Hey folks,
In the "Health and Science" segment this week, I have a question. How Ready are WE? In the news on a daily bases is the war. Is the war here at home between Congress and the White House over the war. Nothing getting done at all.
While this is going on, some news outlets offer puff stories about celebs, as to take a break from politics. Who is sleeping with who. Who is dying. Where’s the money / kids going. Who got arrested, and why. Blah, blah, blah. Then right back to Politics.

But what I’m talking about is nature. Well, so to speak. It is out there. It IS coming. So? Are we ready? According to the AFP -Four-year-old girl 32nd case of bird flu in Egypt
A four-old-girl girl has become the 32nd case of bird flu reported in Egypt, the fifth child afflicted in the North African country during the past week.
The "fifth child afflicted in the North African country during the past week?"
The health ministry said late on Saturday that Mariam Abdel Fatah from the town of Qanater, just north of Cairo, had been diagnosed with the H5N1 virus and taken to a hospital specialising in treating the condition.
Two other cases, both children from the impoverished south of Egypt, were announced the same day: Ibrahim Mahmud Helmi, four, from Qena province and Mahmud Mohammed Shalabi, seven, from Sohag.
Following the announcement Tuesday of two other children infected, there were at least half a dozen other cases of minors stricken by the deadly avian flu virus in March alone.
Women and children have borne the brunt of the virus due to their role in taking care of domestic fowl. Egypt is the hardest hit by the virus outside Asia.
The government says it is conducting a vigorous campaign to combat the spread of the virus through vaccinations and raising awareness, but cases continue to appear. So far 13 people have succumbed to the virus.
Now I tried to go to the CDC website to get a better definition of the "Bird Flu" virus. Basically, it seems they have not updated in a while. It says "Bird Flu" that doesn’t usually effect people, and that when it does, it is usually the sick and elderly. I repeat above, "A four-old-girl girl has become the 32nd case of bird flu reported in Egypt, the fifth child afflicted in the North African country during the past week."
Then this story, also by the AFP -Bird flu hits Vietnam duck farms
Bird flu has struck two poultry farms in Vietnam's far south, killing 65 ducks and forcing the slaughter of 20 more, state media and veterinary officials said Sunday.
The latest cases were reported by the animal health department just days after Vietnam said there had been no new outbreaks in 21 days, the time period after which an epidemic is technically considered contained.
I guess they were wrong about that also.
The 65 ducks, which were 20 days old and unvaccinated, began dying on March 22 on two small farms in Khanh Binh Dong commune of Ca Mau province and later tested positive for the H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus, said the department.
Avian flu hit Vietnam from late 2003, killing 42 people over the next two years and devastating the poultry industry, but authorities contained the epidemic and no new human cases have been reported since November 2005.
Until now. I understand that accord to The World Health Organization, "it has only killed 170 people World wide," I believe the number is most likely much higher, {unreported cases, ETC.} but as this article ends, "Experts fear it could trigger a pandemic if it mutates to pass easily among humans."
The BBC asks Would free-ranging stop bird flu?
The outbreak of bird flu on a turkey farm in Suffolk has sparked a debate over whether intensive farming or free-range is better for the animals.
It goes on to say there is a debate between the two methods.

They are also in a better position, they say, than farmers with free-range birds, to monitor their health and administer medicine if necessary."

Now I do not know if any of these methods work to prevent any diseases. But at least they are trying. What are we doing in this country? I would like to think that we are working on different ways to prevent diseases. Do we have scientists across the country working on preventive, if not a possible cure. Is our government doing ANYTHING about this apparent return and increase of this very real threat?
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying we need to worry to much about this, yet, however, it would be wise not to ignore it either. There seems to be an increase in the re-occurrence of "Bird Flu" around the world. Now is the time to work on a solution. Before it becomes OUR problem.
AFP -Four-year-old girl 32nd case of bird flu in Egypt
AFP -Bird flu hits Vietnam duck farms
BBC -Would free-ranging stop bird flu?
Timeline: Bird flu in Britain
You reminding me of the outcry from some on the left that President Bush was doing nothing about the bird flu epidemic and that this was just another reason to hate him because everything was his fault and because the President did not jump into a lab and immediately find a cure the U.S. was going to be devastated by this.
Yada Yada
Your article pointed out the reality
Hey Sam,
I see this as a very REAL problem, that seems to be being ignored. I blame everyone for it. From the President, Congress, press, all the way down to me and you. This is not something that is anyone’s personal fault that it is happening. It is something in nature. But the fact that it seems to be back {increasing in activity} we have to get involved. It is coming.
My point in posting the article is awareness. It is out there. It is increasing. People are dying. My point is simple. Our government needs to investigate protective measures, and possible cures. Our Congress should be legislating if needed and investigating this real threat. The President should be warning, teaching, and just keeping the American people informed of this on going threat.
Me and you? We have a self responsible obligation to keep ourselves informed on what goes on outside our little comfort zones. We need to be aware of our surroundings. If we hear something that effects all, regardless or politics, religion, race, sex, sexual orientation, rich, poor, smart, dumb, fat, skinny, WHATEVER, we have an obligation to share that information. Chances are GREAT that you will never get this. But if you do, chances are you MAY die. It doesn’t care who you are or what you believe.
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