Hey folks,

So NOW? what do we see? According to the AP, MORE investigations and hearings that will accomplish NOTHING. According to the AP - Biden wants special counsel in tape case Biden wants special counsel in tape case.
25 minutes ago
A Senate Democratic leader said Sunday the attorney general should appoint a special counsel to investigate the CIA's destruction of videotaped interrogations of two suspected terrorists.

Pointless. He was CONFIRMED.
Mukasey's Justice Department and the CIA's internal watchdog announced Saturday they would conduct a joint inquiry into the matter. That review will determine whether a full investigation is warranted.
"He's the same guy who couldn't decide whether or not waterboarding was torture and he's going to be doing this investigation," said Biden, who noted that he voted against making Mukasey the country's top law enforcer.
And you LOST. Come on, you should be use to that by now.
"I just think it's clearer and crisper and everyone will know what the truth ... if he appoints a special counsel, steps back from it," said Biden, D-Del.
What in the ,,,
"I think the easiest, straightest thing to do is to take it out of the political realm, appoint a special prosecutor and let them decide, and call — call it where it is. Is there a criminal violation? If there is, proceed. If not, don't," the senator said.
There is NO Criminal violation. We do NOT need to know EVERYTHING the CIA does to protect this country. YOU do not need to know. The KEEP secrets. They should NEVER be forced to let the world know everything they do. Then the ENEMY will not know either. Get the point? Idiot.
The spy agency's director, Michael Hayden, told CIA employees Thursday that the recordings were destroyed out of fear the tapes would leak and reveal the identities of interrogators. He said the sessions were videotaped to provide an added layer of legal protection for interrogators using new, harsh methods authorized by President Bush as a way to break down the defenses of recalcitrant prisoners.
The House and Senate intelligence committees also are investigating.
Of course. So he said he does not want Mukasey, because he fears a political agenda, but yet the House and the Senate do NOT have political motives? Really big Idiot.
The White House was scrambling over the weekend to determine who in the administration knew about the tapes and when. That includes Harriet Miers, who was a deputy White House chief of staff in 2003. Miers became White House counsel in early 2005; she left that job in January.
"I think that Hayden is not to be the judge of whether or not his ordering or his condoning the destroying of the tapes was lawful," Biden said. "It appears as though there may be an obstruction of justice charge here, tampering with evidence, and destroying evidence. And this is — I think this is one case where it really does call for a special counsel. I think this leads right into the White House. There may be a legal and rational explanation, but I don't see any on the face of it."
{Sigh} More pointless rhetoric. More threats. More Do Nothing Show.
Bush "has no recollection" of hearing about either the tapes' existence or their destruction before being briefed about it Thursday morning, White House press secretary Dana Perino has said. She also said the president has "complete confidence" in Hayden's handling of the matter
Waterboarding is a harsh interrogation technique that involves strapping down a prisoner, covering his mouth with plastic or cloth and pouring water over his face. The prisoner quickly begins to inhale water, causing the sensation of drowning.
Mukasey's refusal to define waterboarding as torture came in response to senators' questions about the CIA's alleged use of the technique. Hayden, who took over at the CIA in 2006, that year prohibited the use of waterboarding in CIA interrogations. Torture is illegal both under U.S. and international law.
The tapes showed interrogations of Abu Zubaydah, the first high-value detainee taken by the CIA in 2002. Zubaydah, under harsh questioning, told CIA interrogators about alleged Sept. 11 accomplice Ramzi Binalshibh. The two men's confessions also led to the capture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who the U.S. government said was the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
So the interrogations were successful and may have protected even MORE Americans from dying and the LWL and Biden what to attack those that protect us.
The other taped interrogations showed Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind of the 2000 attack on the USS Cole, which left 17 U.S. sailors dead. He and Zubaydah are now being held at Guantanamo Bay.
You know, what Bill Clinton IGNORED?
Biden spoke on "This Week" on ABC.
Congratulations Sen Biden, for adding to the Congress's Do Nothing agenda, wasting more time and money, and just continuing to attack Bush for the sheer sake of attacking Bush, you are the Idiot of the Week. How about an investigation into all the investigations and hearings that have accomplished NOTHING. How about that Senator? How much time and money has been wasted by YOU and your colleges? I bet the American people really want to know that.
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