Hey folks,

"At this time of year, we acknowledge that love and sacrifice can transform our world. The miracle of Christmas reminds us that God's grace is revealed in the humblest places. Two thousand years ago, the fullness of that grace was found in a tiny manger, and the life born that day changed our world forever. As Christmas approaches, Laura and I extend to all Americans our best wishes, and we hope every family is brought closer together during this season of reflection and rejoicing."

For years, some have bowed down to these Idiotic, self important, and irrelevant groups and removed displays from public property. Only a couple of problems with that. One, there is NO Separation of church and state. Two, over 90 percent of this country, CLAIM to be Christian. It seems that Christmas may actually be coming back.
Get this, from USA Today - Goodwill lacking in Yule disputes, By Wendy Koch, USA TODAY
Christmas fervor is prompting more communities this year to buck secular efforts to take down Christmas trees or Nativity scenes.
Some removed the symbols from public property because of complaints about legality, then later put them back. Missouri State University in Springfield re-erected a Christmas tree after a public outcry about its removal, and Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland ordered two state parks to restore Nativity scenes.
Both sides of the issue say conflict has intensified.

Too bad for you. Talk about an Idiotic, self important, and irrelevant group.
"More and more people are feeling empowered" to protest the absence of Christian symbols, says Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, an advocacy group. "There's a change in attitude." He says more than 95% of Americans celebrate Christmas.
Among the flash points:
•In Green Bay, Wis., Mayor Jim Schmitt cast a tie-breaking vote in the City Council on Wednesday to keep a Nativity scene along with a Santa Claus, reindeer and two Christmas trees on the roof of City Hall. The council put on hold requests for other symbols, including an unadorned, aluminum pole associated with Festivus, a non-denominational holiday that originated on the TV sitcom Seinfeld.
The Wisconsin Legislature voted to rename the balsam fir in the Capitol a "Christmas tree." It had become a "holiday tree" in 1985. "Call it what it is," Rep. Marlin Schneider says, the measure's sponsor. "It's like calling the menorah the 'holiday candlestick holder.' " The state Senate has not voted.
•In Fort Collins, Colo., the City Council rejected a task force's suggestion that holiday decorations be secular only. "People just went nuts about that," Larimer County Manager Frank Lancaster says.
•In Columbiana, Ala., Mayor Allan Lowe countered a complaint about the city's Nativity scene with a new policy that allows seasonal displays on public property. He has asked lawyers to review it.
"I've had nothing but positive support," he says. "We want to celebrate Christmas."
•In Hyde Park, N.Y., a Jewish group rescinded its request to remove a Nativity scene after residents complained, says Pompey Delafield, a town supervisor. "Few things are as emotional as that." He welcomed a Jewish menorah and a Muslim crescent moon and star to the display on the Town Hall lawn.

"The state shouldn't have a Christmas anything," Gaylor says. "It's not supposed to observe religious holidays."
The Supreme Court has ruled that a Nativity scene cannot stand by itself on public property.
Gaylor says she has received e-mails calling her "horrible" names. She adds: " 'Grinch' would be mild.' "

I for one, am glad that more and more people are starting to realize, they do not have to entertain these, and I repeat, Idiotic, self important, and irrelevant groups. They speak for a VERY SMALL minority of like minded folks. They want to change everything around to suit them. THAT is not America.
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