Hey folks,

Yes, of course I'm talking about Lynne Spears. Mother of Britany and Jamie Lynn Spears. So what's my problem with her? What's not? Truth is folks, Britany and Jamie Lynn are in the situations they are in BECAUSE of HER. She failed as a parent, but that's just the beginning.
Now I understand some of you out there for compassion sake, or just have no clue what it is to be a parent, may have a problem with this one, but it doesn't change the fact that Lynne Spears IS to blame.
Remember when Britany first came out. Sweet, innocent, little girl with a couple of hit songs? Then BAM! At an awards show, she ripped off her cloths, well, the rest is history. Kid after kid, drugs, alcohol, running around without panties flashing everyone. Back on Nov. 9, 2007,

NEW YORK - Lynne Spears say she’s responsible for her daughter Britney’s troubles.
“I blame myself,” she tells Life & Style Weekly magazine.
“What mother wouldn’t?”
EXCELLECT! Taking credit. She got a lot of support for this. People had great compassion on her for taking credit.
“I wish I’d been there more while she was touring,” Spears says. “But I couldn’t be. I had the other kids to look after.”
Did a great job with Jamie, don't you think?
Spears, the mother of three children with ex-husband Jamie Spears, is writing a memoir about raising her family in the public eye. “Pop Culture Mom: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World” is set for release May 11, which is Mother’s Day.
That's not a joke folks. As a matter of fact, according to US Magazine - Yes, It's True: Lynne Spears to Write Parenting Book
Britney Spears’ mother Lynne Spears is writing a book on parenting for Christian publisher Thomas Nelson, Usmagazine.com has confirmed.
Christian? What is Christian about the way she par,,make that FAILED in parenting these two girls?
“We’ve signed her to a deal,” a spokesman for Thomas Nelson tells Us. The book, which will be coming out next Mother’s Day is titled Pop Culture Mom: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World.
“It’s a parenting book that’s going to have faith elements to it. I don’t think it’s totally been written yet,” says the publisher’s rep, who expects the manuscript by December.
{Sigh} Back to MSNBC
“I didn’t raise my children to have Hollywood careers. This all just exploded in my face, and big dreams became big headaches,” says Spears, who recently reconciled with her 25-year-old pop singer-daughter after a period of estrangement.
So HOW did they get into the business? Did someone sneak up to the bathroom window while Britany was singing in the shower and say, SHE has to sing? OH YEAH, it was Mickey Mouse. Wasn't she on the MMC? Who got her in the business MS. Spears? Did you object? Most likely the same amount you object to all the money you are making off your kids.
As a matter of fact, EVERYTHING you seem to do, is an attempt to make MORE money off your kids. What about this? According to IMDB - Lynne Spears
This 2004 TV-movie is based on Britney and Lynne Spears' novel "A Mother's Gift", and was co-executive-produced by the pair. The heroine, Texan teenager Holly Lovell (played by Lindsey Haun), is an aspiring singer and Britney fan - she has a poster of the notorious pop princess on her bedroom wall and Ms Spears' song "Stronger" appears on a number of occasions and in several guises.
This was all about Britany. This was all about Lynne Sprears. I guess you can now do a novel about a teen TV start that gets pregnant at 16. Right?
So you, Ms Spears, said you could not take care of Britany because you had other kids to raise. So, let's talk about Jamie Lynn. You are pushing for another cut of big money, uh, I mean, you are helping your underage daughter further her career in TV. How did SHE get in the business?

So let me get this straight. You set a curfew for you 16 year old daughter, when she is not bringing in more money for you, yet you allow her to date an 18 year old? Is that not statutory rape in you state? Are you planning on doing anything about that?
Now folks, I realize that Jamie will not be fired from Nic. They will exploit this for all they can get out of it. I know that Lynne will not do anything about the ADULT getting her child pregnant. I also know that the Mass Media LOVES this stuff.
A comment is still ringing in the back of my head from Greg Moseley, 18, said he was sick of hearing the name Jamie Lynn Spears. “Why do we care about Britney Spears’s little sister?” Mr. Moseley said. “Why does it make a difference? What does it mean? Nothing.”
EXCELLENT POINT! We as a society tend to do this all the time. We allow some of these dysfunctional stars to dictate to us what WE should think, how we should act, ETC. It's like, "I played a Doctor on TV so I know about this situation and you must listen to me." Or "I played the President, so I know about foreign policy." "I'm and Actor who is sick, so you must listen to me." ETC.
Who cares? Apparently, and sadly, a lot people. So when one of these "Stars" start having a bad influence, they should be corrected or removed from being able to do any more harm.
But in these cases, Britnay and Jamie, who;s to blame? Lynne Spears. Plain and simple. She even admitted it. Congratulations Ms. Spears, for caring more about what your daughters can do for you, fortune and fame wise, then you do about your daughters well being, you ARE the Idiot of the Week. Good luck on your new book.
OPNTalk - Tell Me Again Why I’m Wrong
MSNBC - Lynne Spears takes blame for Brit’s troubles
US Magazine - Yes, It's True: Lynne Spears to Write Parenting Book
IMDB - Lynne Spears
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