Hey folks,

It was originally reported this way. According to USA Today -Kansas tornadoes kill at least 1
GREENSBURG, Kan. (AP) — Rescuers pulled about 30 people from a partially collapsed hospital Saturday after a tornado ripped through this southwest Kansas community and killed at least one person.
The injuries of those who were trapped there were minor, said Sharon Watson, spokeswoman for the Kansas Adjutant General's Department.
The tornado struck Friday night, leaving a broad swath of destruction in the Kiowa County town about 110 miles west of Wichita. The storm front spawned tornadoes along a path stretching northeast from Greensburg through central Kansas.
Watson said authorities were trying to account for all the residents of the town, and did not have an exact count on the injured.
Phone service to the town of about 1,600 residents was knocked out, and the state's department of transportation was trying to restore emergency service.
Get this.
Sharon Watson, spokeswoman for the Kansas Adjutant General's Department, said the state fire marshal's office dispatched hazardous materials teams because railroad cars in Kiowa County had overturned.
She said the National Guard was sending 40 troops to provide security around Greensburg.
Shelters were opened for Greensburg residents at Barclay College and a high school in nearby Haviland.

The government’s response to the disaster was undermined by ongoing National Guard deployments to the Middle East, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius said.
‘Recovery will be at a slower pace’
"I don’t think there is any question if you are missing trucks, Humvees and helicopters that the response is going to be slower," Sebelius said. "The real victims here will be the residents of Greensburg, because the recovery will be at a slower pace."
Now wait a second. Where did THAT come from? I thought we just read they were THERE.
White House spokesman Tony Snow rejected the criticism, saying the National Guard had equipment positioned around the country to respond to disasters when requested by states.

Brownback said Tuesday that local officials and the Kansas National Guard commander all told him they have the resources needed to respond.
"That's what really got me, is her saying that," Brownback said in an interview.
"So I asked, privately and publicly, the adjutant general, do you have the equipment you need?" he said. "Because if you don't, we're going to hit Fort Riley and McConnell (Air Force Base) and other places to make sure we have all the equipment we need to respond to disasters. Everybody there said no, we have the equipment we needed."
Now there is a rumor starting out there folks. I went to their website, but could not see that they posted it. But Quinn and Rose on the War Room, claimed to have a source telling them that Gov. Sebelius actually called Sen. Brownback to apologize for her political statement. When asked WHY would she have made it, get this, according to Quinn on the air yesterday, Gov Sebelius told Sen Broneback that Howard Dean contacted her after the storm and told her NOT to ask for help. Let the Government take it’s time and complain as much as possible. Basically, "Blame Bush." She, according to Quinn, did what she was told, but now regrets making the statement.
Now if this is true, you see what these people are all about. People DIED. An entire town destroyed. Instead of everyone pulling together to help, the LWL’s first thought? Politics, and "get Bush." That is just sick.

How do we dismiss this? How can we spin this? Let’s see, "He was lied to." No that's not it. "He was mis-lead by Bush." No that wouldn't work either. Wait, "He was JOKING." No, this was a really bad thing. Cannot joke about that. Come on people, how can we,,,,WAIT I got it. "He's sloppy." No, no, no, OK roll tape. He was just tired." That's it. Go with that.
"He was just tired. He made a little mistake. No big deal. He has been on the road for x amount of time and just mis-spoke. Let's not forget, it's all Bush's fault anyway. He arranged the Tornado to hit them. He wanted to clear the way for Government contracts to be dolled out to his friends to rebuild." Or "Insert you conspiracy theory here."
Well, according to Gulf News- Obama admits to making mistake during speech.
Washington: Late in the evening, towards the end of yet another speech, Senator Barack Obama wound up for a final surge of rhetoric to please the 500 people crammed into an arts studio for a fund-raiser that overwhelmed the air-conditioning system.
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas," declared the man vying to become America's first black president, his sleeves rolled up and his forehead glistening with sweat.
"Ten thousand people died - an entire town destroyed. Turns out that the National Guard in Kansas only had 40 per cent of its equipment and they are having to slow down the recovery process."
It was meant to be a choice morsel of political red meat for Democratic activists in Richmond, Virginia - an accusation that the US Army National Guard is dangerously overstretched. But as Obama quickly realised, he had committed the kind of verbal slip for which Bush has become famous.
I love that paragraph. So how did he apologize for his mistake?
"There are going to be times when I get tired," he told the crowd. "There are going to be times when I get weary. There are going to be times when I make mistakes."
So just remember folks, anytime you hear the President "mis-speak," it’s just because he is tired. He is fighting two wars. One here, and one elsewhere. But I have a question. If Obama makes mistakes THIS big campaigning, does he have what it takes to BE the President? Ten thousand is a little bit different than ten.
Again, my prayers go out to the families in need right now in Kansas. There really are people who care about you, and are NOT looking to making this political. I hope you are receive the peace and strength you need in this time of your lives.
USA Today -Kansas tornadoes kill at least 1
MSNBC -Death toll from Kansas tornado rises to 10
MSNBC- Brownback disputes Kansas Guard shortages
Quinn and Rose
Gulf News- Obama admits to making mistake during speech
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