Hey folks,

We do NOT KNOW. They ASSESS that Iran does not ALREADY have Nuclear weapons. They cannot rule out that they MAY have one already, or that they WILL get one.
We do not KNOW.
Suggests? They are GUESSING.
— Iran is developing the scientific capabilities to create a bomb if it chooses to do so. For example, its civilian uranium enrichment program is continuing.
— Iran retains the scientific, technical and industrial capacity to produce nuclear weapons in the future if its leaders decide to.
If they decide to?
Then I said this.

Then Wednesday. Little Hitler Declared Victory.

The U.S. intelligence report released Monday concluded that Iran had stopped its weapons program in late 2003 and shown no signs since of resuming it, representing a sharp turnaround from a previous intelligence assessment in 2005.
This is a declaration of victory for the Iranian nation against the world powers over the nuclear issue, Ahmadinejad told thousands of people during a visit to Ilam province in western Iran.
Victory? I thought Iran was a peaceful nation. I thought they just wanted nuclear energy for domestic use? I did not know we were at war with Iran. You know, one could take that as We fooled them all. This is a great day. A victory over those that want to stop us.
This was a final shot to those who, in the past several years, spread a sense of threat and concern in the world through lies of nuclear weapons ... Thanks to your resistance, a fatal shot was fired at the dreams of ill-wishers and the truthfulness of the Iranian nation was once again proved by the ill-wishers themselves, Ahmadinejad said, drawing celebratory whistles from the crowd.
Iran has touted the new U.S. intelligence report as vindication of its claims that its nuclear program is peaceful and Iranian officials insist that Washington should take a less hawkish stance and drop attempts to impose new sanctions in light of the report's surprise conclusions.
Then this.
BASED ON THE REPORT, we have no nuclear program. {Laughing} He did NOT say, we have no nuclear program. He said, you did not find it.
Folks, if you actually READ the report, and not just take the snippets that the Mainstream Media and the LWL want you to see, you will find that they really do not know. This report seems like nothing more than rhetoric to further an agenda. Nothing more. One of which Little Hitler, and the traitors in Washington will take full advantage of.
Well folks, just like all the other Liberal Agendas, they throw something out there, the Mass Media spins it, some buy it. But then the FACTS come out, and more and more people see it for what it’s worth. What it is. I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that the authors of this report are full fledged, card carrying members of the LWL, or that this is being proven over and over again to include assumptions and guesses, or maybe the fact that even some of those same spy agencies are now saying “Wait a minute, we did not say that.” Maybe it’s Little Hitler’s own words. Now the Authors of this report are running scared and getting quite defensive.

"National Intelligence Estimates contain the coordinated judgments of the Intelligence Community regarding the likely course of future events and the implications for U.S. policy. The task of the Intelligence Community is to produce objective, ground truth analysis. We feel confident in our analytic tradecraft and resulting analysis in this estimate. "
{Laughing} Yeah, you have to defend it Dr. More and more people are learning the TRUTH. The truth of your motives, and the truth of who you are. The truth that reality is, you do not have a clue, but the timing and the guessing and assumptions that riddle this report, make it less than a piece of garbage. Sorry. Little Hitler is much too dangerous to play your pointless political games.
OPNTalk - People Are Buying The NIE
OPNTalk - Little Hitler Declares Victory
Dr. Kerr
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