Pete’s in a foul mood!!!!
Hey folks,
I apologize for yesterday. I was here. I was sitting right here in “The Chair.” I will be honest with you. I have had a bad couple of weeks. Yesterday was probably the worst yet. I am just not in a good mood at all. So the things I would usually laugh off, or just ignore for the shear and unadulterated idiocies of them, are, well, pissing me off.
Seriously, I got into the OPNTalk office and started to scan the news. What did I find? Nothing. Nothing worth discussing. Oh, there IS news out there, but none of it even close to reality. None of it worth talking about. So you know what? I just have a quest for you. What happened to this country. What’s wrong with this country? Seriously folks. No articles, no links. Just me ranting a bit. You do not like it, then stop reading now. Have a great Friday, I’ll see you on the Sunday edition of the OPN.
So what’s in the news? Things like this. The NIE says, Bush wrong, Bush Lied, people are dying for nothing. Really? Or this one about a local Pastor, local meaning somewhere here in Florida, I do not remember where, taking on the public school system. Why? Oh the public school system wants to take a field trip to a drug store to buy condoms. Then they want to go back to school and have GRAPHIC demonstrations of how to put them on. Or, more Global Warming bunk. Or, another young Celeb Chick is self-destructing on national TV, for all to see. Or, Mitt will not make a good President because he is Mormon. So he gives this speech about how it will not effect his decisions. {Sigh} How about this one? Yet another kid goes into a Mall and guns down like 8 people? What’s wrong with this country?

Well, it’s happening again. He has his appeasers. He has those talking nice to him.

What’s wrong with this country when a group of people can come together and tell you a bunch of bunk, tell you, YOU are destroying the planet, and there are actually people that BELIEVE them. What ever happened to looking into the FACTS yourself?
What ever happened to commonsense? Where did all the sheeple come from? Why can we, as the most intelligent animal on the planet, not use our OWN intellect? Take the last elections. Ask some, “who did you vote for?” They say Pelosi, Reid, or “who are you going to vote for?” Clinton, Obama, Edwards. Why? Duh? She is a woman? I think he’s honest. I like HIS hair?
Truth is, and VERY scary, you hold up a picture of Pelosi, Murtha, Reid, They have NO CLUE who they are, let alone what they say and do. But hold up a picture of Brittany? “Oh that’s Brittany. She REALLY should where underwear.” What’s wrong with this country?
I took a beak, I noticed my Comment and Email Checker put a subtitle up there. I’m leaving it. I am in a foul mood.

But what’s wrong with this country when someone would rather watch a Jackass, not cursing here, actually the name, movie with some guy getting hit in the groin, than they would hear what’s going on around them. When more people care about what they can get for free, doing their own thing, or trying to get fame and foreign, than they do about their own families. When we pay actors MILLIONS of dollars to play pretend, give them credibility, passes, and privilege, yet pay our Teachers, in care of our most valued treasures, NOTHING. When we remove personal responsibility, right and wrong, and create gray areas and Psychobabble to explain it all away.
What’s wrong with this country when it does not care about itself enough to protect itself? Have we fallen so far away from the beginning? From the time we fled oppression and pulled up our bootstraps, forged ahead to make a new beginning? When you worked or died. When you knew right and wrong and CARED. When everyone was on the same page. Freedom or death? Have we fallen so far from the American Dream that we do not even know what it was?
I don’t know folks. I know that my little rant here is because I am in a foul mood. REALLY foul. I know I’ve had a REALLY bad couple of days. I know that it will past. A new day dawns tomorrow. A new beginning. Maybe I’ll be in a better mood then.
Oh yeah. It IS Friday, “From the Emails” coming right up. See you Sunday.
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