Hey folks,

I have been warning you about this. Others are telling you the same things. This IS BAD. This is NOT logical. This is NOT right. This HAS to be stopped. I have told you that all those provisions mean NOTHING. Why? Because as soon as the President signs the bill, they are legal. That’s right folks, 12 to 20 million illegals ‘Poof’ legal. So what is the reason for the provisions? They have already, which I told you they would, started to question if they are "fair" or not.

The great immigration struggle of 2007 has moved from the Senate chamber in Washington to the continent at large. With Congress taking the week off, it’s time for constituents to weigh in. You can be sure of this much: The debate will get louder before it gets better.
The problems with the restrictionist provisions of the Senate immigration bill are serious and many. It includes a path to citizenship for 12 million illegal immigrants, which is a rare triumph for common sense, but that path is strewn with cruel conditions, including a fine — $5,000 — that’s too steep and hurdles that are needlessly high, including a "touchback" requirement for immigrants to make pilgrimages to their home countries to cleanse themselves of illegality. The bill imposes an untested merit-point system that narrows the channels through which family members can immigrate.

And it calls for hundreds of thousands of guest workers to toil here temporarily in an absurd employment hokey-pokey — you put your two years in, then one year out, then repeat that twice and go home forever. It would be massive indentured servitude — colonial times all over again, but without any hope of citizenship for those taking our most difficult and despised jobs.
It doesn’t say who wrote this tripe. It would be interesting to know. Anyway you get the point. But if they are legal with the swipe of a pen, then what’s the point in all these "cruel conditions?"
You folks have had the phones in Congress ringing off the hook. You have been calling everyone and telling them what you think. GREAT JOB! This has caused some problems for everyone involved in this. As well it should. According to LA Times -Immigration reform debate puts up a wall within the GOP By Peter Wallsten Times Staff Writer back on May 27,
WASHINGTON — The roiling congressional debate over a plan to legalize undocumented immigrants has rekindled a bitter fight in the Republican Party over the best strategy to restore the GOP to political dominance — with each side accusing the other of following a course that would destroy the party for decades.
The clash has grown increasingly intense in recent days, drawing in the most senior figures in Republican politics. President Bush aimed unusually pointed language Thursday at critics, many in his own party, who opposed a more permanent status for illegal immigrants.
Even more so yesterday, more on that in a second.
Two conservative senators were booed by Republican crowds in their home states last week for endorsing the legalization effort. And conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh attacked the Bush-backed plan as the "Destroy the Republican Party Act."
I’m attacking this plan as well. As well as I am aware of, MANY, in the tens if not hundreds of thousands, crossing all party, race, religious, and sexual orientation lines. EVERYONE is against this plan except a hand full of writers, and the President. Should this NOT tell you something? Get this,
But conservatives and many opinion leaders argue that backing the immigration bill is a dangerous course because it angers the GOP's mostly white base, as well as swing voters open to the message of national security and law enforcement.
{Laughing} You RACISTS you. Rudy Fernandz is right about one thing.
"We are at a crossroads in our country and, yes, in our political party," said Rudy Fernandez, a former deputy to White House strategist Karl Rove and one of the GOP's chief architects of Latino outreach.
EVERYONE is against this, not just Republicans. Some of them are FOR it. But as usual, if you question some of the insanity out there, YOU are deemed the one with the problem. From Reuters -Bush: Don't kill immigration reform By Tabassum Zakaria
U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday pleaded with congressional opponents of a compromise immigration reform bill not to kill it.
Senate leaders from both major parties and White House officials have crafted a fragile compromise on an overhaul of the immigration system that Bush supports, but it has met resistance from both ends of the political spectrum.
Fighting to salvage what many analysts see as one of his few shots at a major legislative achievement in his final term, Bush insisted there is a "desperate need" to overhaul the immigration system.
"The system is broken to the point where people are being used as human cargo," Bush said in a speech at a federal law enforcement training center.
SECURE the BOARDER Mr. President. Do not reward 12 million FELONS. Do not bankrupt this country in what you seem to see as compassion. This is a BAD plan. Why do you think there are so many AGAINST it? He went on to say this.

"Now is the time for members of both political parties to stand up and show courage and take a leadership role and do what's right for America," he added.
TRANSLATION TIME! "Do not listen to those that put you in office. This is what I want you to do. This is what I feel is good for America. I understand you have been put under pressure. Forget that. Do the ‘right’ thing." Unbelievable.
I know this is going long, but I don’t care. Now according to AP-Bush attacks immigration deal opponents By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer
President Bush attacked opponents of an immigration deal Tuesday, suggesting they "don't want to do what's right for America."
"The fundamental question is, will elected officials have the courage necessary to put a comprehensive immigration plan in place," Bush said against a backdrop of a huge American flag.
AGAIN, No matter what YOU think.
He described his proposal — which has been agreed to by a bipartisan group of senators — as one that "makes it more likely we can enforce our border — and at the same time uphold the great immigrant tradition of the United States of America."
OK, I HAVE to ask. HOW Mr. President, is awarding 12 million Felons with citizenship going to make "it more likely we can enforce our border?" HOW? Please explain this to me. Anyone?
Bush spoke at the nation's largest training center for law enforcement.
He chose the get-tough setting as conservative critics blast a Senate proposal as being soft on people who break the law. Hoping to blunt that message, Bush emphasized that any new options for immigrants and foreign workers would not start until tougher security is in place.
PROVE it Mr. President. Secure the borders FIRST. Then we will talk about immigration reform.
The presidential stop came during a congressional recess, with senators back home and facing pressure from the left and right on the immigration plan. Bush's aim is to build momentum for the legislation, perhaps his best chance for a signature victory in his second term. The Senate expects to resume debate on it next week.
"A lot of Americans are skeptical about immigration reform, primarily because they don't think the government can fix the problems," Bush said.
Now this creates a BIGGER one. This one gets me. It REALLY does.

I want to KILL the whole thing. I do not care about the provisions that will be overturned in the long run. I do not want our welfare system bankrupt from this influx. I do not want 12 million Felons rewarded with citizenship. I do not want a welcome mat put out saying get here however you want, we will reward you. I do not want fines that will end up being paid by ME. There is not a "slice" I do not like Mr. President, it’s the whole thing. Tell me Sir, HOW is this right for America?
"You can use it to frighten people," Bush said. "Or you can show leadership and solve this problem once and for all."
People are already FRIGHTENED Mr. President. Frightened and Mad as Hell.
Folks, now is the time you need to intensify your pressure on your elected officials. Make the message simple. No matter what the future holds, you vote for this bill, you are OUT! You will NEVER have my support again. Simple message. Vote Yes for this bill, you are out. And YES, it is, just that simple.
NYT Editorial -Make a Bad Bill Better
LA Times -Immigration reform debate puts up a wall within the GOP
Reuters -Bush: Don't kill immigration reform
AP-Bush attacks immigration deal opponents