Race or Belief?
Hey folks,
Happy Thursday to you. You know, all day yesterday we got "There’s no connection between the six men arrested for planning an attack on Fort Dix and Al-Qaeda." The Guru word of the day was "Homegrown Terrorists." There is a reason for this folks. We cannot worry about these guys. They are not part of Al-Qaeda and they are not part of the war on terror. They were just some really "friendly" {According to ABC News} but misguided individuals. They WERE NOT Al-Qaeda. They were not Al-Qaeda. They were not, oh, ok, they were Islamic extremists, but they WERE NOT Al-Qaeda. They were "homegrown." You get the point.
First, three of them were illegal aliens. How is that homegrown? How did they get here? Who sponsored them to come here? Two, they were watching videos by Bin Laden. Three, on the video that they MADE, they were shouting for Jihad, praising Allah. They were practicing and preparing to attack US interests, to witt, Fort Dix. Fort Dix is a training facility for those going off to fight in Iraq.
The press want you to know, they are NOT Al-Qaeda. Hey they are like white folks. {Sigh} ABC even attempted to humize these guys and tried to make them seem just like you. According to ABC News -Fort Dix Suspects' Lives Gave Few Clues, by KATHY MATHESON
Each summer, the family two doors down from Michael Levine in this affluent suburb of Philadelphia would bring over baskets of vegetables they had grown in their backyard.
The three brothers owned a roofing business, and the women in the ethnic Albanian family wore head scarves. They kept farm animals in the backyard until others in the neighborhood of tidy two-story houses complained, Levine said.
Authorities say the brothers' unremarkable blue-collar lives belied the mayhem they allegedly planned to unleash with others in a plot to kill hundreds of soldiers at Fort Dix. They and three other foreign-born Muslims living in the area were arrested Monday night.
"You would not think that they would be capable of plotting something like this," Levine said of the brothers. "When I found out this morning, my heart stopped."
Eljvir Duka, 23, Dritan Duka, 28, and Shain Duka, 26, were charged in the alleged plot to storm Fort Dix with automatic machine guns and semiautomatic rifles and kill as many soldiers as they could.
Also arrested were Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, 22, of Cherry Hill; Serdar Tatar, 23, of Philadelphia; and Agron Abdullahu, 24, of Buena Vista Township. Shnewer and Tatar were charged in the alleged plot; Abdullahu was charged with aiding and abetting the Duka brothers' illegal possession of weapons.
The Duka brothers should not have even been here. They were illegal aliens. They were all training to attack US. It goes on and on about how they kept to themselves and people are shocked to learn, blah, blah, blah.
But the press in general yesterday kept saying theat there is no connection. Some were even implying this base on the color of their skin. This leads me to two main questions.
Look at my picture in the upper left hand corner at this site. What am I? What race and religion, am I? What creed do I follow? Now those of you that have known me for a while know, but forget that. Just by looking at my picture. Can you tell?
Look at a group of people today. At your job, school, at the mall. Tell me how many of them there are Christian? Can you? Christians are White, Black, Indian, Hispanic, Philippine, ETC. Tell me by looking at them, do they all believe in the same thing? Look at our soldiers fighting in this war. Are THEY all one race?
Hey folks,

First, three of them were illegal aliens. How is that homegrown? How did they get here? Who sponsored them to come here? Two, they were watching videos by Bin Laden. Three, on the video that they MADE, they were shouting for Jihad, praising Allah. They were practicing and preparing to attack US interests, to witt, Fort Dix. Fort Dix is a training facility for those going off to fight in Iraq.
The press want you to know, they are NOT Al-Qaeda. Hey they are like white folks. {Sigh} ABC even attempted to humize these guys and tried to make them seem just like you. According to ABC News -Fort Dix Suspects' Lives Gave Few Clues, by KATHY MATHESON
Each summer, the family two doors down from Michael Levine in this affluent suburb of Philadelphia would bring over baskets of vegetables they had grown in their backyard.
The three brothers owned a roofing business, and the women in the ethnic Albanian family wore head scarves. They kept farm animals in the backyard until others in the neighborhood of tidy two-story houses complained, Levine said.
Authorities say the brothers' unremarkable blue-collar lives belied the mayhem they allegedly planned to unleash with others in a plot to kill hundreds of soldiers at Fort Dix. They and three other foreign-born Muslims living in the area were arrested Monday night.
"You would not think that they would be capable of plotting something like this," Levine said of the brothers. "When I found out this morning, my heart stopped."
Eljvir Duka, 23, Dritan Duka, 28, and Shain Duka, 26, were charged in the alleged plot to storm Fort Dix with automatic machine guns and semiautomatic rifles and kill as many soldiers as they could.
Also arrested were Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, 22, of Cherry Hill; Serdar Tatar, 23, of Philadelphia; and Agron Abdullahu, 24, of Buena Vista Township. Shnewer and Tatar were charged in the alleged plot; Abdullahu was charged with aiding and abetting the Duka brothers' illegal possession of weapons.
The Duka brothers should not have even been here. They were illegal aliens. They were all training to attack US. It goes on and on about how they kept to themselves and people are shocked to learn, blah, blah, blah.
But the press in general yesterday kept saying theat there is no connection. Some were even implying this base on the color of their skin. This leads me to two main questions.
Look at my picture in the upper left hand corner at this site. What am I? What race and religion, am I? What creed do I follow? Now those of you that have known me for a while know, but forget that. Just by looking at my picture. Can you tell?

Someone pointed out this next piece to me yesterday. This is great. It’s from ADNKRONOS International, ADNKI.com-TERRORISM: U.S. ARMY BASE PLOT 'CONFIRMS EXISTENCE OF WHITE AL-QAEDA' BALKAN EXPERTS SAY
Belgrade, 9 May (AKI) - The arrest of four ethnic Albanians, a Jordanian and a Turk in the United States on Tuesday on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack at the United States army base in Fort Dix, New Jersey, confirms the existence of a "white Al-Qaeda", Balkan terrorism expert Darko Trifunovic told Adnkronos International (AKI) on Wednesday. Trifunovic said the arrests showed "white Al-Qaeda at work." He compared the Fort Dix plot to a February attack in Salt Lake City when a Bosnian Muslim youth, Sulejman Talovic went on a shopping mall shooting rampage. Six people including Talovic were killed another four were injured in the attack.
I knew there was a connect between the Mall Shooter and all this.
Trifunovic, a professor at Belgrade University's Faculty of Security Studies, was the first to develop a theory of "white Al-Qaeda", which he said was introduced to the Balkans during 1992-1995 civil war in Bosnia when thousands of 'mujahadeen' from Islamic countries came to fight on the side of local Muslims. Many mujahadeen have remained in the country, and are believed to been indoctrinating local youths with radical Islam and even operating terrorist training camps, Trifunovic said, quoting western and Balkans intelligence sources.
Al-Qaeda has adopted a new tactics of using white European youths for terrorist attacks, "because of their non-Arabic appearance," Trifunovic told AKI. "The strategy is to indoctrinate or poison the hearts and minds of youngsters to psyche them up for the future terror operations," Trifunovic said.
"And that is exactly what is now happening in the United States," he added. The US authorities arrested three ethnic Albanian brothers from Serbia’s breakaway Kosovo province, Sain, Elvir and Dritan Duka, another ethnic Albanian, Agron Abdulahu, a Jordanian, Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, and Serdar Tatar, a Turk.
Michael Drewniak, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s office in Newark, New Jersey, said the suspects "were planning an attack on Fort Dix in which they would kill as many soldiers as possible". Drewniak described the group as "Islamist militants from the former Yugoslavia and the Middle East," who apparently had no ties to international terrorist organisations, but were organised on a local level.
Several of the suspects said they were ready to kill and die ''in the name of Allah,'' according to court papers. The defendants, all men in their 20s, reportedly include a pizza deliveryman suspected of using his job to scout out Fort Dix, three builders and taxi-driver. They were arrested while trying to buy AK-47 assault weapons and M-16s from an informant, authorities said.
Many Balkan terrorism experts have been warning for years that Al-Qaeda had active cells in Muslim-majority Kosovo and a training camp in the village of Ropotovo. Kosovo has been under United Nations control 1999, when NATO airstrikes drove Serbian forces out of the province amid ethnic fighting and allegations of gross human rights abuses.
International officials have ignored the warnings and minimised the danger Al-Qaeda poses, according to Balkan analysts.
In a joint NATO-Bulgarian report in March 2005, the head of Bulgarian state security Kirco Kirov cited Kosovo as a "direct source of regional instability and a hub for international terrorism." The report called for joint action by all European countries.
The US authorities said that Abdulahu was a sharp shooter in the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) before fleeing to the US. Fort Dix is a training ground for American soldiers and reservists before they are sent to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, but in 1999 it served as a shelter for thousands of ethnic Albanian refugees from Kosovo.
Serb immigrants’ web sites noted that US officials carefully avoided identifying the four ethnic Albanians as such, calling them only "Islamic militants from former Yugoslavia." A commentator on the SerbBlog said that Washington, which backs independence for Kosovo, is embarrassed by the discovery of the Fort Dix plot, "because the truth might mess up the PR for Kosovo Albanians getting to rip off a piece of Serbia to create their own country - a move that has the full support of the US State Department."
Belgrade military analyst Zoran Dragisic said the Fort Dix plot "once again shows that Islamist terrorism is highly organised - from Kosovo to America - and the US intelligence services know this very well." Dragsic expressed doubt, however, that the latest incident would change the American stance on Kosovo, "because Washington doesn’t change its positions easily."
Second question. As basically answered in the last piece. If I want to get something done. I know that the Police are looking for people that look like me. Why would I NOT hire, encourage, try to recruit Black folks? Indian folks? Anyone that did not LOOK like me? Is this not logical? They would stand a better chance of getting done what I wish, because in this situation, they are low profile. People would not be looking at them as hard. Right?
As you hear all this garbage, "They are not Al-Qaeda." "There is no connection." Just think about this logically, and, well, just THINK about it. Why would they NOT be?
ABC News -Fort Dix Suspects' Lives Gave Few Clues
Build-Up of Bosnian-Albanian Terrorist Activity in US Follows Extensive, But Ignored, Warnings
The arraignment on May 8, 2007, in the US District Court in New Jersey, of six men on terrorism-related charges relates directly to a pattern of Islamist terrorist support operations by Bosnian and Albanian radicals in the New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania area which had been extensively document by number of services in recent years. Initial US Government statements on the matter, including the initial statement by White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, attempted to obfuscate the origins, nature, and links of the alleged plot by the six defendants arrested in connection with a planned attack on the US Army facility at Ft. Dix, New Jersey.
And while documented linkages of a legal evidentiary nature between the six arrested men and the known al-Qaida-linked Bosnian/Albanian figures may be difficult to obtain, the circumstantial linkages, and the climate of preparation for such an event, are clear from an intelligence assessment standpoint.
Firstly, all the men charged with conspiring to conduct the attack were within the area where Bosnian Islamists worked with “Islamic charities” to develop terrorist training operations before and after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. Secondly, four of the six men charged are ethnic Albanians from the former Yugoslavia, and three of those Albanians charged are members of the Duka family, who operated a roofing business, which is also the area of business in Brooklyn, New York — very close to Cherry Hill, NJ, the home of the Dukas’ — of Florin Krasniqi, an Albanian from the Serbian province of Kosovo. Krasniqi was a major supplier of weapons from the US to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), a declared terrorist organization, and a man who had known links with a major KLA figure linked to al-Qaida, Niam Behzloulzi, also known as “Houlzi”.
“Houlzi” is a second-ranking leader in the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA/UCK: Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosove), who provided the explosives for the terrorist attacks on London (July 7, 2005) and Madrid (March 11, 2004). [The Madrid bombings reportedly used a mixture of CK123 — a Chinese [PRC] plastic explosive — and C4 explosive; the London bombings used the CK123 and some other additives, according to XXX sources.]
See Special Analysis, October 25, 2005, entitled New Evidence Highlights Albanian Link to Explosives Used in London, Madrid Bombings.
It is not possible that the Dukas and Florin Krasniqi were not known to each other. Krasniqi, however, had powerful US political allies, having engaged in fundraising activities which gave money to then-US Presidential candidate and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander (SACEUR), Gen. Wesley Clark, with Krasniqi working both with Clark and former US (Clinton Administration) Ambassador to the UN Richard C. Holbrooke.
The six men charged in connection with the alleged plan to attack Ft. Dix are:
Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer, 22, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey; born in Jordan; currently a US citizen who drives a taxi in Philadelphia;
Eljvir Duka, 23, of Cherry Hill, NJ. He also goes by the names Elvis Duka and Sulayman; born in the former Yugoslavia. Illegally residing in the US; operates businesses known as Qadr. Inc., Colonial Roofing, and National Roofing;
Dritan Duka, 28, of Cherry Hill, NJ. Also goes by the names Distan Duka, Anthony Duka, and Tony Duka. Born in the former Yugoslavia. Illegally residing in the US; operates, with his brother, businesses known as Colonial Roofing, and National Roofing.
Shain Duka, 26, of Cherry Hill, NJ. Also goes by the name Shaheen. Born in the former Yugoslavia and resides in the US legally. Operates businesses known as Colonial Roofing and National Roofing with his two brothers, named above;
Serdar Tatar, 23, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Born in Turkey. Illegally residing in the US. Last known employment was with a 7-Eleven convenience store in Philadelphia;
Agron Abdullahu, 24, of Buena Vista Township, Atlantic County, NJ. Born in the former Yugoslavia. Legally residing in the US; employed at a Shop Rite Supermarket.
The Duka family name is well-known in Albania, where Agron Duka was Minister of Agriculture and Food, but also — concurrently — a major figure in cocaine smuggling [see Special Analysis, July 17, 2006: Current Narco-trafficking Routes in Albania Linked with Former Prime Minister Fatos Nano]. However, there is no evidence at this stage of a connection between the Duka family in the current US terrorist case and the former Albanian minister. However, the known linkage of Minister Agron Duka with Albanian organized crime — and therefore, almost certainly, the KLA, which manages much of the international Albanian criminal activity — makes the prospect of connections with Albanian KLA-linked financial interests in the US, such as Florin Krasniqi, very likely.
Significantly, much of the “former Yugoslavia” jihadist terrorist network — including much of the activity linked with jihadist and KLA activities in Kosovo — still centers around Bosnia. It is believed that one of the key figures supporting terrorist training and operations in the New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania areas, a man known as Safet Catovic, may be Albanian. He was illegally given a Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) passport [Passport No. BH-46600] in Vienna, Australia, by an Islamist BiH official, Huso Zivalj, who later became BiH Ambassador (Permanent Representative) to the United Nations, in New York. There, he secretly, and illegally, brought “Catovic” into the diplomatic BiH structure just before and after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York.
Zivalji’s and Catovic’s involvement in supporting terrorist operations in the US was detailed in Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily of September 17, 2003, in a report entitled Bosnian Official Links With Terrorism, Including 9/11, Become Increasingly Apparent as Clinton, Clark Attempt to Justify Support of Bosnian Militants, and in subsequent reports. A Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis report of May 2, 2005, entitled Bosnia-Herzegovina Proposes as New Ambassador to the US Woman With Strong Links to Islamist Terrorism, highlighted the links which Zivalj had with the woman, Dr Bisera Turkovic, a radical — but modern — Islamist supporter of the late Pres. Alija Izetbegovic, subsequently sent to the US as BiH Ambassador, where she currently still serves.
Significantly, Zivalj moved out of the US immediately after the 9/11 attacks, and before his normal tour of duty should have ended. The whereabouts of Catovic — who maintained the links to the regional terrorist training camps and “Islamic charities” — is now unconfirmed. However, a Saffet Catovic is now listed as a teacher of religion at Noor-ul Iman school in Monmouth Junction, New Jersey. An Abir Catovic, presumably his wife, was also listed as a teacher of religion at that school. One student at Noor-ul Iman school in 2007 described Saffet Catovic as “usually scary and sometimes mean”. Again, however, while it is presumed that Saffet Catovic, the Muslim religious teacher at the New Jersey school, is the same as the Safet Catovic who worked with improperly-secured UN credentials with Amb. Zivalj, this has not been verified.
Once again, however, the apparent linkages are too important to overlook. And even if no direct linkages can be ascertained, the reality nonetheless remains that people such as Krasniqi, Zivalj, and Catovic set a tone of jihadism — and, in fact, promoted or undertook physical actions in support of terrorism — which were alleged to have been taken up by the six defendants in the Ft. Dix affair. Moreover, there is rarely a neatly documented linkage between terrorist actors and their sponsors, but the current “soup” surrounding the Ft. Dix operation contains key US political figures — Gen. Clark and Amb. Holbrooke, two confidantes of Pres. and Sen. Clinton — and a serving Bosnian Ambassador to the US, and increasing evidence of the critical involvement of Bosnian and Kosovo Islamists in terrorist activities across Europe and the US.
What is significant is that the US Government has been careful to downplay the potential of any linkages into the Balkan terrorist hub, in large part because the US State Dept. and Intelligence Community backed both the Bosnian jihadist-oriented Government of Pres. Alija Izetbegovic and the KLA operations in Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). There is, as a result, a greater sense that US officials are more concerned with preserving their careers than admitting that they unwittingly supported groups who were, in the final analysis, actually opposed to the US itself.
Hey Mr. Trifunovic,
Welcome to the OPN.
I have been hearing more and more about the connection of the Clinton Administration and these arrested. I have heard more and more of the fact WE as a country, brought them here.
I had know idea how much we were really involved. I thank you VERY much for joining us here and giving so much detail about the situation. I love when facts prove out something to the point it cannot be denied.
I know not to many people check out the comment section, so I will be higlighting your comment here as the main "Daily Article" on Monday so all can get the FACTS.
Again Sir, I thank you for taking the time out to participate here. Please feel free to stay in touch and stop by anytime. You never know what you might see here. {Smile}
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