Hey folks,
It’s Tuesday. At least it’s another day closer to the Weekend if nothing else. I have been arguing with a few people over the past half year or so, that Global Warming is not fact. There is NO Global Warming. There are those that say that due to a "consensus," it has to be true.

These people that believe in Global Warming, have no God. Mother Earth is their God. Well, OK, let me break it down for you.
Christianity {Just picking one} has a God. Christianity has Heaven and Hell. To get to Heaven, you have to accept the Savior. Follow what he says. Do His will. Give of yourself. If you sin, and do not become repentant, you go to Hell.
GW has Mother earth. GW has a savior. Al Gore. You must do what he says, follow his commandments. If you do, you will go to heaven. A clean, and healthy earth. One that will grant you long life and life for your children. You have to give of yourself, your money. You have to buy carbon offsets from the companies that are being set up. Like the one Al Gore owns. The one he buys {Cough} from. Then you can be absolved of your sins. But if you sin, say fail to change your light bulbs, then you are evil. You will go to hell. A dead earth that will destroy you and generations to come.
Both are absolutes. There is no questioning. No debating. Both are facts that the followers will fight to their dying breath to convert you. Neither will be swayed from their convictions. To true believers, it is insane that you do not see the "reality" of the situation.

Playing equal parts visionary, cheerleader and comedian, Al Gore brought his message of how to fight global warming to a capacity crowd of receptive architects Saturday in San Antonio.
Don’t forget messiah
The former vice president referred continually to a "new way of thinking" that is emerging in the country and offered hope in the battle to control the effects global warming will have on the planet.
"It's in part a spiritual crisis," Gore told the crowd in the Convention Center at the American Institute of Architects national convention. "It's a crisis of our own self-definition — who we are. Are we creatures destined to destroy our own species? Clearly not."
"It’s in part SPIRITUAL?""It's a crisis of our own self-definition — who we are." YES Brother, I hear ya.
Then the article continues as ABSOLUTE FACT. Even if it’s not even close to being PROVEN fact.
Global warming is the heating of the Earth caused in large part by man-made emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Most scientists agree such warming and the changing climate that comes with it will likely cause a number of problems and crises this century, particularly in developing countries that have few resources to combat the effects.
These looming problems involve flooding and severe coastal erosion from rising seas and increasingly severe storms, more common and prolonged drought, and changes in the growing seasons and migration patterns of many wild species.
Gore told the architects they are in a unique position to help solve the problems by continuing to push building standards and methods that conserve energy and water. The message was in line with the focus of this year's AIA conference, titled "Growing Beyond Green."
YES! We must not stop. We must fight the good fight. "Growing beyond the green", uh, whatever that means.
Gore, seen by some as a polarizing political figure, has long championed environmental issues. In 1992, he wrote the best-selling book "Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit," and he won an Academy Award this year for his film "An Inconvenient Truth."
His speech was often interrupted by thunderous applause and explosive laughter from the several thousand architects who packed the Convention Center's ballroom.
"I used to be the next president of the United States," Gore deadpanned to the laughing crowd as he introduced himself. "I don't find that funny. Put yourself in my position. I flew in Air Force Two for eight years. Now I have to take off my shoes to get on an airplane."
Do you REALLY take off your shoes before getting in YOUR private jet? I doubt it. OH that was a joke. Ha ha.
Yes folks, there you have it. You MUST Convert or meet the end. You have to be GREEN, or you will cease to be at all. Bow ladies and gentleman, at the alter of Global Warming.
WAIT!! I almost missed this. Get this last paragraph.
On the request of Gore's media handlers, Saturday's event was closed to the media. Because of the importance of the issue and Gore's status, the San Antonio Express-News chose to cover it anyway.
{Laughing hard, banging hand on desk, wiping tear from eye.} Oh I have to go. See you tomorrow.
KENS 5 -Gore sees 'spiritual crisis' in warming
I wish he would get some new jokes,
sounds like he has this canned act, that he gives where ever anyone will listen. Just think he almost became the President, but even with the Major News Networks who tried to throw the election (giving florida to Gore before the polls where closed) he lost. Someone up there is watching.
{Laughing} Yeah me too. O8 is starting to turn very interesting. It seems to be ALL or nothing for the News Media and the LWL.
I have a feeling we may have an all Lonney, I mean, Democrat show in 08. I think it really is going to take our safty and security destroyed, free speech gone, and the biggest tax in crease in history, before the Sheepeople out there start to think for themselves. Then it will be corrected. I would hate to see the damage done by then though.
It will be interesting to see how the LWL and MMD handle it if they LOSE in 08. Look at France.
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