Comedian Al Franken has gone into hiding!

He has been against a withdrawal from Iraq. Until he was for it.
He was against cutting off funds for our men and women fighting in Iraq. Until he was for it.
Al Franken has yet to meet a position on the War in Iraq he won't exploit if he believes it will help secure his party's endorsement.
But, now, when confronted with his various positions - he's simply gone silent.
You see, he's been trying to appeal to the far left and in the process has been less than honest about his (multiple) positions on the War in Iraq. And you can bet that his liberal friends are going to pour millions more into our race to try to let Franken continue to stay hiding.
But our campaign has decided to let Franken's words speak for Franken. We've put together an online video of his so-called "straight talk" on the War in Iraq and our campaign needs your help today to make sure as many people as possible see this video. Please follow this link to watch the video.
We need to make certain we have the resources we need to spread this video to as many people as possible over the Internet. Already on YouTube and other sites there have been thousands of people viewing this video - the response has been tremendous.
You and I know that the War in Iraq is no joke and the voters need to know the truth. This is just a sampling of Franken's lack of candor, and I'm sure you'll agree there's no "straight talk" coming from him on Iraq:
A Timeline for Withdrawal: Franken has argued for and against a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq - today he supports one!
For the War: Franken has been all over the map on this one. He at once claims he would have supported the war - and then says he was an outspoken critic of it!
Cutting Funding for our Troops: Franken opposed cutting off funding for the troops - but now says emphatically that the Democrats must force the President to cut off funds for the troops!
Franken has tried to make a partisan political issue out of Iraq - and now it's catching up to him. Even his own Democratic opponents are challenging him on his many different positions on the War.
Al Franken is a formidable and well-financed opponent, and a left-wing ideologue who will say, do, and spend whatever it takes to win. I'm asking you to help me spread the truth about Al Franken through this video.
Thank you,
Senator Norm Coleman
Al who?
Oh! I remember he was that screw-ball that used to be on Saturday Night Live
He looks like he could swollow his opponants. {Smile}
Yeah SNL. He sucked there too.
Make that Opponents. Talk to you soon.
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