Thursday, June 07, 2007

Open Letter from Mel Martinez on Immigration

Hey folks,

I’ll be one hundred percent honest with you. I was planning on taking today off. I stopped in just long enough last night to sent an Email to DS Harford who will be filling in my next rare day off, when I found that he had sent me this. It’s an open letter by Mel Martinez on Immigration that was printed in the Orlando Sentinel. A local paper here in Florida. He asked me what I thought about it. Well, thanks Doug. I have so much to say about it, I’m NOT taking today off. {Smile}

Here it is in it’s entirety. Out of respect for Senator Martinez, and yes I respect him, I will not interrupt him. I will let you read it in it’s entirety so you can get the full effect. I will be back with my analysis and comments after.

In defense of immigration bill

Written by: U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez Publication: Orlando Sentinel

June 3, 2007 -

Immigration reform is very personal to me. As an immigrant to this great country, I am a product of the American Dream. I understand what it means to stand, raise your right hand, and swear allegiance to the United States. I respect the enormity of that commitment, our traditions, and our language. I know the value of not only learning English but more importantly learning and living the spirit of being an American. As Congress moves forward with reforming our nation's immigration laws, it is essential we remember the American spirit as part of our immigration discussion.

At its core, illegal immigration is a problem born of the success of our nation. The American Dream is a worldwide attraction, and many are willing to risk their lives to gather even a glimpse of it. We have a booming economy and a huge demand for all levels of labor. These realities plus our failed immigration policies and porous border have resulted in a 20-year flow of illegal immigration amounting to an estimated 12 million people. As lawmakers, it is not only our duty but our responsibility to address this problem. As a sovereign nation, we must arrive at a solution that satisfies the security of our borders.

First and foremost, the bill we are debating will make our border more secure. It calls for the completion of several specific border-security measures before any other aspect of the bill is implemented. Among the measures: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) must have a total of 20,000 border security agents; build at least 370 miles of additional and strategic border fencing and 200 miles of vehicle barriers; must create and implement effective identification tools using biometric technologies to verify identity and employment eligibility. These measures must be met or else immigration reform will not move forward.

Our nation has record-low unemployment levels and the demand for all levels of labor remains consistently high. There are jobs for every willing American, but given the dynamic sustained growth of our economy, there still is a need for additional workers. This imbalance creates unsustainable pressure at our borders.

This is why, once certain border-security requirements are met, the bill institutes a temporary-worker program to provide the labor America desperately needs. Workers from other countries will have a clear understanding before coming here that they're coming to work for a limited period of time. Combined with the DHS identification verification system and steep sanctions against employers who hire unverified workers, the demand for undocumented workers will decrease dramatically.

Regarding the 12 million people who are here today illegally, this bill provides an opportunity for them to come out of the shadows and for the U.S. government to know who is in our country. It is imperative we find a fair and practical solution to this problem; it is vital to our society and our national security.

As a nation of immigrants, we must arrive at a humane policy that is aligned with the rule of law. Those who play by the rules are rewarded; those who break our laws will pay penalties. Under the Senate bill, illegal immigrants coming forward will be on probation; they will submit to a background check; they will agree to pay fines; they will prove employment and must maintain employment for as long as they wish to reside in our country. Failing to follow this course or failing any of the requirements will result in deportation.

Those coming forward must be law-abiding and contributing members of our society, and they will know they are our guests. For those individuals who pay fines, maintain employment, obey the law and learn English, they can have a path forward to stay here and continue to work. If they go back to their home country, they can then apply for permanent residence and go to the back of the line as any fair system would dictate.

For those concerned about the fiscal impact associated with border security and immigration reform, the Congressional Budget Office reported on May 23rd that the solution we have drafted "would result in a net increase in revenues of $70 billion to $75 billion over the 2008-2017 period."

To those who choose to ignore the problem, call any effort to address it "amnesty," or politicize potential solutions, I would say, provide a solution; provide an idea for securing the borders, bringing 12 million people out of the shadows, and answering the labor needs of our nation.

We, as Americans, must decide whether we want to live in a society where there is a permanent underclass of 12 million people hidden from the law, often paid less than living wages, and disenfranchised from our culture, or we can embrace the spirit that has made America so great and bring people out of the shadows, give them an opportunity to live within the law and become responsible, contributing members of our society. Those who choose humanity over divisive rhetoric will be rewarded with a country that is stronger, more productive and more enduring as we forge ahead in this great experiment of democracy.

Mel Martinez is a Republican United States Senator for Florida and the only immigrant currently serving in the Senate.

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