Hey folks,
I would expect THIS from Traitor and LWL member Pelosi.

With over 40 resolutions to lose the war.
"Congress has passed more than half a trillion dollars this year for defense, provided our troops with additional equipment, such as mine resistant vehicles, that the Administration failed to request, and offered a strategy that brings our troops home responsibly, safely and soon."
Because if we pull out, we lose, which is what she and the rest of the LWL wants. Oh, by the way Nancey, you are NOT the Commander and Chief. You do not make policy when it comes to a time of war. You HAVE NO SAY.
"Democrats in Congress have repeatedly signaled our willingness to work with the President to make progress for the American people and have been rebuffed at every turn. There is no need for the Administration to fabricate a political standoff when Congressional leaders are willing to find common ground."
Just plain Bull.
"I am hopeful the President will tone down his rhetoric, put down his veto pen, and work with Congress to make progress for the American people."
Translation. "I hope Bush surrenders his Commander and Chief status to us, and we can carry out our mission and lose the war. This way, we can blame him."
Well, she is not the only one declaring victory based on the NIE. Get this, from the AP - Ahmadinejad: Report a victory for Iran
By ALI AKBAR DAREINI, Associated Press Writer
26 minutes ago

The U.S. intelligence report released Monday concluded that Iran had stopped its weapons program in late 2003 and shown no signs since of resuming it, representing a sharp turnaround from a previous intelligence assessment in 2005.
"This is a declaration of victory for the Iranian nation against the world powers over the nuclear issue," Ahmadinejad told thousands of people during a visit to Ilam province in western Iran.
Victory? I thought Iran was a peaceful nation. I thought they just wanted nuclear energy for domestic use? I did not know we were at war with Iran. You know, one could take that as "We fooled them all. This is a great day. A victory over those that want to stop us."
"This was a final shot to those who, in the past several years, spread a sense of threat and concern in the world through lies of nuclear weapons ... Thanks to your resistance, a fatal shot was fired at the dreams of ill-wishers and the truthfulness of the Iranian nation was once again proved by the ill-wishers themselves," Ahmadinejad said, drawing celebratory whistles from the crowd.
Iran has touted the new U.S. intelligence report as vindication of its claims that its nuclear program is peaceful and Iranian officials insist that Washington should take a less hawkish stance and drop attempts to impose new sanctions in light of the report's surprise conclusions.
Of course they do. THAT was what this report was all about folks. "See, we are good. Now go away and let us get back to work."
President Bush defended his approach Tuesday, saying Iran was still dangerous and must be squeezed by international pressure despite the intelligence finding.
The United States and some of its allies accuse Iran of seeking to develop nuclear weapons, a claim denied by Iran, which says its nuclear program aims only to generate electricity.
Iran has rejected two U.N. Security Council resolutions demanding that it halt uranium enrichment, a process that can produce either fuel for a reactor or a nuclear warhead.
Kind of hard to build a Nuclear weapon without it.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said the new U.S. intelligence report meant that Washington's push to refer the case over Iran's nuclear program to the U.N. Security Council in 2006 was "illegal."
"One of the consequences of this report is that referring Iran's nuclear issue to the U.N. Security Council was illegal because, based on the report by U.S. intelligence agencies, Iran had no nuclear weapons program when the issue was referred to the U.N. Security Council in 2006," Hosseini said in a statement Tuesday.
BASED ON THE REPORT, we have no nuclear program. {Laughing} He did NOT say, we have no nuclear program. He said, you did not find it.
Folks, if you actually READ the report, and not just take the snippets that the Mainstream Media and the LWL want you to see, you will find that they really do not know. This report seems like nothing more than rhetoric to further an agenda. Nothing more. One of which Little Hitler, and the traitors in Washington will take full advantage of.
I bet Pelosi is so mad now that President Bush has started to veto their nonsense.
He might as well because it will not change anything that the democrats have been doing all along to undermine this administration
I bet that the LWL is REALLY mad that they are going to give Bush the funding AGAIN without strings for the War.
Or that Reid does not want to to "Be the face of the party anymore."
Or that Obama said he may run for Senate Leader next time. What happened to Running for President?
Yes Sam, they cannot be happy at all.
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