but Rev. Larry Kreps knows he's now on a list somewhere of people willing to help illegal immigrants in a time of crisis.
WHAT CRISIS? They are to blame for their OWN situation. THEY CHOSE to come here illegally. They chose to break the law. The American people are done with that. The politicians got the message after three attempts to give them amnesty. Now there are nation wide crackdowns going on. As well there should be.
Make no mistake though folks, if the wrong person gets in the White House and the wrong people stay in power, we WILL have Amnesty faster than you can blink. It’s not over by a long shot.
It started out small enough. Months ago, a member of Kreps' suburban Ohio congregation was looking for a place where local Hispanics could meet, and Kreps offered some space at John Wesley United Methodist Church. A Sunday school lesson on immigration followed in August.
Days later, with just a phone call for warning, dozens of desperate immigrants fleeing a massive raid on a nearby poultry plant turned up on the church's doorstep, seeking sanctuary.
And Kreps decided to aid and abet.
Kreps let them in, and members of his overwhelmingly white congregation sprang into action. Some brought food, some set up space in the gym and a choir room for the immigrants to sleep.
SOME Members.
"Someone slipped me $100 to buy stuff," Kreps recalled as he stood in the now-quiet church kitchen where the meals were prepared. It was a tense night as scared families and Kreps himself worried police or federal agents might come knocking.
"I wasn't real clear legally whether authorities could come into a place of worship," he said. "But we saw it as 'What would Jesus do?' in the simplest way -- that you help first and you ask questions later."
But helping illegal immigrants has become an unpopular business in America. On the presidential campaign trail, Republican and Democratic candidates alike have backed down from any previous support for illegal immigrants, and ordinary Americans are treading just as carefully in the face of a growing backlash against the 12 million people here illegally.
One-third of Americans want to deprive illegal immigrants of social services, including schooling and emergency health care, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg Poll showed this month.
STOP! {Sigh} As you can see, I’m getting tired of all this bunk. I really am. Americans do not want to DEPRIVE anyone, anything. What we want is to NOT reward CRIMINALS. What we want, is to enforce the law. What we want is these Illegal Aliens to be Immigrants and come here LEGALLY.
The political stalemate over immigration in America and stepped-up raids to deport undocumented workers has pushed the everyday crisis of illegal immigration into the hands of people like Kreps.
Who is aiding and abetting. Which makes HIM and those like him, criminals.
Susan Woodward, 54, helped feed the scared families who stayed at John Wesley church for two days. But she knows not everyone in the congregation thought the church should be helping people they view as illegals. As a result, outreach then and in the days since has been done quietly.
"It's tricky. Things are being done unobtrusively, gently. The people who feel strong about giving support are doing it, but not drawing attention because they don't want to create more conflict for the people they are trying to help."
Or themselves.
Sylvia Castellanos, who works for the Coalition for the Rights and Dignity of Immigrants, is slowly working her way through churches in Ohio, offering information sessions for congregations about the plight of illegal immigrants.
She said church leaders so far have all welcomed the dialogue, but churchgoers who attend the sessions are not always as inviting.
"We live in this area which is very conservative and people who come to these events sometimes follow stereotypes," Castellanos said. "But it is good for them to come with their concerns, to have that dialogue."
There are NO stereotypes. You break the law, you are a criminal. You go somewhere you do not belong, you do not get what that place has. If I see, “Warning, no trespassing.” and I decide to go there anyway and take things from that place, I have just committed TWO crimes. I trespassed , and committed theft. Someone that decided to hide me from the cops looking for me, has just committed a crime. If the cops find me, both me and the one helping me WILL go to jail. Rightfully so. Why should ILLEGAL ALIENS be any different?
Dialogue can be difficult at First United Methodist Church in Hamilton, Ohio. Just seven miles from John Wesley, First United is within the border of Butler County, home to the poultry plant that was raided.
Debate over immigration has raged in Butler County, where an influx of immigrants has brought Mexican grocery stores and bakeries. Opponents say Hispanics bring crime, put strains on schools or hospitals, and take American jobs.
Which, like it or not, is ALL true. Not to mention them just BEING there has brought crime to the area. The are there ILLEGALLY.
The First United congregation is conflicted.
"I would say we're fairly evenly split," said Rev. Kenn Barton. "We have some people who see it in terms of legality ... 'They're illegal so we can't have them in our church. They don't have to come to worship because they should be in jail, or back in their country."'
EXACTLY. I also am willing to bet that the church is not as “evenly split, as the Rev says.
Barton is trying to broker change through education and a focus on God's love, but treads carefully. Even discussing the issue is sensitive, and Barton apologizes when members of his congregation opposed to illegal immigration refuse to discuss it with an outsider.
They should leave the church.
"It's tough," he said. "I tend to try to go slow."
THIS is what put me over the top. Get this.
John Wesley pastor Kreps said he, too, is still struggling to reconcile all the issues around illegal immigration as he waits for more scared families to show up on his doorstep. In the meantime, he's thinking about another long-ago family struggling to find shelter.
"Of course we're coming into Christmas and the question: 'Is there room at the inn?'," Kreps said. "I'd rather be someone who makes room somewhere."
He just compared Illegal Aliens to Jesus. What a completely idiotic, outrageous, and completely bogus statement. Let’s educate Mr. Kreps shall we?
Joseph and Mary, were NOT in Bethlehem illegally.
1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.
2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. Luke 2
There was no room at the Inn, because EVERYONE was coming into town to be taxed. There were a lot of people there for that reason. No one was trying to reject them, or not give them room. There was simply, no room.
Now to answer the question, “What would Jesus do?” He would forgive the Illegal Alien, YET, it would be for his Soul. It is a Spiritual matter. If an Illegal Alien would come up to Jesus, first, the Illegal’s Soul would have to be right. He would have to ASK for forgiveness and Repent, or turn away from the sin he was committing. This means STOP DOING IT. Then Jesus would forgive them.
However, Jesus NEVER advocated to ANYONE, that they should break the laws of the land. When asked if the Saints should pay tax, which most felt were oppressive he said, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's” Matthew 22:21
When the two criminals were hanging on the Cross, one to his left, and one to his right, they, in essence, asked for forgiveness. He said they would join him in Paradise. But they still died for the payment of their crimes.
Jesus deal with the Spirit of man, not the laws or the land. He did not have the authority, nor was he even interested in pardoning someone from the Laws they violated. But His concern was to make their Spirit right, to go before God, when their time came.
Sorry Rev., but Jesus would NOT have seen these people as oppressed, hated, or in need of pardoning. He would not have hid them from those attempting to enforce JUST laws of the land. He would have told them to go back to their countries and do the right thing, hence, Sin no more. He would forgive them, but would not allow them to continue Sinning.
So the next time someone says to you, “What would Jesus do?” Take a little time and find out for yourself, what Jesus WOULD do, and then, tell them the truth.
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