Around 200 plus years ago a few men came up with the idea that people were capable of governing themselves. The idea wasn’t widely accepted and had never really been tried before. The closest to this revolutionary concept was Ancient Greece. However a Greek Democracy wasn’t what they had in mind. Their idea was to include everyone. It should be noted that slavery wasn’t their favorite institution either, but real world politics kept the issue going until later.
From this handful of men was given birth to a country like never seen before. The Grand Experiment as it has been called became an outstanding success.
But never forget that, it still is an experiment.
Today there are numerous examples that it will continue, but unfortunately there are also those that give evidence to its failure.
It has to do with individual freedom which includes the right to be wrong. It has to due with the role of government. It has to do with our philosophy on life. It has to do with tolerance. Most of all it has to do with self ownership and how we define ourselves.
If all of you think that mankind consists of individual volitional beings, all having value, then those few men were right. Unfortunately all of us don’t believe this.

Just as we have the right to vote for who represents us in the governments we also have the right to vote in the market place. When you purchase something you are really voting for it. The product that gets the most votes is the winner. All is based on the premise that the people know what is best for them. Of course all the other products are still around continually trying to get your votes, unless governments interfere. Those few men understood the temptation of other men once they are part of government. A politician for the most part is an individual that has a plan for us. He or she has a preconceived blueprint for our well-being. A well-being defined by them, not necessarily as defined by you. It’s also very tempting for these individuals to make claims when trying to get your votes of giving you something. Note; I didn’t say selling you something. When you buy something you are trading something of lesser value for something of greater value to you. Or you wouldn’t make the trade. It’s called the free market place. With political gifts you are usually giving up a piece of free choice.
A few areas to illustrate what I’m saying, although there are many more.

The income tax is one of the better tools that government uses to produce a society to its liking. I’m not saying we shouldn’t pay taxes, but there are other ways of doing it, in order for our government to be financially supported. One of the latest plans put forth is a national sales tax. You don’t buy anything you don’t pay taxes. The more you spend the more taxes that you pay. Obviously the wealthier people will pay more taxes and the poor will pay less. However the Government today or should I say the current gang of politicians would never allow something like this to happen. It would cost them the control they so desperately need over you, in order to implement their blueprints and it’s the reason that income tax is so complicated. You want more people to marry; introduce joint filing to save taxes. Want more single people; then do a marriage penalty tax. Want people to buy homes, even if they can’t afford them; let them deduct the interest payments. Want less credit cards; no deducting the interest there. Need to get more taxes, then do a c02 tax, and as always redistribute the funds according to your view of what the world should be. I find it interesting that according to some politicians that the gas we exhale is causing the globe to warm up. I feel so guilty. (Notice I didn’t say scientist)
How about seatbelts as an example? Not a big deal you should use them. Driving a fucking car is probably the most dangerous thing you can do, but am I a criminal if I don’t. It’s a prime example of government protecting me from myself. Is this what those few men had in mind? If you adopt the premise that government can protect me from myself then were do you stop.

How about a fat tax? We could have a national weigh-in on April 1 every year and be taxed for so many pounds overweight. Think of all the good it would do. It would save lives, discourage the few from eating more than their fair share of the food and make everyone more healthier and happier. In addition we could pro-rate it with your income, then the fat rich would really pay their share. You could then take the taxes and breed more polar bears. You think that is ridiculous, give it a few years and hope no thin liberals read this.
Government grants is one of those evils that those few men would have been appalled at the level we do it today. Millions of dollars are given out every year by our government to prove, influence or achieve their view of what the world should be. Also subsidies that are done to maintain the market place where they want and keeping it to fit in their blueprints of the world.

Educating your children isn’t really up to you. You just think it is because you were brainwashed by the same criminals that are brainwashing your kids. It’s called public education, when it should be called child indoctrination. You are made to believe that you have a say in what is being taught your child, but unless you can afford to send him/her to a private school, you are stuck with the local establishment. Here he/she will be indoctrinated into homosexuality, global warming, save the manatees, polar bears, (not seals because polar bears eat seals),drugs, anti-Americanism and atheism. Your child is different than other children? You need to be concerned about what that difference is. He/She may end up in the back of the class so he/she won’t disturb the rest of the group. If your child by chance learns to read, write and balance a check book you are fortunate. Never mind that he will not learn real American History, that there may be a God or that the world is round.
Some suggestions offered has been what is called the script system. It basically is your child is worth a certain amount of state/federal funds. You chose what school he/she goes to and that school gets the funds. And how do you think the current public education system feels about this plan? Allow parents to decide how their kids are educated? How preposterous can you get. Parents aren’t capable of deciding something so important as the education of their children. Only those who have a thorough knowledge and training are capable of child indoctrination.
I could go on and on, but, the size of this opinion needs to be kept in line.
I truly think there is a serious problem in this country and I’m not talking about whether you consider yourself a liberal, conservative, democrat or a republican. What I’m talking about is how we define ourselves and the fact that each human being is a volitional independent being who has never been seen in the past, not duplicated in the present and never to be repeated in the future. We are all here for a split second and then never to be seen again. Everyone is unique as those few men understood and tried to set up a place where it would manifest itself.
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