Sunday, April 15, 2007

IWA for Sunday 041507

Hey folks,

Yes, there is no big surprise this week. EVERYONE knows this weeks winner. Not only is he this weeks winner, he is the frontrunner for the Idiot of the year. Don Imus.

Here is a guy that has been on the radio for nearly two decades. He has raised a lot of money for charities and has been well liked by a lot of people.

Think about this folks. He got to get up in the morning and go and do a job, get well paid, and go home. The difference in him and most, he LOVED what he did. I would. Most would love to have a job that they love going to, that more than just paid bills, and gave them a headache. He got there. He made it.

But this all came crashing down by his own stupidity. Three little works ended it all. "Nappy Headed Hos" Those three words ended his career. Those three words destroyed all the good he had accomplished in the past. Three words that he should have known better.

Now I know that you could argue that these words are out there and even being used on a daily bases. You can argue that double standards that exists in our society. But for someone who uses words for a living, Don Imus HAD to know that HIS use of the words would create a major problem for him.

Take me for example. I KNOW that there are certain words and phrases that I REALLY need to stay away from. I know that I, as well as Imus, have a Constitutional RIGHT to say them, but I am intelligent enough to know that even though this is the truth of the matter, I will pay a dear price for their utterance. I may win in the end, but the damage may be too much to recover from. So I avoid the whole battle.

I have no idea what Imus was thinking, or if he was thinking at all, but I would be willing to bet he agrees that due to this momentary laps in judgement, uttering those three little words has earned him the right to the Idiot of the Week Award.

Congratulations Mr. Imus, You ARE the Idiot of the Week. Not only that, you are without a doubt, the frontrunner for the Idiot of the Year. You may of may not believe this, but I really do wish you the best.

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