Hey folks

Now I do not follow gossip or the entertainment business all that much. I couldn’t really care less. If I like a movie, or a TV show, I like it. If not, I do not watch it. But my existence does not hang on what these people do or say. I do not care what they do after the camera turns off. I do not care who they sleep with, where they live, or what they think, or are told to think, about this or that. However, the sad thing is, MANY people do.
Now to Will Smith. Will made a statement that some took offense to. According to ABC, WPTF.TV 25 out of West Palm Florida, Will Smith Says Hitler Comments Misinterpreted
LOS ANGELES -- Will Smith is angry over celebrity gossip Web site articles that he says misinterpreted a recent remark he made in a Scottish newspaper about Adolf Hitler.
In a story published Saturday in the Daily Record, Smith was quoted saying: "Even Hitler didn't wake up going, 'Let me do the most evil thing I can do today.' I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good."'
He is RIGHT!
Over the weekend, dozens of celebrity gossip Web sites posted articles about the comment, many saying that Smith believed that Hitler was a "good" person.
In a statement, Smith said "it is an awful and disgusting lie." Smith said "Adolf Hitler was a vile, heinous vicious killer responsible for one of the greatest acts of evil committed on this planet."
Now you can like Will Smith, or not. You can actually listen to what he was saying, or you can allow others to dictate to you what he said and how he meant is. The truth is, when he said, "Even Hitler didn't wake up going, 'Let me do the most evil thing I can do today.' I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good.'" he was right.
This is why people like Little Hitler, {Ahmadinejad} are so dangerous. They THINK they are doing good. They THINK they are doing what they are for their GOD. Jesus never compromised. His message was clear. It was not politically correct. It was not all inclusive. "Do whatever you what and follow whatever you like about what I say." Were not the words he preached. Therefore, His disciples did not compromise either.
NO "Holy Book" or "teachings" of any real Religion out there teaches, you can pick and chose what you want to follow. It's all or nothing. Either you are with them, or against them. Even most cults out there believe they are doing the right thing.
This is why negotiations with these people will NOT work. They will not compromise what they feel are directives from GOD. One of the BIG Liberal beliefs is to be all inclusive. To reason and compromise with people to come to an agreement that suits all. But the problem is, these types of people will NEVER do that. This is why they are so dangerous, and why the Libs do not get it. Another reason, THEY {Libs} are so dangerous, and should NOT be elected into power.
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